Plenary Lecture & Thematic Plenary Lecture
- GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
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MS-000 General Papers
If you do not have a prefered MS or could not find a proper one at this moment, you may simply submit your abastract/paper here. The conference Chairmen will assign your submission to a MS or a Session for presentation later.
- Xu Han, Hunan University / Hebei University of Tecknology
- Dean Hu, Hunan University
- Zirui Li, Wenzhou University
- GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
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MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods
- GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
- Zhaocheng Xuan, Tianjin University of Technology and Education
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MS-002 Continuum Damage Mechanics: Recent Developments and Applications
- Tinh Quoc Bui, Tokyo Institute of Technology
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MS-003 Adaptive numerical methods
- Nguyen-Xuan Hung, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH)
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MS-004 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques
- Yuki Onishi, Institute of Science Tokyo
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MS-005 Numerical methods blending mesh-based and mesh-free technique
- Dean Hu, Hunan University
- Gang Yang, Hunan University
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MS-006 Modelling and Characterisation of Mechanical Behaviour of Advanced Materials
- Liguo Zhao, Loughborough University
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MS-007 Numerical modelling of nonlinear transient phenomena
- Pawel Packo, AGH - University of Science and Technology
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MS-008 Algorithms, Software and Applications of Large-Scale Computation
- Jianjun Chen, Zhejiang University
- Rong Tian, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics
- Yao Zheng, Zhejiang University
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MS-009 Particle Based Methods
- Zhen Chen, University of Missouri
- Yan Liu, Tsinghua University
- Xiong Zhang, Tsinghua University
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MS-010 Methods for Multi-Phase Flows
- Dia Zeidan, German Jordanian University
- Lucy Zhang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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MS-011 Advanced Computational Methods in Underwater Acoustics
- Wei Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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MS-012 Computational Modeling for Cardiovascular Disease and Biological Applications
- Tang Dalin, Southeast University / Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Zhiyong Li, Southeast University
- GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
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MS-013 Advances in BEM and Other Mesh-Reduction Methods
- Xiao-Wei Gao, Dalian University of Technology
- Yijun Liu, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
- Zhenhan Yao, Tsinghua University
- Jianming Zhang, Hunan University
- Huanlin Zhou, Hefei University of Technology
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MS-014 Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems
- Complex system simulation technology
- Theories and methods for modeling and simulation of discrete systems
- Modeling, simulation and control of technological processes
- Simulation application in industry, business and services
- Simulation of complex intelligent systems
- Jihong Pang, Wenzhou University
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MS-015 Fluid-Structure Interaction and Multiphysics Problems in Aerospace Engineering
- Jianyao Yao, Chongqing University
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MS-016 Multiscale modelling of damage and fracture in quasi-brittle materials
- Jianying Wu, South China University of Technology
- Zhenjun Yang, Wuhan University
- Rena C. Yu, University of Castilla-La Mancha
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MS-017 Computational errors and their evaluation
- Aram Soroushian, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
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MS-018 Computational modeling and experimental characterization of soft tissues
- Jabareen Mahmood, Technion Israel Institute of Technology
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MS-019 Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics
- Hiroshi Kanayama, Japan Women's University
- Masao Ogino, Daido University
- Ryuji Shioya, Toyo University
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MS-020 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
- Yukun Ren, Harbin Institute of Technology
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MS-021 Multi-scale Computational Mechanics for Heterogeneous Materials
- Erick Saavedra Flores, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
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MS-022 Advanced modeling techniques and applications for polymer based additive manufacturing
- Jun Liu, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
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MS-023 Numerical modelling of fibre reinforced composites under impact and blast
- Zhongwei Guan, University of Liverpool
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MS-024 Advanced Computational Methods for Soft Matters
- Hua Li, Nanyang Technological University
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MS-025 Modelling and Simulation on Nanomechanics
- Hengan Wu, University of Science and Technology of China
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MS-026 Computational methods and design for impact and blast problems
- Howie Fang, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Qing Li, The University of Sydney
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MS-027 Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for Complex Materials
Materials with micro(/nano)-structure
- Composites, Fiber-Reinforced, Laminated
- Granular, Masonry-Like, Cementicious
- Biomaterials
- Random Materials
- Shape-Memory Alloys
Complex material behaviour
- Damage, Fracture, Defects, Cracks
- Non-Classical Continua, Multiphysics
- Poromechanics, Fluid Flow
- Thermomechanics, Viscosity
- Randomness and Fractals
Non-standard/Non-local continuous formulation
- Micromorphic continua
- Multifield, Configurational/Material
- Forces descriptions
- Non-local models
- Dispersive Wave Propagation
Computational Methods
- Coupled Discrete-Continuum Methods
- Homogenization Methods
- Computational Multiscale Methods
- Non-standard Methods for Generalized Continua
- Molecular, Dislocation Dynamics
- Object-oriented, Adaptive, Homogenization
- Trovalusci a_Patrizia, Sapienza Università Di Roma
- Schrefler b_Bernhard, University of Padua
- De Bellis c_Maria Laura, Universita Del Salento
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MS-028 Advanced Computational Methods for The Mechanical Modeling of Materials and Structures
- Collocation And Mesh-Free Methods to Overtake (go Beyond) Finite Elements
- Pseudo-Spectral and Mesh-Free Methods for Structural Engineering
- Collocation, Mesh-Free And Radial Basis Functions Methods
- Hierarchical Multi-Level Computational Methods
- Voronoi Cell Finite Element Methods
- Stochastic Finite Elements
- Isogeometric Analysis
- Numerical Methods for Structural Optimization
- Tornabene a_Francesco, Universita Di Bologna
- Trovalusci a_Patrizia, Sapienza Università Di Roma
- Fantuzzi Nicholas, Universita di Bologna
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MS-029 Computational Methods in Engineering
- Songying Chen, Shandong University
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MS-030 Phase-field Method: Theory, Algorithm and Application
- Hao Chen, Tsinghua University
- Lei Chen, University of Michigan-Dearborn
- Wenbo Liu, Xi'an Jiaotong University
- Yanli Lu, Northwestern Polytechnical University
- Pengcheng Song, Nuclear Power Institute of China
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MS-031 Reconstruction and Extrapolation of N-dimensional Data
Reconstruction and extrapolation of multi-dimensional data represents the subject that arising in many branches of mathematics, economics and computer science. Such a modeling connects pure mathematics with applied sciences. Numerical methods similarly are situated on the border between pure mathematics and applied sciences. Our life and work are impossible without planning, time-tabling, scheduling, decision making, optimization, simulation, data analysis, risk analysis and process modeling.
- Data interpolation with applications.
- Data extrapolation – support in planning and decision making.
- Reconstruction of information.
- Data restoration.
- Probabilistic interpolation and extrapolation.
- Modeling of processes.
- Data simulation.
- Mathematical modeling.
- Dariusz Jakobczak, Koszalin University of Technology
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MS-032 Recent Advances in Meshfree and Particle Methods
- Bin Chen, Xi'an Jiaotong University
- Seiichi Koshizuka, University of Tokyo
- Moubin Liu, Peking University
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MS-033 Modelling and Simulation of Multifunctional Composite Materials
- Zhicheng He, Hunan University
- Quan Bing Eric Li, Teesside University
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MS-034 FEM Analysis for the Medical Applications by Cyclotron and ECR Ion source
- Francesco Mammoliti, University of Catania and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
- Francesco Noto, Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nuclerare - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud and University of Catania
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MS-035 Computational ship mechanics: theory, numerical methods and engineering applications
- Jianhu Liu, China Ship Scientific Research Center
- Aman Zhang, Harbin Engineering University
- Guiyong Zhang, Dalian University of Technology
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MS-036 Immersed boundary method for fluid structure interaction
- Wenquan Wang, Kunming University of Science and Technology
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MS-037 Nanoscale thermal transport and nanomechanics
- Yuantong Gu, Queensland University of Technology
- Haifei Zhan, Zhejiang University
- Gang Zhang, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
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MS-038 Computational and experimental methods on additive manufacturing and related welding technologies
- Zhao Zhang, Dalian University of Technology
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MS-039 Modelling and Simulation of Vibroacoustics
- Fangsen Cui, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
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MS-040 New Trends in Smoothing Particle Hydrodynamics
- Fermin Navarrina, Universidade da Coruña
- Xesús Nogueira, Universidade da Coruna
- Luis Ramírez, Universidade da Coruña
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MS-041 Computational Methods in Acoustics and Elastodynamics
Special interests of the Mini-Symposium:
- Finite element method (FEM) in acoustics and elastodynamics
- Boundary element method (BEM) in acoustics and elastodynamics
- Finite difference method (FDM) in acoustics and elastodynamics
- Mesh-free methods in acoustics and elastodynamics
- Computational methods for wave analysis in periodic materials and structures
- Computational methods for wave analysis in random materials and structures
- Computational methods for wave analysis in smart materials and structures
- Computational methods for wave analysis in soft materials and structures
- Analytical and semi-analytical methods for wave analysis in advanced materials and structures
- Weiqiu Chen, Zhejiang University
- Yue-Sheng Wang, Tianjin University/ Beijing Jiaotong University
- Chuanzeng Zhang, Universitat Siegen
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MS-042 Numerical modelling methods and applications in renewable energy flows
- Zhao Tian, University of Adelaide
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MS-043 Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Mechano-Biology
- Lihai Zhang, University of Melbourne
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MS-044 Structural optimization method and application
- Hongling Ye, Beijing University of Technology
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MS-045 Computational Biomechanics
- Xi-Qiao Feng, Tsinghua University
- Yuantong Gu, Queensland University of Technology
- Qing Li, The University of Sydney
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MS-046 Advanced solution methods for nonlinear problems in engineering
- Xiaojing Liu, Lanzhou University
- Jizeng Wang, Lanzhou University
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MS-047 DEM/FEM Couplling and its application
- Mengyan Zang, South China University of Technology
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MS-048 Numerical Analysis in Earthquake Engineering Geology
- Yu Huang, Tongji University
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MS-049 The prediction method for strength and fatigue behavior of composite materials
- Haitao Cui, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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MS-050 Advances in phase-field modeling of microstructural dynamics in advanced materials
- Yu Su, Beijing Institute of Technology
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MS-051 Structural uncertainty analysis
- Chao Jiang, Hunan University
- Zhan Kang, Dalian University of Technology
- Xiaojun Wang, Beihang University
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MS-052 Numerical Analysis of Materials and Structures in Safety
- Piotr Sielicki, Poznan University of Technology
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MS-053 Damage modeling of engineering structures: from localized cracking to structural collapse
- Xiaodan Ren, Tongji University
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MS-054 Coupled thermal-mechanical computation for high-temperature materials
- Weiguo Li, Chongqing University
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MS-055 Numerical Methods Based Unstructured Meshes and Their Applications in Engineering
- Xiangyang Cui, Hunan University
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MS-056 Optimal design of smart structures for vibration control
- Mohamed Hamdaoui, Université de Lorraine
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MS-057 Analysis and Design Methods of Building Structures Located in Earthquake Areas
- Janusz Rębielak, Cracow University of Technology
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MS-058 Computational methods for dynamics of advanced materials and structures
- Lifeng Wang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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MS-059 Advances in Semi-analytical numerical methods
Special interests of the Mini-Symposium:
- Advanced in numerical methods based on analytical functions
- Advanced in numerical methods based on Green functions
- Advanced in Trefftz-type numerical methods
- Advanced in Radial basis function methods
- Advanced in Wavelet methods
- Advanced in numerical methods based on fundamental solutions
- Advanced in numerical methods based on harmonic functions
- Other related topics
- Leiting Dong, Beihang University
- Zhuojia Fu, Hohai university
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MS-060 Computational Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures
- Fumihiro Ashida, Shimane University
- Cunfa Gao, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Sei Ueda, Osaka Institute of Technology
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MS-061 Structural integrity and fracture mechanics
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MS-062 Stochastic Modeling and Uncertainties in Computational Mechanics of Materials
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
• Multiscale/multiphysics modeling of fracture
• Novel computational models and algorithms for crack initiation and propagation
• Prediction of fracture toughness
• Constitutive modeling
• Probabilistic modeling
• Interface fracture
• Scale bridging techniques and homogenization methods
• Failure mode transition and competition
- Yan Li, California State University, Long Beach
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MS-063 Model and Simulation for Advanced Manufacturing
- Yuanqiang Tan, Huaqiao University
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MS-064 Particle Methods and Their Applications in Engineering
- Khai Ching Ng, National Taiwan University
- Wen-Hann Sheu, National Taiwan University
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MS-065 Computational Marine Hydrodynamics
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MS-066 State-of-the-art modeling on discrete element simulation
- Kun Luo, Zhejiang University
- Mikio Sakai, The University of Tokyo
- Zongyan Zhou, Monash University
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MS-067 Computational methods in medicine and biology
- Linhong Deng, Changzhou University
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MS-068 Multi-Length Scale Modeling: from Finite Elements to Atoms and Electrons
- Qing Peng, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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MS-069 Application of Smart Data in Offshore and Drilling
• Prediction and evaluation of pressure in reservoirs
• Fault detection and classification,
• Accurate imaging recognition
• Fluid/permeability prediction
• Identification and classification of fractures,
• Drilling and offshore operations
• Production facilities technologies
• Production operations and technologies
• Reservoir modeling and simulation
• Deepwater & subsea
• Simulation, artificial intelligence & modelling
• Surface and sub-surface integration and optimization
- Ping Lu, American Bureau of Shipping
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MS-070 Advances in Numerical Methods for Multiple Inclusion Problems
Aims and Scope:
- Hybrid Finite Element Method
- Finite Element Method (FEM)
- Boundary Integral Equation Method (BIEM)
- Numerical Equivalent Inclusion Method (NEIM)
- Null-Field Integral Equation Approach
- Volume Integral Equation Method (VIEM)
- Other Numerical or Analytical Methods
- Jungki Lee, Hongik University
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MS-071 Computational methods for finance
- GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
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MS-072 Computational methods for management
- GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
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MS-073 Computational fatigue and fracture mechanics performance
- Sheng-Chuan Wu, Southwest Jiaotong University
- Jian Zhang, Jiangsu University
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MS-074 Fast Computational Methods for Structural Optimization and Design
- General Reanalysis Methods and Applications
- Fast Structural Modal Sensitivity Analysis
- Fast Computational Method Based on Different Parallel Platforms
- CAD/CAE Integrated Fast Computational Techniques for Design
- Simplified CAE Modeling for Engineering Problems
- Fast Computation of Harmonic Responses
- Adaptive Computational Method and Its Application
- Zhengguang Li, Jilin University
- Hu Wang, Hunan University
- Baisheng Wu, Guangdong University of Technology
- Wenjie Zuo, Jilin University
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MS-075 Multiphyiscs and computational model of wearable and flexible devices
- Zhuangjian Liu, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
- Zhi-Qian Zhang, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
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MS-076 Advanced in numerical simulation based structural damage detection in Engineering
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Numerical simulation modeling of structures with damages.
- Damage detection strategy based on numerical simulation models.
- Non-destructive testing and evaluation dependent on numerical models.
- Model-based condition monitoring systems
- Jiawei Xiang, Wenzhou University
- Zhibo Yang, Xi'an Jiaotong University
- Yongteng Zhong, Wenzhou University
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MS-077 Engineering Inverse Problems: theory and numerical methods
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Computational inverse techniques
- Uncertian inverse problems
- Verification and validation for simulation model
- Global sensitivity analysis
- Dynamic load identification
- Structural damage identification and health monitoring
- Bayesian inverse Methods
- Ill-posed analysis and regularization methods
- Xu Han, Hunan University / Hebei University of Tecknology
- Jie Liu, Hunan University
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MS-078 Multiscale Modelling and Simulations of Advanced Engineering Material and Structures
- Yang Xiang, University of Western Sydney
- Chunhui Yang, Western Sydney University
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MS-100 Advanced Computations in Engineering Science (by invitation only)
Papers sumbitted to this MS are by invitation. All the papers should be in full paper form, normally 6-8 pages.
Topics covered are:
- Meshfree and Particle Methods
- Theory and Computational Methods for Inverse Analysis and Optimization
- Smoothed Finite Element Method
- Diversified Computational Methods and Applications
- Moubin Liu, Peking University
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Publication On e-Proceedings Only
- GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
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