Presentations and Authors

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MS-002 Particle Based Methods

Numerical study of inter-floating platform mooring systems based on the SPH method
Peigang Jiao, Weibo Du, Kangning Li, Jiaming Ding

MS-010 Data-driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Inverse and Other Related Problems

Power activation functions constructed for two-way neural network
Yingnan Qi, Shuyong Duan
A Novel Approach to PINN for Solving Inverse Problems
Yijun Lu, Shuyong Duan
On Two-way Neural Network for Inverse Problems
S.Y. Duan, X. Han, G.R. Liu

MS-023 Meshfree and Other Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineering and Applied Mathematical Problems

SPH numerical simulation of interaction between different types of baffles and liquid sloshing
Heng Zhang, Bo Liu, Hanxiang Wang, Yanxin Liu, Xiangwei Dong, Yu Zhang

MS-037 Computational Biomechanics

Mathematical model of musculo-tendinous system for design of fish-inspired soft robot

MS-050 Trans-scale Mechanics of Advanced Materials

Detaching a rigid sphere from an ultrathin elastic sheet: Experiments and multiscale theories
Zhaohe Dai

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