Plenary Lectures
PL: Constrained Variation in Multiscale Modeling and Simulation | |
Shiyi Chen |
PL: The computational mechanics of the Heart | |
Nicolas Peter Smith |
TPL: Biomechanics of Soft Tissues using Moving Particle Simulation | |
Seiichi Koshizuka |
TPL: XFEM Based Analysis and Optimization of Biomedical Materials and Structures for Fracture Criteria | |
Qing Li |
TPL: A Unified Discrete Defect Dynamics Framework for Plasticity and Fracture | |
Nasr M Ghoniem |
TPL: Numerical Simulation on Collapse Behaviors of CTV Building Caused by the 2011 New Zealand Earthquake | |
Daigoro Isobe |
TPL: Modelling damage evolution of fibre metal laminates subjected to projectile impact | |
Zhongwei Guan |
TPL: A robust and efficient CFD model for interfacial multiphase flows on arbitrary unstructured grids | |
Feng Xiao |
TPL: Issues and Challenges for the Visualisation of Computed Vector Fields | |
Gordon Draisey Mallinson |
TPL: Development of multiscale particle discretization within the MPM framework | |
Zhen Chen |
TPL: Dynamic Drape Simulation by Solid-shell Element and Rotation-free Triangle | |
K.Y. Sze |
MS-000 General Papers
Keynote: Stress analysis of functionally graded plate under different gradient direction | |
Maedeh Amirpour, Raj Das, Erick Saavedra Flores |
Keynote: Analyses on the in-plane impact resistance of auxetic double arrowhead | |
Qiao Jinxiu |
Invited: Numerically modelling sustainability using the Mauri Model | |
Kepa Morgan, Tumanako Ngawhika Fa`aui |
Invited: Ball’s motion, sliding friction and internal load distribution in a high-speed ball bearing subjected to a combined radial, thrust, and moment load | |
Mário César Ricci |
An unsteady double diffusive natural convection in an inclined rectangular enclosure with different angle of magnetic field | |
Sabyasachi Mondal, Precious Sibanda |
Magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid flow and heat transfer along a permeable stretching surface with non uniform heat generation/absorption | |
Mohammad Sharifuddin Ansari, Raj Nandkeolyar, S S Motsa |
Accurate Computations of Matrix Multiplication with Level 3 Operation in BLAS | |
Katsuhisa Ozaki |
Mechanical modeling and simulation of collagen fibers and fibrils:microscopic deformation mechanism caused by spiral structure | |
Ken-ichi Saitoh, Takuya Shirahana, Takayaki Suzuki, Masanori Takuma, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Tomohiro Sato |
Adjoint program generated by automatic differentiation of a meteorological simulation program, and its application to gradient computation | |
Yasuyoshi Horibata |
Validation of a Fast Transient Solver based on the Projection Method | |
Darrin Stephens, Chris Sideroff, Aleksandar Jemcov |
Advances in the chevron crack development prediction | |
František Šebek, Petr Kubík, Jindřich Petruška |
Simulation of Cross Roll Straightening of Circular Bars Using Computational Modelling | |
Tomas Navrat, Jindrich Petruska, Marek Benesovsky |
Chord rotation demand for Effective Catenary Action of RC Beams under Gravitational Monotonic Loadings | |
Meng-Hao Tsai |
A semi-analytical method for the one-dimensional Burgers' equation | |
Qiang Gao, Weian Yao, Mingyu Zou |
Numerical simulation of flows around jellyfish in a current | |
Takeshi Inomoto |
Acceleration of an Accurate Summation Algorithm | |
Takeshi Ogita |
Efficient Global Optimization Applied to Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Lift Creating Cylinder Using Plasma Actuators | |
Masahiro Kanazaki, Takashi Matsuno, Kengo Maeda, Hiromitsu Kawazoe |
Determining temporal composition changes of a ternary mixture | |
Homa Izadi, Erfan Asaadi, Walter Focke |
The inadequacy of elastic properties from tensile tests for Lamb wave analysis | |
Wing Kong Chiu |
Post-buckling analysis based on isogeometric analysis | |
Kai Luo, Cheng Liu, Qiang Tian, Haiyan Hu |
Compression behaviour and performance of novel carbon-fiber aluminum-honeycomb sandwich reinforced by aluminum grid | |
Shanshan Shi, Zhi Sun, Haoran Chen |
A sphere relaxation based approach for three-dimensional mesh deformation | |
xuan zhou |
A circular-cylinder piezoelectric energy harvester based on flow-induced flexural vibration mode and its nonlinear characteristics near resonance | |
Jiemin Xie, Yuantai Hu |
Quick modal reanalysis for large modification of structural topology based on multiple condensation model | |
jianjun he |
Multiphase model for thermal activity in a multistory residential home | |
chamika de costa, Satoru Ushijima |
Object Categorization with Soft Marginal Multi Model Knowledge Transfer | |
Ratnababu Mamidi |
Development of Material Search Technology using Kriging model | |
Norihiko Nonaka, Tomio Iwasaki |
A Non-intrusive Polynomial Chaos For Uncertainty Quantification On Numerical Simulation Of Flows Around Cylinder | |
Yanjin WANG |
An optimization study on the aerodynamic design of counter rotating axial fan | |
Myungsung Lee, Joohan Kim |
Construction of a Non-Linear Quasi-Interpolation Based on the Cubic B-Splines | |
Hyoseon Yang, Jungho Yoon |
MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods
Evidence-theory-based analysis for structural-acoustic field with epistemic uncertainties | |
Longxiang Xie, Jian Liu, XianFeng Man, YongChang Guo |
A better way for managing all of the physical sciences under a single unified theory of analytical integration. | |
Mike Joseph Mikalajunas |
Moving beyond continuum based numerical model for geomechanics | |
Gaofeng Zhao |
Development of Microsystems Analysis (μsys) Software Using Hybrid Finite Elements and Direct Solution of Coupled Equations | |
Anish Roychowdhury, Kunal D Patil, Arup Nandy, C.S. Jog, Rudra Pratap, G.K. Ananthasuresh |
Continuum structural topological optimizations with stress constraints based on stress gradients and a normal density function | |
Jian Hua Rong |
Study on elastic matrix model of the bi-modulus finite element | |
Zhiming Ye, Huiling Zhao |
Solution of computational acoustics and wave propagation problems using a high order, high resolution coupled compact difference scheme | |
Jitenjaya Pradhan, Yogesh G. Bhumkar, Satish D. Dhandole |
The scaled boundary finite element method | |
Chongmin Song |
Evaluation of dynamic stress intensity factors using iXFEM | |
Longfei Wen, Rong Tian |
An Implicit Algorithm for Finite Volume - Finite Element Coupling | |
Aleksandar Jemcov, Davor Cokljat, Joseph Maruszewski |
Lower Bound of Eigenvalue Solution Using the NS-FEM | |
G.R. Liu, Meng Chen, Ming Li |
The influence of the parameter h and a new modified method of Homotopy analysis method for initial value problems | |
MS-002 Modelling and Simulation on Nanomechanics
Keynote: Chirality-dependent buckling-driven wrinkles in graphene monolayer | |
XiaoYi Liu, FengChao Wang, HengAn Wu |
Keynote: Mechanical instability criterion of dislocation structures from discrete dislocation dynamics | |
Yabin Yan, Xiaoyuan Wang, Takahiro Shimada, Takayuki Kitamura |
Keynote: Microscopic Investigation on Adsorption of Shale Gas in Nanopores | |
Jie Chen, He Liu, HengAn Wu |
Keynote: Finite element modeling of the AFM indentation response of two-dimensional material with a soft substrate | |
Guoxin Cao |
Invited: Effect of surface steps on the ferroelectricity of PbTiO3: A first-principles study | |
Xiaoyuan Wang, Takahiro Shimada, Takayuki Kitamura |
Strengthening metal nanolaminates under shock compression through graphene interface with strong/weak duality | |
Hengan Wu |
Establishing effective criteria to link atomic and macro-scale simulations of dislocation nucleation in FCC metals | |
Nathaniel J. Burbery, Raj Das, W. George Ferguson |
Numerical Simulation of the Dynamic Process for Positive Displacement Motor by Immersed Boundary Method | |
Qiao Ni |
A molecular dynamics study on deformation mechanisms and mechanical properties of {-1 011}<10-12> nanotwinned magnesium | |
Lei Zhou |
Computational Material Chemistry Level Modeling of Materials - Cement Paste | |
Ram Mohan |
MS-003 Smoothed Finite Element Methods
F-bar aided edge-based smoothed finite element method with tetrahedral elements for large deformation analysis of nearly incompressible materials | |
Yuki Onishi |
An improved smoothed XFEM for analysis of axisymmetric problems with interface discontinuity | |
De tao Wan, De an Hu, G Yang, Jiang C, Xu Han |
SFEM-based Variable-node finite elements and their applications | |
Seyoung Im, Hobeom Kim, Chan Lee, Dongwoo Sohn |
MS-004 Advanced Hydrodynamics Analysis for Offshore Platform
Keynote: A study of long slender marine structures under combined parametric and forcing excitations with differential quadratic method | |
W. Li, Zhang Yang |
Keynote: Multi-Resolution MPS Method for 2D Free Surface Flows | |
Decheng Wan, Zhengyuan Tang |
Invited: Numerical Investigation of Influence of Eccentricity on the Hydrodynamics of a Ship Maneuvering into a Lock | |
Decheng Wan, Qingjie Meng, Wenhua Huang |
MS-005 Computational Modeling of Advanced Materials
Keynote: Geometrical basis for symmetry breaking and multi-functionality | |
Stoyan Smoukov |
Keynote: c-axis preferential orientation of hydroxyapatite accounts for the high wear resistance of the black carp(Mylopharyngodon piceus) teeth | |
Haimin Yao |
Invited: Defects Interaction between Twin Boundary and Dislocations emitted from a Crack of Magnesium by Molecular Dynamics Simulations | |
Yoji Shibutani |
The self-assembly of self-interstitial-atoms caused by an electron beam | |
Sachiko T Nakagawa |
Impact Analysis of Laminated Plate using VAM | |
Rama Sateesh Venkata Kandula, Prasad PS, Peereswara Rao MV, Dinesh Kumar Harursampath |
Towards wideband mechanical metamaterials: comparing nonlinear oscillator mechanisms | |
Arnab Banerjee, Emilio P Calius, Raj Das |
Multiscale Method for Mechanical Analysis of Pressure-actuated Cellular Structures with Polygonal Microstructures | |
Jun Lyu, Hongwu Zhang, Xiaowei Gao |
Microdynamics modeling for kink deformation and delamination in multilayered solid | |
Xiao-Wen Lei, Akihiro Nakatani |
MS-006 Engineering Analysis and Design under Uncertainty
Vinod K Nagpal |
MS-007 Property Characterization of Nanomaterials through Multi-scale Simulations
Keynote: Numerical simulation on piezoresistivity of nanofiller and polymer based nanocomposites | |
Ning Hu |
Investigation on toughening behavior of thermoplastic modified epoxy | |
Byungjo Kim, Hyunseong Shin, Hyungbum Park, Joonmyung Choi, Seunghwa Yang, Manyoung Lee, Jongkyoo Park, Maenghyo Cho |
Pull-out behavior of CNT with cap from CNT-reinforced nanocomposites | |
Ning Hu, Huiming Ning |
MS-009 Computational Acoustics and Elastodynamics in Solids and Structures
Keynote: Instability Induced Patterns of 2D Soft Phononic Materials | |
Ronghao BAO, Weiqiu Chen, Tongxi Yu |
Keynote: Analysis of Wave Dispersion in Multiferroic Laminates via the Reverberation-Ray Matrix Method | |
Weiqiu Chen |
Invited: A piezoelectric nanobimorph energy harvester based on the nonlocal theory | |
Hongping Hu |
Invited: Vibration analysis of multiferroic rectangular plates using higher-order shear deformation theory | |
Yunying Zhou |
Nonlinear free vibration of a bilayer graphene nanoribbon with interface shear effect | |
Dongying LIU, Weiqiu Chen |
Acoustic scattering by multiple spheroids using collocation multipole method | |
Wei-Ming Lee |
Improved Complex Mode Theory and It Truncating Acceleration Technique | |
Yaping Zhao |
Nonlinear Guided Waves in Plates – a New Perspective on Dispersion Characteristics Estimation | |
Pawel Packo |
MS-010 Adaptive Numerical Methods
Keynote: ICA and Adaptive Filtering based Signal Enhancement for Imaging-type Fourior Spectroscopic Measurement based Pulse Oximeter. | |
Pradeep K.W. Abeygunawardhana |
SSRLS based Enhanced Impulsive Noise OFDM Suppressor in AWGN Channel | |
Alina Mirza |
An L-stable Trapezoidal-Like Integrator for the Numerical Solution of One-dimensional Time Dependent Partial Differential Equations | |
Johnson Oladele Fatokun |
MS-011 Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics
Keynote: Development of a library of iterative solvers based on the domain decomposition method | |
Masao Ogino, Ryuji Shioya |
Keynote: Preconditioners in Domain Decomposition Method for Magnetostatic Problems | |
Hiroshi Kanayama, Masao Ogino, Shin-ichiro Sugimoto |
A Unified Finite Volume Approach for Numerical Simulations of Fluid Piezoelectric Structure Coupled Systems | |
Vinh-Tan Nguyen |
Efficient Approach for the Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems and the Comparison between Experiment and Computation | |
Yasushi Nakabayashi, Shinsuke Nagaoka, Yoshiaki Tamura, Genki Yagawa |
MS-012 Discrete Finite Element Method and Its Applications
Keynote: Simulation of pneumatic tire running on sand bed by using the FEM/DEM | |
Mengyan Zang, Chunlai Zhao, Shunhua Chen |
Keynote: A ghost particle-based coupling approach for combined finite-discrete element method | |
Hu Chen, Y.X. Zhang, Mengyan Zang |
Adaptive combined DE/FE algorithm for analyzing impact fracture problem | |
Wei Xu, Jiro Sakamoto |
MS-013 Numerical Methods and Applications in Reacting Flows
Numerical study on the thermal characteristics in a Twin Swirl pulverized coal Combustor | |
Hao Tang |
MS-014 Advances in Weakened Weak (W2) Formulation Based Numerical Methods
Keynote: Development 3D CFD solver based on gradient smoothing method | |
Jianyao Yao |
MS-015 Advanced Computational Methods in Underwater Acoustics
Acoustic resonance scattering of Bessel beam by elastic spheroids in water | |
Wei Li, Zhixiong Gong, Yingbin Chai |
An edge-based smoothed three-node Mindlin plate element(ES-MIN3) for shell analysis | |
Ying Bin Chai, Wei Li, Zhixiong Gong |
MS-017 Inverse Problems, Design and Optimisation under Uncertainties
A conjugate gradient method based on the complex-variable-differentiation method and its application for the identification of boundary conditions | |
Miao Cui |
Back-analysis of initial stress fields in underground powerhouse using deformation data observed in field | |
Shouju Li |
MS-018 Numerical Modeling of Granular and Multiphase Flows
Keynote: Development of the XEL method for granular and multi-phase flows | |
Mikio Sakai |
Keynote: Buoyancy-driven motion of a liquid droplet in another immiscible liquid | |
Shunji Honma |
Invited: A coarse-grained discrete particle method for particle-fluid flows | |
Wei Ge |
Application of an arbitrary-shaped wall boundary model to a DEM simulation in a die filling process | |
Yuki Tsunazawa |
Numerical study on highly viscous slurry under shear flow | |
Hiroyuki Araki, Masatoshi Sakai, Mikio Sakai |
Modeling and validation of liquid bridge force in DEM simulation | |
Yuki Tsunazawa, Daiki Fujihashi, Chiharu Tokoro, Mikio Sakai |
MS-019 Particle Based Methods
Invited: Modelling interaction of incompressible fluids and deformable particles with the Material Point Method | |
Rachel Marie Gelet, Giang Nguyen, Pierre Rognon |
Entropically Damped Artificial Compressibility for SPH | |
Prabhu Ramachandran, Kunal Puri |
Simulation of the Screw Driving Sounding (SDS) test in sandy soil using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic method in Abaqus | |
Seyed Yasin Mirjafari Miandeh, Rolando P Orense, Raj Das |
Feasibility of particle methods in LS-DYNA for unsaturated soil modelling | |
E A Flores-Johnson, S Wang, F Maggi, A El Zein, G D Nguyen, L Shen |
MS-020 Modeling and Simulation of Cellular Migration: from Molecules to Multiple Cells
Keynote: Polarity control at microgrooved structures in migrating fibroblast | |
Hiromi Miyoshi |
Keynote: Computer simulation of blood cell motion based on viscoelastic deformation | |
Ken-ichi Tsubota |
Invited: Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Complete Model of Bacterial Cytoplasm | |
Isseki Yu, Takaharu Mori, Jaewoon Jung, Tadashi Ando, Ryuhei Harada, Michael Feig, Yuji Sugita |
Physical modeling of membrane-bounded organelle | |
Masashi Tachikawa |
Crawling cell migration controlled by mechanical interaction with substratum | |
Yoshiaki Iwadate |
Capillary network formation by the co-culture of endothelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells in a microfluidic device | |
Ryo Sudo |
MS-021 Parallel and Other High Performance Computing in the Solution of Partial Differential Equations
Parallel Space-Time Methods for Parabolic PDEs | |
Xiao-Chuan Cai |
MS-022 Multi-scale Computational Mechanics for Heterogeneous Materials
Keynote: A computational approach for the modelling of rolling shear cracks in cross-laminated timber structures | |
Erick I. Saavedra Flores |
Invited: Multiscale FEM Analysis of Mass Concrete Structures - Case Study | |
Wilson Ricardo Leal da Silva, Zdenek Bittnar |
Effect of distribution between stress and couple stress on Saint-Venant's decay rates for micropolar elastic solids in pure bending | |
Tomohide Ishimaru, Akihiro Nakatani |
MS-023 Computational Modeling of Human Body Injury
A Framework for Multiscale Modeling of Warfighter Blast Injury Protection | |
Andrzej Przekwas |
MS-024 Advanced Computational Modelling of Fracture and Damage
Keynote: Development of an anatomically-based SPH model for cranial ballistic injury | |
Eppuje E Kwon, Raj Das, Michael R Singh, Ravin D Vallabh, Justin W Fernandez, Michael C Taylor |
Mesoscopic modelling of the shear stud-concrete interface | |
Daniel John Lowe, Raj Das, Charles Clifton, Namasivayam Navaranjan |
Prediction on the onset of global failure of irregular honeycombs under compression | |
Youming Chen, Raj Das, Mark Battley |
MS-025 Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Mechano- Biology
Monte Carlo method for the laser-tissue interaction with application in laser dermatology | |
Bin Chen |
Keynote: Osteoporotic bone fracture healing under the locking compression plate system | |
Lihai Zhang, Saeed Miramini, Priyan Mendis, Martin Richardson |
Keynote: Preliminary work on the potential of extending structural health monitoring concepts for healing assessment | |
Wingkong Chiu, Wern Hann ONG, Matthias Russ, Zelia Karmen Chiu |
MS-026 Cohesive Fracture Modelling of Quasi-Brittle Materials
A rate-dependent constitutive model for PVB in the impact fracture simulation of laminated glass | |
Shunhua Chen, Mengyan Zang, Chunlai Zhao |
MS-027 Computational Methods in Fluid-Structure Interactions
Keynote: A Simple lumped mass-damper idealization for dam-reservoir-foundation system for seismic analysis | |
D. K. Paul, Arnab Banerjee, R. N. Dubey, Khairul Alam Chowdhury, Amar Pal Singh |
Hydroelastic Analysis in Frequency Domain and Time Domain | |
Frank Lin |
MS-028 Computational Modelling of Bio-related systems and Nanomaterials
Keynote: Conformational change of an α-helix segment of bovine serum albumin adsorbed on graphene | |
Jingjie Yeo, You Ting Han, Yuan Cheng |
Invited: Grain Size “Softening” in Nanocrystalline Materials Using a Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Approach | |
Siu Sin Quek, Zheng Hoe Chooi, Zhaoxuan Wu, Yong Wei Zhang, David Srolovitz |
MS-029 A Probabilistic Approach in the Numerical Simulation of Deformation and Fracture of Solids
Keynote: New model and method simulating effective protection of space vehicles from high-velocity debris | |
Alexander V. Gerasimov, Yury F. Khristenko |
Multiscale computer simulation dynamic fracture of ultrahigh temperature ceramics at room and elevated temperatures | |
Vladimir Albertovich Skripnyak |
Simulation mechanical behavior ultra high temperature ceramic composites under intensive dynamic loading | |
Vladimir Albertovich Skripnyak |
MS-030 Confidence and Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Mechanics
Keynote: Stochastic analysis of a radial-inflow turbine in the presence of parametric uncertainties | |
A. Zou, E. Sauret, J.-C. Chassaing, S.C. Saha, Y.T. Gu |
Fluid Models and Parameter Sensitivities: Computations, and Applications | |
Fran Pahlevani, Monika Neda, Jiajia Waters, Lisa Davis |
MS-031 Advanced Computational Modelling & Simulations In Safety
Keynote: Local blast wave effects in interaction with structural elements | |
Jerzy Malachowski |
Keynote: Sapper: Online Platform for Prediction the Blast Loading on Structures | |
Piotr Sielicki |
Development of Light-Weight Fast Installation Protective Blastscreens | |
Tomasz Łodygowski |
Constitutive Modelling of the Dynamic Behaviour of the Building Steels for Design of Protective Structures | |
Leopold Kruszka, Wojciech Mocko, Jacek Janiszewski |
Selection of nanostructured material parameters of the bainitic steel for the numerical model of the passive armour | |
Adam Wisniewski, Karol Jach, Pawel Zochowski |
MS-032 Topology Optimization of Structures and Materials
Topology optimization of anisotropic constrained damping structures | |
Long Zhao, Qiong Deng, Shuangyan Liu, Mengjia Su, Yihang Xu |
MS-038 Structural Health Monitoring and Identification of Structures
Keynote: Imaging and characterizing damages in metallic plates using Lamb waves | |
Ching-Tai Ng |
Invited: Development of an automated monitoring system for steel bridges | |
Sherif Beskhyroun |
Mode decomposition method for non-classically damped structures using acceleration responses | |
J.-S Hwang, S.-H. Shin, Hongjin Kim |
MS-039 Multiscale anf Multiphisics Modelling for Complex Materials
Keynote: Coarse-graining approaches for complex materials as multifield continua with applications to particle composites | |
Patrizia Trovalusci |
Quantitative, elastoplastic phase-field model for microstructural evolution in solids under stress and temperature gradients | |
San-Qiang Shi |
MS-040 Computational Methods in Welding and Joining
Keynote: Residual Stress Effects and Mechanical Property of Dissimilar 2024-T3 and 7075-T6 FSW Joints | |
Yu E Ma, Jiang Li |
Keynote: Numerical studies on grain growth in friction stir welding | |
Zhao Zhang |
Invited: Study of the characteristic of droplet transfer in laser-MIG hybrid welding based on the phase matching control of laser pulse and arc waveform | |
gang song |
Computational methods for Prediction of tool fatigue life in friction stir welding | |
Qi Wu |
Decentralized Vibration Control Algorithms for Large Truss Structure | |
Zhiqin Cai |
Numerical Simulation of Infrared Staking Plastic for an Automotive Part | |
Hong Seok Park, Trung-Thanh Nguyen |
Fatigue analysis of used welded impeller for determination of critical threshold before remanufacture | |
Ying Feng |
Optimization of transient temperature field distribution of biological cells under laser irradiation | |
xiaona wang, shide song, yi huang, lei liu, xi xu |
Atomistic interaction between grain boundaries and radiation-induced point defects in hcp titanium | |
Man Yao |
Estimation for heat transfer coefficient of secondary cooling process during slab continuous casting | |
Xudong wang |
MS-042 Recent Advances In Meshfree and Particle Methods
Keynote: DPD simulation of the movement and deformation of single cells | |
Moubin Liu |
Keynote: A Kansa-RBF method for elliptic boundary value problems in annular domains | |
C.S. Chen |
Keynote: Numerical Investigation of Oil Spill from a Tanker by Multiphase MPS Method | |
Guangtao Duan, Bin Chen |
Keynote: A Symmetric Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method for the simulation of free surface flows | |
Hao Xiang, Bin Chen |
Consolidation analysis of saturated soils using edge-based smoothed point interpolation method | |
Arman Khoshghalb, Omid Ghaffaripour, Arash Tootoonchi |
An effective improved algorithm for Finite Particle Method | |
Yang Yang, Fei Xu, Xiao ting Li, Lu Wang |
A multi-level meshless method based on an implicit use of the method of fundamental solutions | |
Csaba Gaspar |
An Improved Pressure Projection Method for Meshfree Modelling of Ideally Incompressible Hyperelasticity | |
Chun Meng Goh, Martyn P. Nash, Poul M.F. Nielsen |
Distributed Parallel Large-Scale MPS-FE Fluid-Structure Interaction Coupled Analysis for Tsunami Analysis on Urban Area | |
Kohei Murotani, Seiichi Koshizuka |
MS-043 Computational Modelling in Material Processing
Keynote: Finite element modelling of deformation behavior in incremental sheet forming of aluminum alloy | |
Cho-Pei Jiang |
Finite element analysis of different chipbreaker types for turning tool process | |
Dyi-Cheng Chen, Ci-Syong You |
Finite Element Analysis of Hot Aluminum Extrusion of Asymmetric Parts | |
Yeong-Maw Hwang |
MS-045 Advances in Computational Geomechanics
Keynote: The benefits of heuristic computational models in geomechanics | |
Itai Einav |
Keynote: Spatial scaling issues in constitutive modelling of geomaterials | |
Chi T Nguyen, Giang D Nguyen, Ha H Bui, Vinh Phu Nguyen |
REDBACK: an Open-Source Highly Scalable Simulation Tool for Rock Mechanics with Dissipative Feedbacks | |
Thomas Poulet, Martin Lesueur, Martin Paesold, Manolis Veveakis |
New framework for predicting compacted soil behaviour | |
Jayantha Kodikara |
Modelling of rock materials subjected to dynamic loading using a particle-based numerical manifold method | |
Jian Zhao |
MS-046 Multiscale Modelling of Advanced Engineering Materials
Keynote: Multiscale modeling of multiple-cracking fracture behaviour of engineered cementitious composites | |
Ting Huang, Y.X. Zhang, Chunhui Yang |
Keynote: Micromechanics-based multiscale modelling of porous materials with two-scale pressured voids | |
Lianhua Ma, Chunhui Yang |
Multiscale Analysis of Piezoceramic-Battery Hybrid Composites | |
Ganesh S, P S Prasad, Dineshkumar Harursampath |
Mechanics on hierarchical chirality transfer in biological materials and nanomaterials | |
Jianshan Wang |
A multiple-mechanism-based model for prediction of yield strength in crystals | |
Ganyun Huang |
Bifurcation of a spherical balloon under air inflation and electric activation | |
Yu-Xin Xie |
Hot compressive deformation behavior and flow stress prediction of TC4 titanium alloy | |
Han Fei, Chen RongQuan, Yang ChunHui, Li XianMin |
Dynamic recrystallization simulation of Ti-6Al-4V alloy during hot compressive deformation by cellular automata method | |
Han Fei, Chen Rongquan, Wang Yongqiang, Gao Qi |
MS-047 Fatigue Cracking Modeling and Numerical Simulation
Investigation on the influence of Localized Unbonded-areas on the Crack Growth Characteristic of Diffusion Bonded Titanium Alloy Laminates | |
Yang Liu, Yongcun Zhang, Shutian Liu, Shan Xiao, Yanpeng Sun, Xiangming Wang |
MS-048 Advanced Numerical Methods in Explosion and Shock Waves
Keynote: Simulation of shock-induced chemical reactions in reactive powder mixtures using SPH | |
Sumit Basu |
Development of a Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Supersonic Flow Simulations on Hybrid Mesh | |
SU Peng-hui, ZHANG Liang |
Three Dimensional High Order Parallel Investigations on Underwater Explosion | |
Cheng Wang, Jianxu Ding |
High Resolution Numerical Simulation for corner-turning in LX-17 | |
Cheng Wang, xinqiao liu |
MS-049 Nanomechanics and Nanoscale Modelling
Wave properties – based homogenization for graphene via nonlocal finite difference method applied to recover physical dispersion | |
Adam Martowicz, Wieslaw J. Staszewski, Massimo Ruzzene, Tadeusz Uhl |
MS-050 Algorithms for Structural Control and Health Monitoring
Keynote: Transient Wave Propagation in a Damaged Functionally Graded Material Ring: Spectral Element Modeling and Analysis | |
Chao Xu, Teng Wang |
A Novel Fast Model Predictive Control for Large-Scale Structures | |
Haijun Peng |
Dynamic Analysis on Coupled Vibration of Strapdown INS Damping System | |
HUANG De-dong |
MS-051 Computations and Modelling of Multiphase Flows
Keynote: Oblique shock to detonation transition in hydrogen-air mixtures | |
Honghui Teng |
Keynote: Density-scaled balanced continuum surface force model with a level set based curvature interpolation technique | |
Kensuke Yokoi |
Keynote: Simulations of the Interaction of Compressible Droplet Impaction on Walls based on the Two-Fluid Model | |
Yang-Yao Niu |
A mixed interface capturing/tracking scheme for sharp interface simulation of flow instability problem | |
Ching-Sen Wu |
Free Surface Flow Simulation Using Moving-Grid Finite-Volume Method | |
Sadanori Ishihara, Kenichi Matsuno, Masashi Yamakawa, Takeshi Inomoto, Shinichi Asao |
Numerical Investigation of Aerosol Particle Transport and Deposition in Realistic Lung Airway | |
Mohammad Saidul Islam, Suvash C. Saha, Emilie Sauret, YuanTong Gu, Zoran D. Ristovski |
An Investigation of Nano-Particle Deposition in Cylindrical Tubes Under Laminar Condition Using Lagrangian Transport Model | |
Meisam Babaie, pouyan Talebizadeh, Kiao Inthavong, Goodarz Ahmadi, Zoran Ristovski, Hassan Rahimzadeh, Richard Brown |
MS-052 Computational Modelling of Hemodynamics
Keynote: Understanding Cerebrovascular Disease through Computational Simulations | |
Chang-Joon Lee |
MS-053 Advances and Applications of the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method
Keynote: Static and free vibration analysis of laminated composite plates by the scaled boundary finite-element method | |
Tingsong XIANG, Chongmin Song, Sundararajan Natarajan, Hou Man, Wei GAO |
Keynote: From CAD and digital imaging to fully automatic and adaptive stress analysis | |
Chongmin Song, Hossein Talebi |
Invited: Meso-scale fracture modelling of concrete using a finite element-scaled boundary finite coupled method | |
Yujie Huang, Zhenjun Yang, Guohua Liu |
Numerical modelling of wave propagation | |
Dinusha Wijesekara, Carolin Birk |
A high-order doubly asymptotic transmitting boundary for vector wave propagation | |
Denghong CHEN |
Stress Analysis of Complex Geometries by Implicit Surfaces and the Scaled Boundary Polyhedral Finite Elements | |
Hossein Talebi, Chongmin Song |
Evaluation of the Singular Stress Field of the Crack Tip of the Infinite Elastic Plate | |
Junyu Liu, Gao LIN, Ping Zhang, Yuyang Wang |
A scaled boundary finite element formulation with quadtree mesh for elasto-plastic analysis | |
Ke He, Ean Tat Ooi, Chongmin Song |
Scaled Boundary Finite Element Analysis of three-dimensional crack configurations in laminate structures | |
Wilfried Becker, Sascha Hell |
MS-054 Topology Optimization in Electromagnetic or Acoustic Fields
Keynote: Structural design in electromagnetic fields through topology optimization schemes on metamaterials | |
Jeonghoon Yoo, Heeseung Lim, Hyundo Shin |
Invited: Topology optimization of Permanent Magnet and Coils in Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvesters | |
Jaewook Lee |
Structural topological optimization of a 3-D nano-aperture based on the phase field method | |
CheolWoong Kim, HongKyoung Seong, Heeseung Lim, Jeonghoon Yoo |
A study of frequency dependence in level set-based topology optimization for the design of wave motion converter in an acoustic-elastic coupled system | |
Yuki Noguchi, Takayuki Yamada, Masaki Otomori, Kazuhiro Izui, Shinji Nishiwaki |
Topology optimization of wire in gas tungsten arc welding | |
Yiseul Kim, Jaewook Lee, Xiao Long Liu, Bo Young Lee, Yunlong Chang |
Level set-based topology optimization of heat control devices | |
So Okamoto, Takayuki Yamada, Kazuhiro Izui, Shinji Nishiwaki |
MS-055 Computational Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
Keynote: The grain-scale mechanisms for landslide instability in unsaturated soils | |
Yixiang Gan |
MS-056 Engineering Inverse Problems
Online Parameter Estimation of the Lankarani-Nikravesh Contact Force Model Using Two Different Methods | |
Jia Ma, Linfang Qian, Guangsong Chen |
MS-057 Structural Uncertainty Modeling & Reliability Analysis
Keynote: Non-random vibration analysis based on non-stochastic process model | |
Chao Jiang, Bingyu Ni |
Keynote: Assessment of structural performance of concrete-filled steel tubular arch with interval viscoelastic effects | |
Di Wu, Wei Gao |
Invited: Reliability modeling of mechanical and electrical products based on reliable operating space envelope | |
Yang WANG |
Invited: Interval optimization for the structural-acoustic system with interval parameters in the mid-frequency range | |
Hui Yin, Baizhan Xia, Dejie Yu, Shengwen Yin |
Invited: A fuzzy analysis for the plane bimodular problem | |
Haitian Yang |
Invited: A Meta-model-based Importance Sampling for Reliability-based Design Optimization | |
Guangsong Chen, Linfang Qian, Wenyu Zhai |
Research on reliability modeling technology for FMS based on task | |
Yan Ran, Genbao Zhang, Lin She |
Global sensitivity analysis for structural models by sparse grid integration | |
Changcong Zhou |
Construction of convex models for non-probabilistic correlation quantification and uncertainty analysis | |
Bingyu Ni, Chao Jiang |
Stochastic prediction and update for macroscopic property of heterogeneous material considering microstructural uncertainties | |
pin wen |
A reliability optimization allocation method considering differentiation of functions | |
YI Xiaojian, LAI Yuehua, DONG Haiping, HOU Peng |
Parametric reliability sensitivity analysis using failure probability ratio function | |
Pengfei Wei |
MS-058 Soft Tissue Mechanics: Multi-Scale Modelling, Measurement, and Parameter Identification
Keynote: Optimal design of experiments for in-vivo identification of breast tissue mechanical properties | |
Thiranja Prasad Babarenda Gamage, Habib Baluwala, Duane Malcolm, Christopher Patrick Bradley, Martyn Peter Nash, Poul Michael Nielsen |
MS-059 Numerical Modelling of Composite Structures Subjected to Extreme Loading Conditions
Viscoelastic Response of Composite Laminated Shells Based on Efficient Higher-Order Theory | |
SyNgoc Nguyen, Jaehun Lee, Maenghyo Cho |
Damage prediction of carbon-epoxy composites under shear and three point bending loads using the finite element method | |
Kariappa Maletira Karumbaiah, Raj Das, Stephen Campbell |
The Failure mechanism of composite sandwich structure with stringer reinforcement | |
Ruixiang Bai |
Numerical modeling of nonlinear transversal behavior of a para-aramid yarn | |
Tuan-long Chu, Cuong Ha-Minh, Abdellatif Imad |
MS-061 Concrete Structure Damage Due to Explosion
Keynote: Numerical simulation of breakup of concrete magazine due to accidental internal explosion and determination of its debris hazard zone | |
Sau Cheong Fan |
Invited: Parametric study of FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete panels under blast loads | |
X Lin, Y.X. Zhang |
MS-062 Modeling and Simulation of High-Speed Multimaterial Flows
An Effective Three Dimensional MMALE Method for Compressible Fluid Dynamics | |
Shudao Zhang |
MS-064 Effective Visualisation for Science through Big Data and Visual Analytics
Cognition of Parameters' Role on Vertical Control Device for Aerodynamic Characteristics of Aircraft Using Data Mining | |
Kazuhisa Chiba, Taiga Omori, Yasuto Sunada, Taro Imamura |
MS-065 Stochastic Modelling and Probabilistic Engineering
A computational approach for determination of system length distribution of a batch arrival and batch service queue | |
U C Gupta, S Pradhan |
MS-067 Hydraulic Fracturing: Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Simulation, and Engineering Aspects
Initiation and propagation of wormhole in unconsolidated rock matrix induced by long-term water injection | |
YongKuan Shen, He Liu, HengAn Wu |
MS-068 Medical Rapidprototyping and Tissue Engineering
Keynote: Innovative development of the RP assisted customized surgical guides in various surgeries | |
Sandeep W Dahake, Abhaykumar M Kuthe, Mahesh B Mawale, Ashutosh D Bagde |
MS-069 New Horizons in FEM Analysis for Mechatronics in the Medical Applications
Invited: Test of the GEM Front Tracker for the SBS Spectrometer at JLab | |
Francesco Mammoliti |
Invited: Structural Mechanics Optimization of the AISHa Ion Source | |
Francesco Noto, Luigi Celona, Ornella Leonardi, Giuseppe Torrisi, Dario Nicolosi |
MS-070 CFD of Turbulence for Applied, Industrial, or Environmental Flows
A comparison of two computational methods (RANS and LES) in analysing of ventilation flow through a room fitted with a two-sided windcatcher for free flow condition | |
Amirreza Niktash, B. Phuoc Huynh |
A Numerical Study on the Fluid Flow inside a Cage-Guided Globe Valve to Evaluate the Operability of Air-Operated Valve | |
Sang Hyuk Lee, Wonsam Cho, Dae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Lee, Jaehyung Kim, Yong Jin Kim |
Aerodynamic Analysis of the Airfoil of a Vawt by Using 2D CFD Modelling | |
Luis Fernando Garcia, Julian Ernesto Jaramillo, Jorge Luis Chacón |
MS-072 Fluid-Structure Interactions in Aerospace Engineering
Fluid-Structure Interaction Study of a Flexible Flapping Wing using a Navier-Stokes Solver | |
Salil Harris, Sunetra Sarkar |
Comparison of LQR, LQG and H-infinity Methods to Design Controllers for a Satellite considering Fluid-Structure Interaction | |
Luiz Carlos Gadelha Souza |
MS-073 Numerical Methods and Applications in Geoscience and Geotechnics
Keynote: Reliability analysis of soil slope stability based on the probability density evolution method | |
Yu Huang, Min Xiong |
Keynote: Numerical study on the liquefaction resistance improvement effect by self-weight consolidation of a reservoir dam | |
Xuanwang Wang, Bin Ye, Chao Liu, Yu Huang |
Keynote: Numerical simulation of catastrophic debris flows | |
Yu Huang |
Invited: Seismic earth pressure on a multi-story underground structure | |
Zhiyi Chen, Wei Chen, Hui Fan |
Invited: A soil dynamics based liquefaction potential assessment framework for urban sites | |
Jian Chen, Tomohide Takeyama, Hideyuki O-tani, Kohei Fujita, Muneo Hori |
Development of a fully coupled flow-geomechanics simulator for flow in saturated porous media | |
Chao Zhang, Sadiq J. Zarrouk, Rosalind Archer |
Direct three-dimensional meshless magnetotelluric modeling | |
Jan Wittke, Bülent Tezkan |
MS-074 Design and Control of Flexible Smart Structures
Keynote: Amplitude dependent band gap characteristic of elastic wave propagating in pre-compressed periodic bistable elastic mechanical chain | |
Yu Huang, Shutian Liu, Jian Zhao |
Analysis of Shape-memory alloy wire embedded laminated composite to imitate turtle’s lag | |
Hyeok Lee, Jong-Gu Lee, Junghyun Ryu, Sung-Hyuk Song, Sung-Hoon Ahn, Myeonghyo Cho |
MS-075 Advances in the Boundary Element Method and Its Applications
Keynote: Study of Acoustic Metamaterials Using the Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method | |
Yijun Liu, Anli Wang, Bangjian He |
Keynote: An Automatic Topology Recovery Method Based on T-Spline Surfaces Reconstruction in BFM | |
Chenjun Lu, Jianming Zhang |
Invited: Frequency Domain Elastodynamic Solutions Using Iterative Coupling of FEM and BEM | |
Jose Claudio de Faria Telles, Delfim Soares Jr |
Invited: A new automatic quadrangle mesh generation method for Boundary Face Method | |
wang pan, zhang jianming |
Invited: Isoparametric tube, disk and ring boundary elements and their application in BEM analysis of slender structures | |
Xiao-Wei Gao, Zhi-Chao Yuan, Wen-Hao Zeng |
Invited: Simulation of the acoustic filed of a structure vibrating in a subsonic uniform flow using the fast BEM | |
Qiang Zhou, Chuan-Zhen Li, Zai-You Yan |
All-Hexahedral Mesh Generation Based on Virtual Decomposition for Boundary Face Method | |
han lei, zhang jian ming |
Fast computational algorithm for actively cooling TPS based on sub-structure BEM | |
Jian Liu, Xiao-Wei Gao |
In-plane free vibration of circular FG disks | |
Yang Yang, Kun Pang Kou, Chi Chiu Lam, Vai Pan Iu |
New approach for computing hyper-singular interface stresses in IIBEM for solving multi-medium elasticity problems | |
Kai Yang |
Fast multipole boundary element method for elastic wave scattering in 2-D anisotropic solids | |
Takahiro SAITOH, Sohichi HIROSE, Akira FURUKAWA |
MS-076 High Performance Computing and Simulation of Multiphase Flows
Novel multimedia architecture design pattern using Audio joiner prototype with delay remover | |
Ganeshchandra Narharrao Shinde, Sachin Manoharrao Narangale |
MS-077 Advances in Computational Modelling and Optimization for Impact and Blast Problems
Keynote: Crashworthiness simulation of multi-cell tubes under oblique impact loads | |
Jianguang Fang |
Keynote: Time-dependent reliability analysis with random and evidence variables | |
Dequan ZHANG, Xu Han, Chao Jiang, Qing Li |
Bird strike on an engine primary compressor at high rotational speed: Numerical simulations and parametric study | |
Jia Huang, Yulong Li, Jun Liu, Zhixue Zhang, Zhongbin Tang |
MS-078 Advances in High-performance Finite Element Methods
Keynote: HDF method: a novel and efficient finite element scheme for analysis of Mindlin-Reissner plate | |
Song Cen, Yan Shang |
Invited: Quasi-conforming formulation method based on couple stress theory | |
Changsheng Wang, Xiangkui Zhang, Ping Hu |
Report on a novel concave-admissible quadrilateral 8 node plane element | |
Yang Xia, Qingyuan Hu, Ping Hu, Chongjun Li |
Study on the triangular shell elements for anisotropy material | |
XiangRong Fu, Pu Chen, ShuLi Sun, MingWu Yuan |
Application of the quadrilateral area coordinates: A 4-node quadrilateral membrane element beyond MacNeal’s theorem | |
Pei-Lei Zhou, Song Cen |
A displacement-based element model for solving the edge effect problem of Mindlin-Reissner plate | |
Yan Shang, Song Cen |
MS-079 Biomedical Image Processing and Analysis
Generation of three-dimensional models suitable for computational mechanical analysis, based on a population of endothelial cells | |
Yi Chung Lim, Michael Cooling, Sue McGlashan, David Long |
MS-080 Current Trends in Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Flows
Keynote: Wall-bounded flow separation computed by a second-moment closure model | |
Suad Jakirlic |
Linear global stability computations of magnetohydrodynamic duct flows | |
Hu Jun |
MS-081 Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
Keynote: Cluster particle dynamics (CPD) for multiscale computation | |
Xu Xu |
Keynote: Mass-redistributed method in the evaluation of eigenfrequency of solid systems | |
Quan Bing Eric Li |
Invited: Improved edge-based smoothed finite element method (IES-FEM) for Mid-frequency acoustic analysis | |
Zhicheng He |
Hall Current Effects on Unsteady MHD Flow Through a Composite Medium in a Rotating Parallel Plate Channel | |
Jagdish Prakash, M Veera Krishna |
The Three-Dimensional Finite-Volume Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Model (NIM) | |
Jin Lee |
Thermal Vibration of a Rectangular Single-layered Graphene Sheet | |
Lifeng Wang, Rumeng Liu |
MS-082 Statistical Inverse Problems
Keynote: Statistical Inversion in Electrical Impedance and Diffuse Optical Tomography | |
Taufiquar Khan |
A probabilistic approach to inverse material parameter identification | |
Erfan Asaadi, Philippus Stephan Heyns |
MS-083 Analysis, Modelling and Simulation of Soft Active Materials
Keynote: Inspiring Design of Soft Active Systems by Theory | |
Soo Jin Adrian Koh |
Invited: Numerical techniques for modeling nonlinear oscillation of dissipative dielectric elastomers | |
Jinxiong Zhou |
Invited: Modelling viscoelastic dielectric elastomers | |
Keith Foo, Zhi-qian Zhang |
Invited: Bulging instability of a pressurized tube made of dielectric elasomter under electromechanical loading | |
Tongqing Lu |
Invited: Mechanical modeling and simulation of soft machines | |
Tiefeng Li |
MS-084 Computational Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Tissues
Keynote: Bulk and surface balance of osteocytes during bone tissue formation and remodelling: Continuous and stochastic models | |
Pascal Buenzli |
Statistical Analysis of Shape and Stress in the Lower Lumbar using Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Squares | |
Shasha Yeung, Amanjeet Sing Toor, Gerard Deib, Ju Zhang, Thor Besier, Justin Fernandez |
A statistical model to predict bone cell diffusion patterns in scaffolds | |
Wilson Fok, S.T.C. Lin, David Musson, Jillian Cornish, J.W. Fernandez |
Development of a simplified computational model to study cranial backspatter using SPH | |
Eppuje E Kwon, Akshat Malhotra, Raj Das, Justin W Fernandez, Michael C Taylor |
Prediction of Human Elbow Joint Torque Based on Improved BP Neural Network | |
Gao Yongsheng, Sun xiaoying |
Computational modeling of the behaviour of the ceramic head for total hip joint endoprosthesis | |
Vladimir Fuis, Premysl Janicek |
MS-085 Materials Constitutive Modelling: from Nano-scale to Continuum
Keynote: Modelling the quasi-static and high-strain rate deformation behaviour of magnesium alloy AZ31 | |
Gwenaelle Proust, Ling Li, Emmanuel A Flores Johnson, Luming Shen, Ondrej Muransky |
Numerical simulations of induced wrinkling by patterned defects in metal thin | |
Mingchao Liu, Yixiang Gan |
Nonlinear Electro-mechanical Responses of Ferroelectric Ceramics and Active Composites | |
Anastasia Muliana |
A computational analysis of ballistic resistance of bio-inspired multilayered panels with functionally graded foam cores | |
Ruoyu Wang, Emmanuel A. Flores-Johnson, Gwénaëlle Proust, Luming Shen |
Numerical study of impact and blast performance of nacre-like aluminium composites | |
Emmanuel A. Flores-Johnson, Luming Shen, Irene Guiamatsia, Giang D. Nguyen |
Publication at Proceedings Only
Higher-order two-point efficient family of Halley type methods for simple roots | |
Ramandeep Behl, S. S. Motsa |
Peridynamic model of a cracked orthotropic plate for damage detection based on vibro-acoustic wave interaction | |
Wieslaw J. Staszewski, Adam Martowicz, Massimo Ruzzene, Tadeusz Uhl |
Cementless total hip arthroplasty with and without screw fixation: a randomized study of 78 hips | |
zhiqi zhu |
A Highly sensitive mass sensor using high-mode resonant cantilever with step change in thickness | |
Renjing Gao, Mingli Li, Jian Zhao |
Numerical Study of Interaction Between Waves and Floating-Body by MPS Method | |
Decheng Wan, Youlin Zhang |
Application of Least Squares Stress Stabilization Method on Nodal Integration of RPIM with Tetrahedral Background Cells | |
M.M. Yavuz, Bahattin Kanber |
On the solution of sine-Gordon solitons via localized kernel-based method | |
Marjan Uddin |
The Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature in isogeometric analysis | |
Xiaofei Shi, Ping Xi, Yuwang Song, Xueming Cai |
Numerical and Experimental Analyses on Aerodynamic Characteristic and Aeroacoustic Noise of Propeller for UAV | |
Joohan Kim, Myungsung Lee |

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