Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Plenary Lecture

Probabilistic Learning on Manifolds (PLoM) for statistical surrogates of stochastic nano-to-macro systems with uncertainties, and updating from small and incomplete datasets
Christian Soize
Generalized free element method for solving mechanics problems
Xiao-Wei Gao
Interval process model — a new mathematical tool for dynamic uncertainty quantification
Chao Jiang
Wavelet Solution of Nonlinear Mechanics Problems
Jizeng Wang
Learning Various Complex Wind Fields for Efficient Soaring
Yao Zheng
Seismic SSI of a rectangular underground structure through SPH-FEM coupled simulation
Zhiyi Chen
Transient analysis of orthotropic thick and thin plates using low-order triangular elements
Joe Petrolito, Daniela Ionescu
Failure of quasi-brittle materials: revisit the cohesive theories of fracture
Rena C. Yu

MS-000 General Papers

Identification of effective cohesive parameters for FRP-concrete interface using multi-island genetic algorithm
Tianxiang Shi, Yangyang Wang, Miao Pang, Yongqiang Zhang
Research progress and challenges in multi field coupling dynamic characteristics of hydroelectric power generation units
Wenquan Wang, Xiu Wang
Incompatible unsymmetric plane elements with high distorted mesh immunity for geometric nonlinear analysis
Yuanfan Yang, Yingqing Huang, Haibo Chen

MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods

A novel research on the base force element method of complementary energy principle for finite strain problems
Zhonghai Li, Yijiang Peng
A novel high-order wavelet precise integration method for nonlinear dynamic problems
Bin Zhang, Jizeng Wang
An immersed boundary method for moving boundary problem by integrating ghost cell and level set methods
Jiang Yiyang
Subtype Classification of Circulating Rare Cells for Cancer Prognosis using Fluorescence-Topology Integrated Analysis
Yongjian Yu, Jue Wang

MS-002 Particle Based Methods

Discrete Element Method to predict creep effects on the failure behaviour of plasma-sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings during a thermal cycle
Willy Leclerc
A Meshfree Formulation of Higher Order Hermite Finite Elements with Particular Focus on Free Vibration Analysis of Euler-Bernoulli Beams
Zhenyu Wu, Songyang Hou, Dongdong Wang
A meshfree stabilized collocation method with gradient reproducing kernel approximations for high-order partial differential equations
ZhiYuan Xue, Lihua Wang
Numerical study of inter-floating platform mooring systems based on the SPH method
Peigang Jiao, Weibo Du, Kangning Li, Jiaming Ding

MS-004 Boundary Element Methods and Mesh Reduction Methods

A hierarchical method of fundamental solutions for solving inverse problems
Wen Li

MS-005 Reduced order models for structures and fluids

Modeling nonlinear dynamics with low-dimensional manifolds based on time delay embedding
Zihao Wang
Modal analysis methods for rotor-stator interaction fluid fields
Jianyao Yao

MS-006 Crash safety and structural optimization

The crush behavior of glass fiber reinforced polymer composite pipe fabricated by pullwinding process
Zhangxing Chen, Jia Li, Zhiqiang Cao, Haibin Tang
Artificial Intelligence-assisted Multi-scale Optimization of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composites
Shengya Li, Wenyang Liu, Yiqi Mao, Shujuan Hou
Cross-scale optimization of advanced materials for micro and nano structures based on strain gradient theory
Haidong Lin, Shujuan Hou

MS-008 Modeling and Simulation of Complex Flow and Transport Phenomena

An adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for simulating viscoelastic two phase flows
Xiaodong Wang

MS-009 Computational Methods in Fluid Engineering

Further accuracy verification of the 2D adaptive mesh refinement method by the benchmarks of lid-driven cavity flows
Zhenquan Li, Rajnesh Lal, Miao Li
Adaptive multiresolution second-generation wavelet collocation upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation law
Bing Yang, Youhe Zhou, Jizeng Wang
Research on energy harvesting performance of flapping foil under flow control
Li Weizhong

MS-010 Data-driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Inverse and Other Related Problems

A Loop Subdivision-Based Integrated CAD/CAE Reanalysis Method
Wenke Li, Jichao Yin, Hu Wang
Power activation functions constructed for two-way neural network
Yingnan Qi, Shuyong Duan
A Novel Approach to PINN for Solving Inverse Problems
Yijun Lu, Shuyong Duan
On Two-way Neural Network for Inverse Problems
S.Y. Duan, X. Han, G.R. Liu

MS-012 Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture of Advanced Materials

Study on the Identification of Physical Cross-linkages in Polymer Chains' Network
Isamu Riku

MS-013 High Performance Computing and Related Topics

Early Detection of Transformer Faults Using AI-based DGA Technology
Hongjie Zheng, Ryuji Shioya, Yasushi Nakabayashi, Masato Masuda, Hiroshi Matoba, Keiichi Nakajima, Hideyuki Okakura, Hiroki Nakamura
Development of a system for classifying J-core and UKHardcore music genres using music2vec
Nanase Kishi, Ryuji Shioya, Yasushi Nakabayashi
The Evolution of AI in Crafting Artistic Imagery

MS-014 Progresses of Computational Marine Hydrodynamics

GPU-based parallel WCSPH method for free surface flows
Xi Yang, Guangqi Liang, Taian Hu, Guiyong Zhang, Zhifan Zhang
Lamellar Vortex Generator around Submarine Hull Rudder:ANN/GA-based Sound Source /Structural Optimization
Xinxin Meng, Yuan Zhuang, Decheng Wan
Study on the effect of disturbances at the inlet boundary to the turbulent transition noise based on parabolized stability equation
Bohan Xie, Yuan Zhuang, Decheng Wan
Numerical simulation of mooring platforms in regular waves using MPS method
Congyi Huang, Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan
Numerical investigation on hydrodynamic and thermal wake of an underwater vehicle
Gang Gao, Liushuai Cao, Decheng Wan

MS-015 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques

Performance evaluation of the edge center-based strain smoothing element with selective reduced integration using 4-node tetrahedral meshes (EC-SSE-SRI-T4) in nearly incompressible large deformation analyses
Dynamic analysis of a rotating Mindlin plate with high-order rigid-flexible coupled model based on cell-based smoothed finite element method (CS-FEM)
Ningning Xu
A Reduced Smoothing Domain Integration Method for Cell-based S-FEM with Incompressible Laminar Flow
Jingyu Wang
Polytopal composite finite element method for contact and large deformation problems
Yan Li
Motor magnetic field analysis using the alpha finite element method (αFEM)
MD Peng, G.B. Chang, Z.C. He, Eric Li
Conservative immersed-type algorithm with a hybrid smoothed finite element method for the fluid-structure interaction
ShuHao Huo, Chen Jiang, GuiRong Liu, Zhiqiang Li

MS-016 Computational methods in Hydraulic engineering

Research on the performance and shafting vibration characteristics of Francis turbine
Xiu Wang, Yaping Gong, Wenquan Wang

MS-017 Data, Uncertainty, Machine Learning and Digital Twin

Data-driven efficient simulation methods for solid statics analysis
Shihao Li, Ziming Wen, Hu Wang
Research on crack propagation based on machine learning
Wenjing Ye, Lihua Wang

MS-018 Methods for Multi-Phase Flows

Stochastic modeling of fluid forces on a finite-size spherical particle in turbulence
Yuqi Wang

MS-019 Concurrent multiscale modeling from electrons to finite elements

Concurrent topology optimization of multiscale piezoelectric actuators
Chaofeng Lu, Guannan Wang

MS-020 Multiscale modelling of engineering materials

Electromagnetic-mechanical behavior and homogenization modelling of superconducting magnets
Huadong Yong, Sijian Wang, Youhe Zhou

MS-023 Meshfree and Other Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineering and Applied Mathematical Problems

The radial basis function pseudo-spectral method with ghost points for dynamic bioheat transfer
Xinglong Lu, Ruiping Niu, Shijie Zhao
Modeling, simulation and analysis of caving process of multi-layered loose top-coal based on the SPH method
Liu Yang, Zhang Qiang, Dong Xiangwei
SPH numerical simulation of interaction between different types of baffles and liquid sloshing
Heng Zhang, Bo Liu, Hanxiang Wang, Yanxin Liu, Xiangwei Dong, Yu Zhang
Numerical Simulation of Complex Fluid Flows Using Neural Networks
Jianying Zhang
Least-squares stabilized collocation method for the boundary condition identification in the inverse heat conduction problem
Ruoyu Jiang, Lihua Wang
Free Vibration Analysis of Welded Curved Beams using modified variational method
Runxin Zhang
Stabilized Lagrange Interpolation Collocation Method: a meshfree method incorporating the advantages of finite element method
Lihua Wang

MS-026 Computational Acoustics and Elastodynamics in Materials and Structures

Coupled vibration of laminated dielectric elastomer circular plates
Weiqiu Chen
Precise control of Lamb wave bandgaps for piezoelectric metamaterial plate enabled by tunable electric circuits
Yanzheng Wang, Weiqiu Chen, Chuanzeng Zhang
Elastic Metasurfaces Based on Data-Driven Machine Learning
Weijian Zhou

MS-027 Computational modeling of geological hazards and related cascading processes

A DEM numerical sandbox for investigating thrust formation
Jian Chen, Yanfang Qin, Daisuke Nishiura, Mikito Furuichi

MS-028 Kernel and machine learning based solutions of PDEs

A radial point interpolation method enhanced with neural network solvers for nonlinear mechanics
Jinshuai Bai, Xi-Qiao Feng, YuanTong Gu
Encoder-decoder ConvLSTM neural network for parameter identification in PDE
Qi Guo, en Hong Jia, ping Rui Niu, bin Hong Wang
G-CSRBN: Graph-based Approach With Compactly Supported Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
jin Hong Ren, ping Rui Niu, en Hong Jia, wen Jian Zhang
Inverse design of elastic wave metamaterials based on hybrid reinforcement learning and particle swarm optimization approach
Wenzhi Xu, Zhuojia Fu, Xiaoying Zhuang

MS-031 Design optimization of structures and metamaterials

Topology optimization for underwater pressure hull considering buoyancy-weight ratios minimization
Jiang Yuanteng, Zhao Min, He Tengwu

MS-033 Computational Biomechanics

Estimation of thermal cumulative equivalent minutes for pulse heated tissue
Kuo-Chi Liu, Zheng-Jie Chen
A mechanical approach to modeling implant osseointegration
Jean-Louis Tailhan, Boumediene Nedjar, Ebretche R.V.I. Amoakon, Fernando L.B. Ribeiro, Manon Sterba, Elouan Tronchon

MS-034 Recent Advances and Developments for Damage and Failure of Engineering Materials and Structures

Gradient damage modeling in shell structures
Boumediene Nedjar

MS-036 Mechanics of soft materials

Tensile Characterization of Modern and Ancient Egyptian Yarns: Insights from X-ray Microtomography and Finite-Element Analysis
Bacterial multiphysical interactions with hard and soft materials interfaces: towards computational design of engineered living materials
Jingjie Yeo
Reconstruction of unloaded configurations of soft tissues: Application to pathological arteries
Zeinab AWADA

MS-037 Computational Biomechanics

Mathematical model of musculo-tendinous system for design of fish-inspired soft robot
Monte Carlo simulation of effects of thermal fluctuation and membrane mechanics on dynamics of cellular uptake of nanoparticle under volume constraint
Xu Huang

MS-039 Computational Particle Dynamics

An improved multi-material interface treatment method for modeling soil-water problems
Can Yi, Dianlei Feng
Pore-Scale Modeling of the MICP Process by Using a Coupled FEM-LBM-CA Model: 2D and 3D Simulations
Dianlei Feng, Yajie Chu
DEM modelling of the debris-baffle interaction problem
Multi-phase Simulation of Selective Laser Melting with Ray Tracing by Using Adaptive Resolution SPH Method
Yibo Ma, Lingxiao Ma, Xu Zhou, Moubin Liu
GPU-Accelerated WC-ISPH Multiphase Flow Model
Chaoyang Guo
Effects of solid particle on the properties of turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a spatially developing flat-plate boundary layer
Ping Wang
Simulation of the effect of uniform magnetic field on bubble rising in ferrofluid by the ISPH-FVM coupling method
Xu Yi Xiang, Gang Yang, An De Hu, Yulin Xing, Hao Yang

MS-041 Multiscale multiphysical damage and fracture simulation of cementitious composites

3D multi-physics simulation of high temperature induced thermo-hygral fracture of concrete
Elia Nicolin, Maddegedara Lalith, Kohei Fujita, Tsuyoshi Ichimura

MS-042 Structural Reliability Analysis and Design Optimization

An interval analysis method for chatter stability of cutting systems with uncertainty
Jiachang Tang, Taolin Zhang
Integrating Dimensionality Reduction Integration and Active Learning for High-Dimensional Reliability Analysis with Cross-Terms
Mengchen Yu, Xiangyun Long
A reliability-based design optimization method by instance-based transfer learning and the application of nuclear fuel element design
Haibo Liu, Zhe Zhang

MS-047 Dynamic deformation and failure of advanced materials and structures

SPH modeling for the detonation driven under different charge lengths
Yuan Li

MS-050 Trans-scale Mechanics of Advanced Materials

Detaching a rigid sphere from an ultrathin elastic sheet: Experiments and multiscale theories
Zhaohe Dai
Multiscale study of friction and wear due to asperity plowing
Jianqiao Hu
Mechanical behavior and fracture mechanism of nacre brick-mortar structure
Lihong Liang

Publication Only

Mesoscale damage and fracture simulation of lightweight aggregate concrete under compression based on Voronoi-random walk algorithm
Binhui Wang, Xiaogang Song, Zihua Zhang
An Effective Out-of-core Automated Multi-Level Substructuring Method for Dynamic Analysis of Large-scale Structures
Guidong Wang, XiangYang Cui, Xin Hu
Multi-direct forcing immersed boundary method for complex flows with a hovering dragonfly
Dongli Han

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