A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All
Achintha, Mithila, University of Southampton
AKINTAYO, Olufemi Taiwo, Department of Civil Engineering, Division of Structural Engineering Laboratory of Mechanics and Materials, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, Greece.
Aliabadi, Ferri, Imperial College, London
Alves, Leonardo S. de B., Universidade Federal Fluminense
Alves, Leonardo, Federal Fluminense University - <span class="_cx kno-fv"> Niterói - RJ, Brazil</span>
Anjos, Jorel Lopes Rodrigues, PETROBRAS Research and Development Center, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Aoki, Kazuma, Kyoto University, Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Kyoto, 615-8540, Japan
Balan, Bogdan, University of Southampton
Barletta, Antonio, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Barletta, Antonio, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy
Bates, Alister, Imperial College London
Bates, Allister, Imperial College London
Batou, Anas, Mechanics, Universite Paris-Est
Beex, Lars, School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Queen’s Buildings, The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AA, Wales, UK.
Berryman, James G., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Bin, Chai Ying, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Bonisoli, Elvio, Politecnico di Torino
Boonkong, Tawan, University of Liverpool
Bordas, S.P.A.
Breitkopf, Piotr, Laboratoire Roberval, UMR7337 UTC-CNRS, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
BUI, TINH QUOC, Department of Mechanical and Environmental Informatics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1-W8-22, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8552, Japan
Buruchenko, Sergey K, South Ural State University
Butlin, Tore, Cambridge University Engineering Department
Cai, Yong, School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology
Cai, Zhiqin, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
Castello, Daniel Alves, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Castillo, Enrique, University of Cantabria
Cánovas, María Josefa, Miguel Hernández University of Elche
Celli, Michele, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna (Italy)<br />
Celli, Michele, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Cetto, Raul, St Mary's Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare Trust
Chae, Soo-Won, Korea University
Chalhub, Daniel J. N. M., Universidade Federal Fluminense
Chang, Che-Cheng
Chang, Seongmin, <p>Seoul National University</p>
Chen, Bing
Chen, Fanlong, Harbin Institute of Technology
Chen, Kai, College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology, Beijing University of Technology
Chen, N.
Chen, Shaohua, LNM, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
CHEN, SHUO, School of aerospace engineering and applied mechanics, Tongji University
Chen, Yang, Changzhou University
Chen, Yu, Lloyd's Register Global Technology Center
Chen, Zhen, University of Missouri
Chen, zhen
Cheng, Changzheng, Hefei University of Technology,Hefei,Anhui,China
Cheng, Jun Bo, Institute of applied physics and computational mathematics
Cho, Maenghyo, Division of Multiscale Mechanical Design, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University
Cho, Maenghyo, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University
Cho, Maenghyo, Seoul National University
Cho, Maenghyo, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Enginnering, Seoul National University
Cho, Maenghyo, <p>Seoul National University</p>
Cho, Younho
Choi, Chan Kyu, School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University
Choi, Joonmyung, Seoul National University
Choi, Joonmyung, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Enginnering, Seoul National University
Choi, Joonmyung, <p>Division of Multiscale Mechanical Design, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University</p>
Chung, Hayoung, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University
Chung, Hayoung, Seoul National University
Chung, Hayoung, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Enginnering, Seoul National University
Chung, Hayoung, <p>Division of Multiscale Mechanical Design, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University</p>
Chung, Jae, <p>Director</p><p>Bridge Software Institute (BSI)</p><p>University of Florida</p><p>Gainesville, Florida 32611-0281</p>
Colaco, M.J., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Coratella, Stefano, The Open University
Cui, Fangsen, Institute of High Performance Computing
Cui, Fangsen, Institute of high performance computing, A*STAR
Cui, Fangsen, <p>Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore</p>
Cupps, Brian P, Washington University
Davidson, Michael, <p>Graduate Faculty</p><p>Bridge Software Institute (BSI)</p> <p>University of Florida</p> <p>Gainesville, Florida 32611-0281</p>
Deshpande, Vikram Sudhir, Cambridge University Department of Engineering Trumpington Street Cambridge CB2 1PZ UK
Dharme, Mangesh, <p>Research Scholar</p><p>Mechanical Engineering Department</p><p>Visvesvaraya national Institute of Technology</p><p>Nagpur -440010 India</p>
Diaz De la O, Francisco Alejandro, University of Liverpool
DiazDelaO, Francisco A, University of Liverpool
Ding, Nan, College of mathematics, Jilin University, 2699Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P.R.China.
Ding, Yue, City University of Hong Kong; Xi'an Jiaotong University<br />
Dogge, Michael, Materials innovation institute M2i; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology
Dong, Qingbing, <p>School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University</p>
Dong, Qingbing, Nanyang Technological University
Doorly, Denis, Imperial College London
Dormy, Emmanuel, MAG, LRA, Département de Physique, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris.<br />
DOS REIS, FRANCISCO, LEMTA, Université de Lorraine. 2, Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, 54504 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France.
Du, Aijun, <p>School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering</p><p>Queensland University of Technology</p>
DU, Haiyang, Harbin Institute of Technology
Du, Xianhe, Tsinghua University
Dulikravich, G.S., FIU-MAIDROC Laboratory
Fang, Hong Qi, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, PR China<br />
Fang, Qihong, Hunan University
Feng, Hui, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, PR China<br />
Feng, Xi-Qiao, AML, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Feng, Xi-Qiao, Tsinghua University
Feng, Ying, Dalian University of Technology
Feng, Ying, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology
Fidlin, Alexander, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Fofana, Mustapha S, MIRAD Laboratory, Mechanical, Robotics and Manufacturing Engineering
Fossan, Ingar, Lloyd's Register Global Technology Centre Pte. Ltd., Singapore
Fukuda, Hiroshi, <em>Tokyo University of Science</em>
Fumoto, Sho, Saga University
Furukawa, Akira, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Gambaruto, Alberto, <pre class="moz-signature">Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) </pre>
GANGHOFFER, JEAN FRANCOIS, LEMTA, Université de Lorraine. 2, Avenue de la Forêt de Haye, 54504 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France.
Gao, Qiang, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis of Industrial Equipment, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, China
Gao, Qiang, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology
Gao, Renjing, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
Gao, wei
Gao, Xiao-Wei, Dalian University of Technology
Garcia, Ferran, <p>Departament de Física Aplicada, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.</p><p>MAG, LRA, Département de Physique, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris.</p>
Garg, Saurabh
Geers, Marc, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology
Ghandchi Tehrani, Maryam, University of Southampton Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
Giljarhus, Knut Erik, Lloyd's register Consulting - Energy AS
Glushkov, Evgeny V, Institute for Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
Glushkova, Natalia V, Institute for Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
Golub, Mikhail V, Institute for Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
Gong, Yaoqing, Henan Polytichnic University
Gong, Zhixiong, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
González Soto, Paulina, University of Santiago
Gouveia, Lucas Pereira, Scientific Computing and Visualization Laboratory - Federal University of Alagoas - Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
Govindan Radhakrishnan, Kumaresh, Lloyd's Register Global Technology Centre Pte. Ltd. 1 Bukit Batok Street 22 #03-03B, GRP Inductrial Building, Singapore-659592
Grabski, Jakub Krzysztof, Institute of Applied Mechanics Poznan University of Technology Poland
Gräbner, Nils, Chair of Mechatronics and Machine Dynamics, TU Berlin, Germany
Greco, Rita, Dicatech, Technical University of Bari
Gu, YuanTong, <p>School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering</p><p>Queensland University of Technology</p>
Gu, Yuantong, School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Queensland University of Technology
Gu, Yuantong, Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
Gu, Yuantong
Guest, Simon David, University of Cambridge
Gullman-Strand, Johan, Lloyd's Register Global Technology Centre
Gullman-Strand, Johan, Lloyd's Register Global Technology Center
Guo, Zaoyang, Changzhou University<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>
Haldar, amit kumar, Liverpool University
Haldar, amit kumar, Liverpool University (China)
Han, Xiao, Jilin University
Han, Xu, Hunan University
Hantoute, Abderrahim, Resercher at the Center of Mathematical Modeling
Harada, Keigo, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Hashimoto, Gaku, The University of Tokyo
Hatta, Hiroshi, <em>Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)</em>
He, Haitang, Dalian University of Technology
He, Yiqian
He, Yiqian, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China.
Hicks, Michael
Higuchi, Ryo, Tohoku University
Hirai, Shinichi, Department of Robotics, Ritsumeikan University
Hirose, Sohichi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Hirose, Sohichi, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)
HIROSE, Sohichi, Department of Mechanical and Environmental Informatics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1-W8-22, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8552, Japan
Ho, Pei, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic & Vascular Surgery, National University Health System, Singapore
Hoffmann, Norbert, Mechanical Engineering Department, Imperial College London, UK
Hong, Junghwa, Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Korea University, Republic of Korea
Houzeaux, Guillaume, <pre class="moz-signature">Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)</pre>
Hu, Ning, Chiba University
Hu, Yonglong
Hu, Yongxiang, Shool of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Hu, Yujin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Huang, Huan
Huang, Huan, School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology (China)
Huang, Yujie, Zhejiang University
Huang, Zheng-Ming, Tongji University
Indraratna, Buddhima, <p>Professor of Civil Engineering and Research Director, Centre for Geomechanics and Railway Engineering; Program Leader, ARC Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical Science and Engineering; University of Wollongong, Wollongong City, NSW 2522, Australia</p>
Ionescu, Ioan R., LSPM, University Paris-Nord, Sorbonne-Paris-Cite
Itada, Hiroshi, <p>Kyoto University, Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Kyoto, 615-8540, Japan</p>
Ji, Shuguan, College of Mathematics, Jilin University
Jiang, Chao, Hunan University
Jiang, Song
Jiang, Xiaoping, Changzhou University<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>
Jiang, Yong, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore
Jiffri, Shakir, University of Liverpool
Kabinejadian, Foad, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore
Kaipio, Jari
Kanayama, Hiroshi, Nagoya University
Kanayama, Hiroshi, Japan Women's University
Kang, Pilseong, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Systems Engineering, KAIST
Kar, Julia, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA
Kawai, Hiroshi, Tokyo University of Science-Suwa
Ke, Chun-Yu, Department of Civil Engineering National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan
Keer, Leon M., Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University
Kellermann, David C., The University of New South Wales
Kerfriden, Pierre, Cardiff University, School of Engineering
Kerfriden, Pierre
Kim, Byungjo, Seoul National University
KIM, CHEOL, Kyungpook National University
Kim, Hunhee, Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Korea University, Republic of Korea
Kim, Min Hyeok, <p>Sungkyunkwan University</p>
Kim, Moon Ki, Sungkyunkwan University
Kim, Soo Min, Korea University
Kim, Soung-Yon, Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital
Kim, Taehyoun, Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering National University of Singapore
Kitamura, Takayuki, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Science, Kyoto University
Kitayama, Takeshi, The University of Tokyo
Klammler, Harald, <p>Bridge Software Institute (BSI)</p><p>University of Florida</p><p>Gainesville, Florida 32611-0281</p>
Knutsen, Andrew K, <span style="font-family: "Times New Roman","serif"; font-size: 10pt; mso-fareast-font-family: SimSun; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ES; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold;">The Henry M. Jackson Foun
KOSHIZUKA, Seiichi, The University of Tokyo
Kumar, Gideon Praveen, Institute of high performance computing, A*STAR
Kumar, Pankaj, Institute of High Performance Computing, ASTAR
Kumar, Sarvesh, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram-695 547, Kerala, India
Kuthe, Abhaykumar, Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur India
Kuthe, Abhaykumar, <p>Professor</p><p>Mechanical Engineering Department</p><p>Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology,</p><p>Nagpur 440010 India</p>
Langley, Robin, Cambridge University Engineering Department
Lecomte, Christophe, University of Southampton
Lee, H. K., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Lee, H.P.
Lee, Haea, Korea University
Lee, Heow Pueh, National University of Singapore
LEE, Heow-Pueh, National University of Singapore
Lee, Shu Jin
Lei, Xiao-Wen, Osaka University
Leng, Jinsong, Harbin Institute of Technology
Leo, Hwa Liang, National University of Singapore
Leo, Hwa Liang, Department of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Leo, Hwa Liang, Dept of Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore
Leu, Liang-Jenq, Department of Civil Engineering National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan
Li, Chenfeng, <p>Zienkiewicz Centre of Computational Engineering</p><p>Swansea University</p>
Li, Jia, LSPM, University Paris-Nord, Sorbonne-Paris-Cite
Li, Jinrong, Harbin Institute of Technology
Li, Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Li, ming, College of Mathematics, Taiyuan University of Technology
Li, Qing
Li, Quan Bing Eric, The University of Sydney
Li, Rui, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Li, Tong, School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering,Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, 4001, Australia.
Li, Wei
Li, Xiaona, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Li, Xiaozhou, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology
Li, Xuefu, Dalian University of Technology
Li, Y., <p>Department of Nanomechanics,</p><p>Tohoku University,</p><p>Japan</p>
Lian, Yanping, Tsinghua University
Liang, Lihong, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Lim, Siak Piang, National University of Singapore
Lima Junior, Eduardo Toledo, Scientific Computing and Visualization Laboratory - Federal University of Alagoas - Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
Lin, Frank, Martec Ltd, Lloyd's Register
Ling, Ling, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Lira, William Wagner Matos, Scientific Computing and Visualization Laboratory - Federal University of Alagoas - Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
Liu, Bin, Department of Engineering Mechanics Tsinghua University Beijing 100084,China
Liu, Bo, The Solid Mechanics Research Center, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Liu, Guohua, Zhejiang University
Liu, Hui, <p>Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering, Wuhan University</p>
Liu, Jiabin
Liu, Jie, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University, China
Liu, Liwu, Harbin Institute of Technology
Liu, Moubin, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Liu, Ping, Tsinghua University
Liu, Shuitan, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
Liu, Wen You, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, PR China
Liu, Xia, Beijing University of Technology
Liu, Xin, Changsha University of Science and Technology 410004, PR China
Liu, Yan, Tsinghua University
Liu, Yanju, Harbin Institute of Technology
Liu, Yinghua, Tsinghua University
Liu, Yushi, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore
Liu, Yuzhe, School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University
Liu, Zishun, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Long, Andrew Craig, University of Nottingham
Long, Lianchun, College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology, Beijing University of Technology
Lu, Jian
Luo, Kai, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales
Lv, Jun, State Key Laboratory of Structure Analysis for Industrial Equipment, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Dalian University of Technology
Ma, Hang, Shanghai University
Ma, Lianhua, Beijing University of Technology
Ma, Siliang, Jilin University
Ma, Weihong, Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, P.R. China
Maceri, Franco, Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering (DICII), Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Mahadevan, L.
Marano, Giuseppe Carlo, DICAR, Politecnico di Bari
Marino, Michele, Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science Engineering (DICII), Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Maruyama, Taizo, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Matsunaka, Daisuke, <div>Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka Univeristy</div>
Matsunaka, Daisuke, Osaka University
Matthies, Hermann G., <p>Technische Universität Braunschweig</p><p>Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen Hans-Sommer-Str. 65</p><p>38106 Braunschweig</p><p>Germany</p>
Meng, Liang
Mergel, Janine C., RWTH Aachen University
Miller, Karol, The University of Western Australia
Min, Sungki, Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Korea University, Republic of Korea.
Mohamed Yusoff, Mohd Zuhri, <p>1) School of Engineering, University of Liverpool, Liverpool 69 3GH, UNITED KINGDOM</p><p>2) Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, MALAYSIA</p>
Mohan, Ram, Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering North Carolina A&T State University
Mottershead, John E, University of Liverpool
Mottershead, John, University of Liverpool
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