General Papers
PL: Modelling for design and manufacture of textile composites | |
Andrew Craig Long |
PL: Image Analysis of Full-Field Vibration and Strain Data | |
John E Mottershead |
PL: Weak Galerkin Finite Element Methods: Theory and Algorithms | |
Junping Wang |
TPL: A multiscale boundary integral formulation for modelling damage | |
Ferri Aliabadi |
TPL: Using CFD for Aircraft Aeroelastic and Flight Dynamics Analysis | |
Ken Badcock |
TPL: Explosive interactions of granular media with structures | |
Vikram Sudhir Deshpande |
TPL: Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials | |
Yuantong Gu |
TPL: An Industrial Application of Thermal Convection Analysis | |
Hiroshi Kanayama |
TPL: Computational Otolaryngology – Modeling and Simulations of Nasal Airflows | |
Heow-Pueh LEE, Jian Hua Zhu, Shu Jin Lee, De Yun Wang |
TPL: Soft Active Polymer and their Composites: Recent Progress and Future Applications | |
Jinsong Leng |
TPL: Beyond finite element method: towards robust and accurate meshless method for computational biomechanics for medicine | |
Karol Miller |
TPL: Using backbone curves to model the response of weakly coupled nonlinear oscillators | |
David Wagg |
MS-0: Theory of computational methods
Keynote: Finite integration method for solving multi-dimensional partial differential equations | |
Pihua Wen |
Solving 2D multi-crack problems with arbitrary distribution by virtual boundary meshless least squares method | |
qiang xu |
A Differential Quadrature Hierarchical Finite Element Method and Its Application to Thickness-shear Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Quartz Plates | |
Bo Liu |
Application of Lattice Green Function & Lattice Boltzmann Model to Lithosphere-asthenosphere permeability | |
Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Volume Element Methods for Elliptic Optimal Control Problems | |
Ruchi Sandilya, Sarvesh Kumar |
MS-1: Computational Mechanics for Solids and Structures
Keynote: Stress Concentration Factors of Matrix in a Composite Subjected to Transverse Loads | |
Zheng-Ming Huang |
Keynote:Convolution Quadrature BEM for Wave Analysis in General Anisotropic Fluid-Saturated Porous Solid and its GPU Acceleration | |
Akira Furukawa, Takahiro Saitoh, Sohichi Hirose |
Keynote: SAPNOLM–A Software Package for Landslide Simulation | |
Mingwu YUAN |
Keynote: Finite element analysis of sustainable and deconstructable semi-rigid beam-to-column composite joints | |
abdolreza ataei |
Dynamic analysis of two-dimensional periodic structures based on precise integration method | |
Qiang Gao, Ying Feng |
ODE-Solver-Oriented Computational Method for the Structural Dynamic Analysis of Super Tall Buildings | |
Yaoqing Gong, Xiancheng Wang |
Complex modal analysis using undamped modes | |
Yujin Hu, Li Li |
Modelling of Energy-absorbing Behavior of Polymer Foams Reinforced Metallic Tubes | |
Accurate Transient Response Analysis of Non-Classically Damped Systems | |
Li Li, Yujin Hu, Ling Ling |
A Symplectic Integrator for Rigid Body Dynamics Based on Unit Quaternions | |
Xiaoming Xu, Wanxie Zhong |
Nonlinear finite element analysis of Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) columns under projectile impact loading | |
Size and Scale dependence of the behavior of Truss Models: A Gradient Elasticity Approach | |
Olufemi Taiwo AKINTAYO |
Construction of second order gradient continuous media by the discrete asymptotic homogenization method | |
A Variational approach and finite element implementation for controlled drug delivery | |
A nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model with damage for solid propellant | |
KyeongSoo Yun |
Comparison Between Residual Stress Measurements and Eigenstrain Approach at Round Edges | |
Stefano Coratella |
A second-order cell-centered Lagrangian scheme for one-dimensional elastic-plastic problems | |
Jun Bo Cheng, Eleuterio F. Toro, Song Jiang |
MS-2: Optimization Design of Complex Structure Systems
Keynote: Shape and topology optimization with finite cell method using fixed grids | |
Weihong Zhang, Shouyu Cai, Liang Meng, Jihong Zhu |
Keynote: Topology optimization of metallic antennas design for radiation energy maximization | |
Shuitan Liu, Qi Wang, Renjing Gao |
A Pod-based Reduction Approach For Multiscale Nonlinear Structural Design | |
Liang Xia, Piotr Breitkopf |
Topology optimization with Shape Preserving Design | |
Jihong Zhu, Weihong Zhang, Yu Li |
A 3D Knowledge-Based On complicated Mould Design system | |
amit kumar Haldar |
MS-3: Particle Based Methods
Keynote: Particle-Based Multiscale Simulation within the MPM Framework | |
Zhen Chen |
Keynote: Tied Interface Grid Material Point Method for Problems with Localized Extreme Deformation | |
Yanping Lian, Xiong Zhang |
Invited: Investigation of High-velocity Impact Process of Honeycomb Material with Meso-structure-based Simulation | |
Ping Liu, Yan Liu, Xiong Zhang |
Invited: Numerical Study of Drag Reduction of Flexible Fibers in Viscous Fluid using SPH-EBG method | |
Xiufeng Yang, Moubin Liu, Shiliu Peng |
Invited: SPH simulation on high velocity impact of C/SiC composite | |
Fei Xu, Yang yang, Zhongbin Tang |
Invited: Molecular Dynamics Based Material Modeling of Cement Paste | |
Ram Mohan |
Self-adaptive Lie Series Method and its Symplecticity | |
Yufeng Xing |
A Numerical study of the impact resistance of woodpecker’s head | |
Yuzhe Liu, Xinming QIU, Xiong Zhang, TongXi YU |
Analysis of Central Sloshing Experiment Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Method | |
Sergey K Buruchenko |
Preliminary investigations into progressive failures using the implicit material point method | |
bin wang, Philip Vardon, Michael Hicks, zhen chen |
Numerical Simulation of Drops Impacting on Textured Surfaces | |
SHUO CHEN, Yuxiang Wang |
MS-4: Structural Integrity – Fracture Mechanics
performance study of iterative solver for incompressible materials | |
Hiroshi Kawai |
On mixed mode stress intensity factor evaluation using Interaction Integral Method for the tetrahedral finite element (for cracks with kinks) | |
Yuki Wakashima, Hiroshi Okada |
MS-5: Numerical Methods for Fractional Order Differential Equations and their Optimal by Control
Legendre-collocation method for nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kinds | |
Zhao Tinggang |
MS-6: Numerical methods for two-phase flow and fluid-structure interaction
Simulation of Flow-accelerated Corrosion based on Wall Shear Stress on Metal Surface | |
Kazuhiro Suga |
Numerical Investigation of Blade Vibration Coupling Using Fluid–Structure Interaction Approach | |
Yun Zheng, lian-jie Yue |
Numerical Simulation on Cavitation in a Vane Pump with Moving Mesh | |
Qunfeng Zhang, Xiao YUn Xu |
The Robust Godunov type Upwinding Schemes To solve Multiphase Multi-Equation Models | |
Yang-Yao Niu |
Simulation of Liquid-Solid Interaction using a Phase-Field-Lattice Boltzmann Method | |
Roberto Carlos Rojas Molina, Tomohiro Takaki |
MS-7: Modeling and simulation of functional materials and structures
Keynote: Phase field modeling of the magnetization vortex of ferromagnetic materials | |
Jie Wang, Jianwei Zhang |
Invited: Cohesive Zone Modeling of Cracking along the Cu/Si Interface in Nanoscale Components | |
Yabin Yan, Takashi Sumigawa, Takayuki Kitamura |
Invited: Magnetoelectric Effects in Functionally graded multiferroic laminated plates and shells | |
Chunli Zhang |
Rita Greco, Giuseppe Carlo Marano |
Material Tailoring in Functionally Graded Hollow Cylinders under Non-axisymmetric Loads | |
guojun Nie, Z Zhong |
Theoretical Studies on the Salts Formed by Triazoles with Nitrate and Dinitramide | |
xueli zhang |
Analytical investigation of 2D phononic crystals with imperfect interface | |
Xingyi Zhu |
First-principles Calculation on Ferroelectricity of Ultrathin PbTiO3 Nanotube | |
Xiaoyuan Wang, Takahiro Shimada, Takayuki Kitamura |
Hydro-geochemical Model for Treating Acidic Groundwater using a Permeable Reactive Barrier in Australia | |
Udeshini Pathirage, Buddhima Indraratna |
Transient dynamic crack analysis in multifield coupled smart functional materials by XFEM | |
TINH QUOC BUI, Chuangzeng ZHANG, Sohichi HIROSE |
Models for Scattering of Surface Waves from Scratches on a Surface | |
Haidang Phan, Younho Cho, Jan D. Achenbach |
MS-8: Smart and multifunctional composites
Keynote: Dynamics, thermodynamics and stability of dielectric elastomer | |
Liwu Liu, Jinrong Li, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng |
Keynote: Magnetic Multistable Structures - Experiments and Simulations | |
Stoyan Smoukov |
Investigation on Elastic Fibers Enforced Shape Memory Polymer Composites | |
Jian Sun |
Design and manufacture smart mandrels using shape memory polymer | |
Haiyang DU, Liwu Liu, Fanlong Chen, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng |
MS-10: Numerical Methods for Damage and Fracture Analyses in Composites
Keynote: Application of XFEM using CZM to damage propagation analyses of CFRP composite laminate | |
Toshio Nagashima |
Invited: The effect of stacking sequence on foreign object damage to CFRP laminates | |
Ryo Higuchi, Tomonaga Okabe |
Numerical modeling of curvilinear corrugated-core sandwich structures subjected to low velocity impact loading | |
Tawan Boonkong |
MS-11: Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics
Keynote: A Balancing Domain Decomposition Method Combined with a Diagonal-Scaling Preconditioning for Multi-Materials | |
Masao Ogino |
Invited: An Efficient Parallelization and Asymmetric Solver for the FSI Solver based on the SUPG/PSPG Method and the Enriched Free Mesh Method | |
Yasushi Nakabayashi, Shinsuke Nagaoka, Yoshiaki Tamura, Genki Yagawa |
Invited: Effect of GPU Communication-Hiding for SpMV Using OpenACC | |
Olav Aanes Fagerlund, Takeshi Kitayama, Gaku Hashimoto, Hiroshi Okuda |
Preconditioner Construction for Magnetostatic Domain Decomposition Analysis | |
Hiroshi Kanayama, Masao Ogino, Shin-ichiro Sugimoto |
A Balancing Domain Decomposition Method with a Multigrid Strategy of Magnetostatic Problems | |
Daisuke TAGAMI |
Comparative Study of Sparse Matrix Storage Schemes in the Finite Element Analysis of Thermal-Structure Coupling Problems | |
Abul Mukid Mohammad Mukaddes, Ryuji Shioya, Masao Ogino |
MS-12: Stochastic Modelling and Probabilistic Engineering
Keynote: Stochastic Models, Uncertainty Quantification, and Inverse Problems with Low-Rank Tensor Approximations | |
Hermann G. Matthies |
Keynote: Variational Formulation of Stochastic Dynamics | |
Invited: Statistical Reconstruction of Multiphase Random Media | |
Chenfeng Li |
Sample-based Reliability Estimation Method in Computational Mechanics employing Extreme Value Distribution | |
Chan Kyu Choi, Anas Batou, Christian Soize, Hong Hee Yoo |
Coherent and Compatible Statistical Models in Structural Analysis | |
Maria Nogal, Enrique Castillo, Aida Calviño, Alan O'Connor |
Poroelasticity of Polycrystalline Composites and its Relationship to Biopolymer Induced Pore-Clogging Effects for Improving Water-Flood Efficiency | |
James G. Berryman |
Spatial and Temporal Variability of a Geo-Structural System | |
Michael Davidson, Jae Chung, Harald Klammler |
MS-13: Atomistic and Continuum Simulations on Materials Strength and Properties
Keynote: Evaluation of the mechanical property of ferrite lamellar in pearlite microstructure | |
Tetsuya Ohashi, Yohei Yasuda |
Keynote: Atomistic Fracture Toughness of Magnesium Alloy Mg-Y by Molecular Dynamics Simulations | |
Yoji Shibutani, Daisuke Matsunaka |
Invited: Study on Mechanical Model of Nafion Membrane | |
Isamu Riku |
Invited: A First-principles Study of Twin Boundary and Surface Energies of Magnesium Alloys | |
Daisuke Matsunaka |
Invited: Influence of Random Nucleation Condition on Transformation Kinetics in Phase Field Simulations | |
Takuya Uehara |
Invited: Lattice Defect Model of Kink Deformation and Configurational Force | |
Akihiro Nakatani, Xiao-Wen Lei |
Global vs. Local Instabilities of Pure Bcc Iron | |
Kisaragi Yashiro |
Crack propagation simulations in complicated material micrsotructures by multi-phase-field crack model | |
Tomohiro Takaki |
Finite element analysis of frictional properties of hierarchical ramification structure on a flat surface | |
Xiaoru Wang, Akihiro Nakatani |
MS-14: Structural and material optimization
Invited: Computing Lipschitz and Calmness Moduli in Linear Optimization | |
María Josefa Cánovas, Abderrahim Hantoute, Juan Parra, Francisco Javier Toledo |
Computational Methods on Tool Forces in Friction Stir Welding | |
Zhao Zhang |
Topology Optimization of Anisotropic Materials under Harmonic Response Based on ICM Method | |
Hongling Ye |
Form-finding of topologically complex shells using isogeometric analysis and trimmed surfaces | |
Pilseong Kang, Sung-Kie Youn |
MS-15: Regularization Algorithms in BEM
Keynote: BEM Analysis of Actively Cooled Thermal structures | |
Xiao-Wei Gao |
Keynote: Adaptive Precise Integration BEM for Solving Transient Heat Conduction Problems | |
Bo Yu, Weian Yao |
Invited: Inversion of Temperature-dependent Thermal Conductivity for 2-D Transient Heat Conduction Problems Based on BEM | |
Huanlin Zhou |
Free vibration analysis of the functionally graded coated and undercoated plates | |
Yang Yang |
Analysis of the temperature fields in anisotropic coating-structures with the boundary element method | |
Changzheng Cheng |
MS-16: Orthopaedic biomechanics and mechano- biology
Study on the Stability of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty | |
Haea Lee, Soo Min Kim, Soung-Yon Kim, Soo-Won Chae |
MS-17: Analytical and numerical analysis of electro- and magnetomechanical systems
Variational bounds for the effective electroelastic moduli of piezoelectric composites with electromechanical coupling spring-type interfaces | |
Yin Shi, Yongping Wan, Zheng Zhong |
Torque and Flux Density Optimization of a Small BLDC Motor Using the Electromagnetic FEM | |
Investigation of the Structural Integrity of Embedded Device Composites | |
Yi Xiao, Wenjing Qiao, Hiroshi Fukuda, Hiroshi Hatta |
MS-18: Computational and Theoretical Biomechanics
Keynote: Cyclic Conformational Changes in GPCR Revealed by Normal Mode Analysis | |
Moon Ki Kim, Min Hyeok Kim |
Simple Matrix Method with Nonhomogeneous Space Increments in Finite Difference Method | |
Sungki Min, Junghwa Hong, Hunhee Kim |
MS-19: Modelling and simulating multifield coupling behaviour of smart materials and structures
Qingsheng Yang, Wei Wei, Lianhua Ma |
A new multiscale method for geometrically nonlinear shape morphing of fluid actuated cellular structures | |
Jun Lv, Hui Liu, Wu Hong Zhang |
Thermomechanical analysis of porous SMP plate | |
tao ran |
MS-20: Engineering Inverse Problems
An Inverse Identified Method for the Spatial Distribution of Dynamic Loads | |
Jie Liu |
Parameter estimation approach for particle flow model of rockfill materials using response surface method | |
shouju li |
Static structural uncertainty analysis based on a modified double Monte Carlo method | |
Zhao Xiao |
MS-21: Modelling and Simulation of Fiber-Reinforced Composites,
Modelling compressive crush of composite tube reinforced foam sandwiches | |
Jin Zhou |
Analysis of the hollow structure with functionally gradient materials of Moso bamboo | |
Lianchun Long, Kai Chen, Zhaokun Wang |
Mechanical Characterization of novel contour core panels | |
amit kumar Haldar |
Modelling structural response of flax-based composite interlocking structures | |
Mohd Zuhri Mohamed Yusoff |
MS-22: Uncertainty Modeling & Reliability Analysis
Keynote: A reliability analysis method for structures with correlated parameters using vine copula | |
Chao Jiang, Wang Zhang, Xu Han |
Keynote: Uncertainty in non-linear long-term behavior and buckling of shallow concrete-filled steel tubular arches | |
xue shi, wei Gao, yonglin pi |
Invited: Explicit iteration based-MCS for random vibration of nonlinear systems | |
Cheng Su, Huan Huang, Haitao Ma |
Uncertain multi-objective optimization using a nonlinear interval number programming method | |
Xin Liu |
Lucas Pereira Gouveia, Eduardo Toledo Lima Junior, João Paulo Lima Santos, Jorel Lopes Rodrigues Anjos, William Wagner Matos Lira |
Long-term analysis of crown-pinned concrete-filled steel tubular arches | |
Kai Luo |
A New Method for Hybrid of Probability and Interval Uncertainty Analysis | |
Jinglai Wu |
MS-23: Computational Mechanics 0f Cells and Biomaterials
Keynote: Porohyperelastic finite element model for the kangaroo humeral head cartilage based on experimental study and the consolidation theory | |
Noyel Deegayu Namal Thibbotuwawa, Tong Li, Yuantong Gu |
Keynote: Mechanics of biological materials with helical structures | |
Xi-Qiao Feng |
Viscosity related fatigue mechanism of bio-multilayers | |
Yue Ding, Gangfeng Wang, Xinrui Niu |
MS-24: Atomic and Multiscale Modelling and Simulation
Keynote: Mechanical Properties and Behaviors of Hierarchically Nanotwinned Materials under Indentation and Scratch | |
Yonggang Zheng, Haitang He, Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye |
Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of collapsed carbon nanotubes fibers by coarse-grain molecular dynamic simulations | |
Xia Liu, Qing-Sheng Yang |
Engineering the mechanical properties of graphene nanotube hybrid structures through structural modulation | |
Kang Xia, Haifei ZHAN, Ye WEI, Shengbo Sang, Yuantong Gu |
Electric Field-Controlled Performance of Fluid-Filled Carbon Nanotubes | |
Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, zhen Chen, Zhi Zong, Zhongqiang Zhang, Yonggang Zheng |
A molecular dynamic simulation of CO2 separation from flue gas with graphyne membranes | |
Suchitra Waruni de Silva, Aijun Du, Wijitha Senadeera, YuanTong Gu |
Rui Li |
MS-25: Recent Advances In Meshfree and Particle Methods
Keynote: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for elastic-plastic structures | |
Seiya Hagihara, Sho Fumoto, Tomohiro Shirahama, Satoyuki Tanaka, Shinya Taketomi, Yuichi Tadano |
Invited: Comparisons of calculation cost and accuracy between the explicit and semi-implicit distributed memory parallel MPS method | |
An extra dof-free and well-conditioned XFEM | |
Longfei Wen, Rong Tian |
MS-26: Soft Matter Mechanics
Keynote: Nonlinear effects in soft cylindrical composites | |
Dong Wang, Mao See Wu |
Invited: Relations between the Poynting and axial force-twist effects | |
Dong Wang, Mao See Wu |
Surface Wrinkling of a Polymeric Gel During Transient Swelling | |
William Toh, Teng Yong Ng, Zishun Liu |
MS-27: Computational Fracture Mechanics for Quasi-Brittle Materials
Keynote: 3D In-situ XCT Image Based Meso-scale Fracture Modelling and Validation of Concrete Using Voxel Hexahedron Meshing and Damage Plasticity Model | |
Yujie Huang, Zhenjun Yang, Wenyuan Ren, Guohua Liu, Chuanzeng Zhang |
MS-28: Computational Materials Design
Design of new high explosives by introducing N-oxides into 1H-tetrazole | |
Wu Qiong |
MS-29: Computational Biomedical Engineering
Invited: A Computer Based Objective Grading System for Facial Paralysis | |
Heow-Pueh LEE, Saurabh Garg, Shu Jin Lee |
Invited: Ballistic Impacts of a Full-Metal Jacketed (FMJ) Bullet on a Validated Finite Element (FE) Model of Head-Cushion-Helmet | |
Kwong Ming Tse, Long Bin Tan, Bin Yang, Vincent Beng Chye Tan, Siak Piang Lim, Heow Pueh Lee |
A Finite Element Model of the Head and Neck for Automotive Impact Applications | |
B. Yang, K.M. Tse, L.B. Tan, N. Chen, H.P. Lee |
Airflow Dynamics in a Short Inhalation | |
Alister Bates, Raul Cetto, Neil Tolley, Robert Schroter, Denis Doorly |
challenge of visualising large airway flows and particle transport | |
hadrien calmet, Alberto Gambaruto, Guillaume Houzeaux, Allister Bates |
MS-30: Numerical Methods for Engineering Problems with Strong Nonlinearity
Reduced-Order Modeling for Transonic Wing Flutter Analysis Including Effects of Control Surface and Nonzero Angle of Attack | |
Taehyoun Kim, Kwok Leung Lai |
MS-31: Development and Application of High-order Methods for Compressible and Incompressible Flows
Keynote: Numerical Simulations Using a Phase-Field Model Describing the Red Blood Cells in a Capillary | |
Hui Zhang |
Invited: Two computational approaches for the simulation of fluid problems in rotating spherical shells | |
Ferran Garcia, Emmanuel Dormy, Juan Sánchez, Marta Net |
Invited: Source term and infiltration extension of the shallow water equations derived from incompressible Navier-Stokes | |
Philip James Andrew Townsend |
SIAC Filtering for Boundary Filtering over Nonuniform Mesh Structures | |
Xiaozhou Li |
MS-32: Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Nanomechanics
Keynote: Transport of Water and Small Ions through Graphene-Based Membranes | |
Hengan Wu, Fengchao Wang |
Droplet Evaporation on Flexible Nanopillared Surfaces | |
Feng-Chao Wang, Heng-An Wu |
MS-33: Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Development of Medical Devices
Keynote: Simulation Based Design and Evaluation of Carotid Stents and Heart Valves | |
Fangsen Cui, Gideon Praveen Kumar, Foad Kabinejadian, Hwa Liang Leo |
Invited: Effect of strut curvature on the crimpability of mitral valve stents | |
Gideon Praveen Kumar, Hwa Liang Leo, Fangsen Cui |
Invited: Evaluation of Hemodynamic Performance of a Novel Carotid Covered Stent | |
Foad Kabinejadian, Fangsen Cui, Pei Ho, Hwa Liang Leo |
MS-35: Residual Stresses and Eigenstrains
Keynote: Three-dimensional Welding Residual Stresses Evaluation Based on the Eigen-strain Methodology via X-ray Measurements on Surface | |
Masaru Ogawa |
Keynote: Hybrid contour method/eigenstrain model for predicting residual stress in glass | |
Mithila Achintha, Bogdan Balan |
Multiple Inhomogeneous Inclusions under Mixed Lubricated Contact | |
Qingbing Dong, Kun Zhou, Leon M. Keer |
Efficient Prediction of Bending Deformation with Eigenstrain for Laser Peen Forming | |
Yongxiang Hu |
Investigation of the effect of residual stress on the crack driving force | |
Xiaobo Ren |
Determining the Residual Stresses of Circular Weld Bead with Eigenstrain BIE as an Inverse Approach | |
Hang Ma |
MS-36: Advanced Computational Methods in Limit and Shakedown Analysis of Structures
Keynote: Plastic Limit Analysis of Defective Pipelines under Complex Loads | |
Yinghua Liu, Xianhe Du |
MS-37: Computational Methods for Tensegrity and Tension Structures
Keynote: The Stiffness of Tensegrity Structures | |
Simon David Guest |
Keynote: Form-finding of Tensegrity Structures by using Non-linear Analysis | |
Jingyao Zhang, Makoto Ohsaki |
Invited: Dynamic Modeling of Tensegrity Robots Rolling over the Ground | |
Shinichi Hirai, Ryo Imuta |
Invited: Investigating the influence of bending in the structural behavior of tensegrity modules using dynamic relaxation | |
Landolf Rhode-Barbarigos, Adriaenssens M. Sigrid |
Form-Finding and Stability Analysis of Tensegrity Structures using Nonlinear Programming and Fictitious Material Properties | |
Makoto Ohsaki |
Self-equilibrium Analysis of Cable Structures based on Isogeometric Analysis | |
Keigo Harada |
Novel algebraic results for tensegrity structures | |
Michele Marino, Franco Maceri, Giuseppe Vairo |
Large-scale tensegrity assembled from prismatic cells: Design method and mechanical properties | |
Li-Yuan Zhang, Xi-Qiao Feng |
MS-38: Mechanics and biomimetics of surface and interface
Keynote: The adhesion mechanism of a bio-inspired nano-film | |
Shaohua Chen |
Keynote: Overall mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline materials accompanied by crack initiations and propagations along grain boundaries | |
yueguang wei |
Invited: Interface dissipation mechanism of nanocrystalline ceramics in thermal shock fracture | |
Lihong Liang, Xiaona Li, Yueguang Wei |
Invited: Adaptive periodical representative volume element for simulating periodical postbuckling behavior | |
Bin Liu |
Sun G.F |
Molecular dynamic simulation on collision induced cold welding in ceramic nanoparticles | |
Zijian Yao, Yonglong Hu, Bing Chen, Jian Lu, Xinrui Niu, Jiabin Liu |
MS-39: Advances in Multi-Physics Modelling and its Applications
Keynote: Advances in Numerical Methods and algorithms in Computational Geosciences | |
Chongbin Zhao |
MS-40: Advances in Topology and Shape Optimisation
Keynote: Topology Optimization of Tissue Scaffolds for Biotransport Criteria | |
Che-Cheng Chang, Shiwei Zhou, Wei Li, Qing Li |
Improved Element Exchange Method for Topology Optimization | |
Liang-Jenq Leu, Ko-Wei Shih, Chun-Yu Ke |
MS-41: Development and application of smoothed finite element method
Keynote: Homogenization for composite material properties using smoothed finite element method | |
Quan Bing Eric Li |
Invited: Analysis and simulations of a micro-polar elastic beam | |
xu xu, Nan Ding |
Invited: A face-based smoothed XFEM for three-dimensional fracture problems | |
Yong Jiang |
Invited: Performance Evaluation of the Selective Smoothed Finite Element Method with Deviatoric/Hydrostatic Split | |
Yuki Onishi |
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for Dissipative Wave Equations in Inhomogeneous Media | |
Shuguan Ji |
Weak-Painleve Property and Integrability of General Dynamical Systems | |
Shaoyun Shi |
Feature Extraction of Hand-Vein Patterns Based on Ridgelet and Morphing Transform | |
Xiao Han, Yu Zhang, Siliang Ma |
MS-42: Advanced Computational Methods in Underwater Acoustics
Keynote: An edge-based smoothed three-node Mindlin plate element (ES-MIN3) for static and free vibration analyses of plates | |
Chai Ying Bin |
Invited: SPH Simulation of Sound Propagation and Interference | |
YongOu Zhang, Tao Zhang, TianYun Li |
A Couple Cell-/Face-based Smoothed Finite Element Method for Fluid-structure Problems | |
Zhixiong Gong |
Calculation of underwater acoustic scattering problems in unbounded domain using the alpha finite element method | |
yaofei li |
MS-43: Hybrid Analytical-Numerical Methods
Keynote: Eliminating the Pressure-Velocity Coupling from the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Using Integral Transforms | |
Daniel J. N. M. Chalhub, Leandro A. Sphaier, Leonardo S. de B. Alves |
Keynote: Generalized Integral Transform Solution of Extended Graetz Problems with Axial Diffusion | |
Leandro Alcoforado Sphaier |
Non-linear stability analysis of a Darcy flow with viscous dissipation | |
Michele Celli, Leonardo Alves, Antonio Barletta |
Unstable mixed convection in an inclined porous channel with uniform wall heat flux | |
Antonio Barletta, Michele Celli |
Multi-scale Multiplicative Perturbation Average Method for FPU Equation | |
Feng Wu, Qiang Gao, Wanxie Zhong |
Semi-analytical integral approach for wave propagation simulation in layered composites with defects | |
Mikhail V Golub, Evgeny V Glushkov, Natalia V Glushkova |
MS-44: Multiscale Modeling of Mechanical Property
Keynote: Pull-out Force Predictions of Carbon Nanotubes From Polymer and Ceramic Matrices | |
Ning Hu, Y. Li, H. Ning |
Multiscale seamless domain method for linear elastic and steady temperature problems | |
yoshiro suzuki |
Hyperelastic Modeling of Chain-Distributed Particle-Reinforced Composite in Finite Deformation | |
Xiaohao Shi, Yang Chen, Xiaoping Jiang, Zaoyang Guo |
A Cellular Automaton for the Simulation of Dynamics in a Complex System | |
weifeng yuan, Lan Wei |
An Algorithm for the Coupling of BEM and DDA | |
Yong Cai, weifeng yuan |
Cellular Automaton in 2D Elastostatics | |
Qin Ying, weifeng yuan |
Further Development of Sub-block DDA Fracturing Modelling Method for Rock Fracturing Failure Simulation | |
Jun Ning |
MS-47: FE/DE Method and Applications
Customized Hip Implant Testing Using Gait Cycle for Normal Walking and Walking Up and Down Stairs. | |
Abhaykumar Kuthe, Abhaykumar Kuthe, Mangesh Dharme |
Keynote: Alternately Moving Road Method for the FEM/DEM Simulation of Tire-Sand Interactions | |
Chunlai Zhao, Mengyan Zang |
Invited: Adaptive Combined Discrete and Finite Element Algorithm for Analyzing Brittle Fracture | |
Mengyan Zang, Wei Xu |
Invited: A temporally-piecewise adaptive algorithm with SBFEM to solve viscoelastic problems | |
Yiqian He, Haitian Yang, Andrew Deeks |
MS-48: Numerical Simulations in Flow Control
Effects of working condition on the flow field in a pressure-swirl atomizer | |
longxiang zhang |
Analysis of non-Newtonian fluids parallel flow between the corrugated plates using the method of fundamental solutions and the radial basis functions | |
Jakub Krzysztof Grabski |
Numerical Study of Supercritical Turbulent Convective Heat Transfer of n-Decane with constant heat flux and Endothermic Pyrolysis | |
bo ruan |
MS-49: Computational Studies of Heart Functions
Intra-Ventricular Flow Dynamics Post-Implantation of a Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve | |
Foad Kabinejadian, Boyang Su, Hwa Liang Leo |
Application of a Meshfree Radial Point Interpolation Method (RPIM) for Quantifying Three-Dimensional Left-Ventricular Regional Strains with Displacement ENcoding with Stimulated Echoes (DENSE) MRI and Validation in Reference to Tagged MRI | |
Julia Kar, Andrew K Knutsen, Brian P Cupps, Kathleen K Wallace, Michael K Pasque |
MS-50: Advances in Nanomechanics and Multiscale Mechanics in Complex Materials
Keynote: A multiscale/multiphysics platform for analysis and design of photo-responsive polymer | |
Maenghyo Cho, Jung-Hoon Yun, Joonmyung Choi, Hayoung Chung |
An investigation on disclination defect and nematic order coupled nonlinear behavior of liquid crystal glassy polymer using quasi-soft energy | |
Hayoung Chung, Jung-Hoon Yun, Joonmyung Choi, Maenghyo Cho |
Opto-mechanical behavior of Azobenzene-doped liquid crystalline polymer: A molecular dynamics study | |
Joonmyung Choi, Hayoung Chung, Jung-Hoon Yun, Maenghyo Cho |
Design of application-oriented photo responsive polymer devices based on optimization technique | |
Jaesung Park, Hayoung Chung, Maenghyo Cho |
Photo-thermally induced photoisomerization profile of azobenzene in liquid crystal elastomer | |
Jung-Hoon Yun, Hayoung Chung, Joonmyung Choi, Maenghyo Cho |
A multiscale study on the interfacial behavior of polymer nanocomposites with inelastic behavior | |
Hyunseong Shin, Junghyun Ryu, Seunghwa Yang, Seongmin Chang, Maenghyo Cho |
A molecular dynamics study on toughening of thermoplastic modified epoxy | |
Byungjo Kim, Joonmyung Choi, Hyunseong Shin, Seunghwa Yang, Maenghyo Cho |
MS-51: Computational Modelling of Materials with Uncertainty
Keynote: Probabilistic sensitivity analysis of the extensibility of wood at the ultrastructural scale | |
Francisco Alejandro Diaz De la O, Erick I. Saavedra Flores |
Scaled boundary finite element analysis for elastic problems with interval parameters | |
Weihong Ma, Yiqian He, Haitian Yang |
Multi-scale finite element modelling of cross-laminated timber plates and experimental validation | |
Erick I Saavedra Flores, Francisco A DiazDelaO, Paulina González Soto, Eduardo Pérez Pulgar |
MS-52: Efficient Methods for Uncertainty Quantification
KL-expansion-based Monte Carlo simulation for dynamic reliability of structures subjected to non-stationary random excitations | |
Cheng Su, Rui Xu, Huan Huang |
Quantifying Uncertainty and Imprecise Probability in Robotics Vehicle-Machines | |
Mustapha S Fofana |
A-Posteriori Error Estimation in CFD using Higher Moments | |
Stuart Russant |
MS-54: Inverse Problems, Design and Optimisation under Uncertainties
Model Reduction and Approximation Errors Applied on Damage Identification | |
Daniel Alves Castello, Jari Kaipio |
Identification of a Position and Time Dependent Heat Flux by Using the Kalman Filter and Improved Lumped Analysis in Heat Conduction | |
César Cunha Pacheco, H.R.B. Orlande, M.J. Colaco, G.S. Dulikravich |
MS-56: Recent Advances in Multiscale Numerical Methods for Solid Mechanics
Keynote: Modelling of dislocation mediated plasticity across the scales | |
Ron Peerlings, Michael Dogge, Marc Geers |
Invited: Homogenisation methods with guaranteed accuracy: quantifying the scale separability. | |
Pierre Kerfriden |
Computational multiscale modeling of fibrillar adhesives | |
Janine C. Mergel, Roger A. Sauer |
Multiscale Quasicontinuum Approaches for Planar Beam Lattices | |
Lars Beex, Pierre Kerfriden, S.P.A. Bordas |
Implicit computational method for compressible flows with high and low Mach numbers | |
Kazuma Aoki, Satoru Ushijima, Daisuke Toriu, Hiroshi Itada |
MS-57: Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics
Keynote: Levitron: an exotic toy of nonlinear and linearised dynamics | |
Elvio Bonisoli |
Invited: Nonlinear Control of Systems with Non-smooth Nonlinearities | |
Shakir Jiffri, John Mottershead |
Invited: Active Control and Potential Exploitation of Parametrically Excited Systems | |
Maryam Ghandchi Tehrani |
Invited: Topology effects on prestrained elastic networks | |
Paolo Paoletti, L. Mahadevan |
Invited: An overview of recent developments of response averaging for the treatment of complex linear systems | |
Christophe Lecomte |
Invited: Adaptive polygon scaled boundary finite element method for elastodynamics | |
Zihua Zhang, Zhenjun Yang |
Symplectic Numerical Method for Nonlinear Feedback Optimal Control and Its Application in Tethered Satellite Systems | |
Haijun Peng |
Dynamics of a Rotating Triangular Tethered Satellite Formation near Libration Points | |
Zhiqin Cai, Hong Zhou, Xuefu Li, Ying Feng |
MS-58: Theoretical and Computational Analyses for Inverse Problems
Keynote: Numerical Caputo differentiation by radial basis functions | |
ming Li |
Invited: Inverse analysis of heat transfer across a multilayer composite wall with Cauchy boundary conditions | |
ruiping Niu |
MS-59: Computational Methods and Analysis of Dynamic Phenomena with Contact and Friction Interfaces
Keynote: Interface Vibrations in Brake pads | |
Georg Peter Ostermeyer |
Thermo-Mechanical Model for Wheel Rail Contact using Coupled Point Contact Elements | |
Jan Christoph Neuhaus |
Regularization of Nonholonomic Constraints in Multibody Systems | |
Alexander Fidlin |
Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Ultrasonic Wave Generation by an Interface Crack of Bi-material | |
Taizo Maruyama, Takahiro Saitoh, Sohichi Hirose |
Simplified EHL contact model and its influence on nonlinear vibrations | |
Benedikt Wiegert |
Assessing the bifurcation behaviour of periodic solutions in finite-element brake squeal models | |
Nils Gräbner, Merten Tiedemann, Utz von Wagner, Norbert Hoffmann |
Efficient modelling of drillstring dynamics with spatially localised frictional contacts | |
Tore Butlin, Robin Langley |
MS-60: Computational Methods for Extra Degrees of Freedom and Higher Gradients
Keynote: Computational Modelling of Shells with Scale Effects | |
Sebastian Skatulla, Carlo Sansour |
Hyperelastic Fourth-Order Tensor Functions for Orthotropic Continua | |
David C. Kellermann |
An Implicit MRCT Element | |
Hao Qin |
Geometrically exact beam dynamics, with and without rotational degree of freedom | |
Tien Long Long Nguyen |
Triangular and tetrahedral elements for strain-gradient theories | |
Stefanos Aldo Papanicolopulos, Antonis Zervos |
MS-61: Advanced Computational Methods for Modelling of Fracture and Damage
Keynote: Interfacial fracture of polymer foam-metal composites at micro-scale using finite element analysis | |
Raj Das |
Invited: Numerical Modeling of Dynamic Anisotropic Damage | |
Ioan R. Ionescu, Jia Li |
Invited: Generalized Irwin plastic zone correction of a sub-interface Zener-Stroh crack in a coating-substrate system | |
Jing Zhuang, Zhongmin Xiao |
MS-62: Advanced Computational Methods and Data Analysis in offshore industry
Keynote: Advance in Computational Hydrodynamics Applied to Wave-in-Deck | |
Yanling Wu, Graham Stewart, Yu Chen, Johan Gullman-Strand, xin lv, Pankaj Kumar |
keynote: Challenges in offshore engineering, people and technology in a changing world | |
Johan Gullman-Strand |
Invited: Challenge of Hydrodynamic Analysis for a Structure in Waves | |
Frank Lin |
Invited: Uncertainty in modelling for wave energy device design | |
Rebecca Sykes |
CFD-based Transient Ignition Modelling of Gas Leaks in Enclosures | |
Kumaresh Govindan Radhakrishnan, Ingar Fossan, Marutha Muthu Venkatraman, Knut Erik Giljarhus, Øystein Spangelo, Stian Jensen, Vinh-Tan Ngyuen, Yushi Liu |
MS-63: Numerical Modelling of Fracture Growth
Numerical modelling of perforation impact damage of fibre metal laminates | |
Jin Zhou |
MS-65: Micromechanics
Keynote: Subsurface damage mechanism of high speed grinding process in single crystal silicon revealed by atomistic simulations | |
Qihong Fang |
Modeling cracks and inclusions near surface under EHL conditions | |
Qingbing Dong, Kun Zhou |
Nucleation and growth mechanisms of deformation-twin in magnesium | |
Hong Qi Fang, Hui Feng, Chi Liang Zhang, Wen You Liu |
Modeling strategies for predicting the behavior of nanocomposites: molecular dynamics, micromechanics, and finite element approaches | |
H. K. Lee, B. J. Yang |

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