Plenary Lecture
Probabilistic Learning on Manifolds (PLoM) for statistical surrogates of stochastic nano-to-macro systems with uncertainties, and updating from small and incomplete datasets | |
Christian Soize |
Generalized free element method for solving mechanics problems | |
Xiao-Wei Gao |
Interval process model — a new mathematical tool for dynamic uncertainty quantification | |
Chao Jiang |
Wavelet Solution of Nonlinear Mechanics Problems | |
Jizeng Wang |
Learning Various Complex Wind Fields for Efficient Soaring | |
Yao Zheng |
Seismic SSI of a rectangular underground structure through SPH-FEM coupled simulation | |
Zhiyi Chen |
Transient analysis of orthotropic thick and thin plates using low-order triangular elements | |
Joe Petrolito, Daniela Ionescu |
Failure of quasi-brittle materials: revisit the cohesive theories of fracture | |
Rena C. Yu |
MS-000 General Papers
Identification of effective cohesive parameters for FRP-concrete interface using multi-island genetic algorithm | |
Tianxiang Shi, Yangyang Wang, Miao Pang, Yongqiang Zhang |
Research progress and challenges in multi field coupling dynamic characteristics of hydroelectric power generation units | |
Wenquan Wang, Xiu Wang |
Incompatible unsymmetric plane elements with high distorted mesh immunity for geometric nonlinear analysis | |
Yuanfan Yang, Yingqing Huang, Haibo Chen |
MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods
A novel research on the base force element method of complementary energy principle for finite strain problems | |
Zhonghai Li, Yijiang Peng |
A novel high-order wavelet precise integration method for nonlinear dynamic problems | |
Bin Zhang, Jizeng Wang |
An immersed boundary method for moving boundary problem by integrating ghost cell and level set methods | |
Jiang Yiyang |
Subtype Classification of Circulating Rare Cells for Cancer Prognosis using Fluorescence-Topology Integrated Analysis | |
Yongjian Yu, Jue Wang |
MS-002 Particle Based Methods
Discrete Element Method to predict creep effects on the failure behaviour of plasma-sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings during a thermal cycle | |
Willy Leclerc |
A Meshfree Formulation of Higher Order Hermite Finite Elements with Particular Focus on Free Vibration Analysis of Euler-Bernoulli Beams | |
Zhenyu Wu, Songyang Hou, Dongdong Wang |
A meshfree stabilized collocation method with gradient reproducing kernel approximations for high-order partial differential equations | |
ZhiYuan Xue, Lihua Wang |
Numerical study of inter-floating platform mooring systems based on the SPH method | |
Peigang Jiao, Weibo Du, Kangning Li, Jiaming Ding |
MS-004 Boundary Element Methods and Mesh Reduction Methods
A hierarchical method of fundamental solutions for solving inverse problems | |
Wen Li |
MS-005 Reduced order models for structures and fluids
Modeling nonlinear dynamics with low-dimensional manifolds based on time delay embedding | |
Zihao Wang |
Modal analysis methods for rotor-stator interaction fluid fields | |
Jianyao Yao |
MS-006 Crash safety and structural optimization
The crush behavior of glass fiber reinforced polymer composite pipe fabricated by pullwinding process | |
Zhangxing Chen, Jia Li, Zhiqiang Cao, Haibin Tang |
Artificial Intelligence-assisted Multi-scale Optimization of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composites | |
Shengya Li, Wenyang Liu, Yiqi Mao, Shujuan Hou |
Cross-scale optimization of advanced materials for micro and nano structures based on strain gradient theory | |
Haidong Lin, Shujuan Hou |
MS-008 Modeling and Simulation of Complex Flow and Transport Phenomena
An adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for simulating viscoelastic two phase flows | |
Xiaodong Wang |
MS-009 Computational Methods in Fluid Engineering
Further accuracy verification of the 2D adaptive mesh refinement method by the benchmarks of lid-driven cavity flows | |
Zhenquan Li, Rajnesh Lal, Miao Li |
Adaptive multiresolution second-generation wavelet collocation upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation law | |
Bing Yang, Youhe Zhou, Jizeng Wang |
Research on energy harvesting performance of flapping foil under flow control | |
Li Weizhong |
MS-010 Data-driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Inverse and Other Related Problems
A Loop Subdivision-Based Integrated CAD/CAE Reanalysis Method | |
Wenke Li, Jichao Yin, Hu Wang |
Power activation functions constructed for two-way neural network | |
Yingnan Qi, Shuyong Duan |
A Novel Approach to PINN for Solving Inverse Problems | |
Yijun Lu, Shuyong Duan |
On Two-way Neural Network for Inverse Problems | |
S.Y. Duan, X. Han, G.R. Liu |
MS-012 Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture of Advanced Materials
Study on the Identification of Physical Cross-linkages in Polymer Chains' Network | |
Isamu Riku |
MS-013 High Performance Computing and Related Topics
Early Detection of Transformer Faults Using AI-based DGA Technology | |
Hongjie Zheng, Ryuji Shioya, Yasushi Nakabayashi, Masato Masuda, Hiroshi Matoba, Keiichi Nakajima, Hideyuki Okakura, Hiroki Nakamura |
Development of a system for classifying J-core and UKHardcore music genres using music2vec | |
Nanase Kishi, Ryuji Shioya, Yasushi Nakabayashi |
The Evolution of AI in Crafting Artistic Imagery | |
MS-014 Progresses of Computational Marine Hydrodynamics
GPU-based parallel WCSPH method for free surface flows | |
Xi Yang, Guangqi Liang, Taian Hu, Guiyong Zhang, Zhifan Zhang |
Lamellar Vortex Generator around Submarine Hull Rudder:ANN/GA-based Sound Source /Structural Optimization | |
Xinxin Meng, Yuan Zhuang, Decheng Wan |
Study on the effect of disturbances at the inlet boundary to the turbulent transition noise based on parabolized stability equation | |
Bohan Xie, Yuan Zhuang, Decheng Wan |
Numerical simulation of mooring platforms in regular waves using MPS method | |
Congyi Huang, Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan |
Numerical investigation on hydrodynamic and thermal wake of an underwater vehicle | |
Gang Gao, Liushuai Cao, Decheng Wan |
MS-015 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques
Dynamic analysis of a rotating Mindlin plate with high-order rigid-flexible coupled model based on cell-based smoothed finite element method (CS-FEM) | |
Ningning Xu |
A Reduced Smoothing Domain Integration Method for Cell-based S-FEM with Incompressible Laminar Flow | |
Jingyu Wang |
Polytopal composite finite element method for contact and large deformation problems | |
Yan Li |
Motor magnetic field analysis using the alpha finite element method (αFEM) | |
MD Peng, G.B. Chang, Z.C. He, Eric Li |
Conservative immersed-type algorithm with a hybrid smoothed finite element method for the fluid-structure interaction | |
ShuHao Huo, Chen Jiang, GuiRong Liu, Zhiqiang Li |
MS-016 Computational methods in Hydraulic engineering
Research on the performance and shafting vibration characteristics of Francis turbine | |
Xiu Wang, Yaping Gong, Wenquan Wang |
MS-017 Data, Uncertainty, Machine Learning and Digital Twin
Data-driven efficient simulation methods for solid statics analysis | |
Shihao Li, Ziming Wen, Hu Wang |
Research on crack propagation based on machine learning | |
Wenjing Ye, Lihua Wang |
MS-018 Methods for Multi-Phase Flows
Stochastic modeling of fluid forces on a finite-size spherical particle in turbulence | |
Yuqi Wang |
MS-019 Concurrent multiscale modeling from electrons to finite elements
Concurrent topology optimization of multiscale piezoelectric actuators | |
Chaofeng Lu, Guannan Wang |
MS-020 Multiscale modelling of engineering materials
Electromagnetic-mechanical behavior and homogenization modelling of superconducting magnets | |
Huadong Yong, Sijian Wang, Youhe Zhou |
MS-023 Meshfree and Other Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineering and Applied Mathematical Problems
The radial basis function pseudo-spectral method with ghost points for dynamic bioheat transfer | |
Xinglong Lu, Ruiping Niu, Shijie Zhao |
Modeling, simulation and analysis of caving process of multi-layered loose top-coal based on the SPH method | |
Liu Yang, Zhang Qiang, Dong Xiangwei |
SPH numerical simulation of interaction between different types of baffles and liquid sloshing | |
Heng Zhang, Bo Liu, Hanxiang Wang, Yanxin Liu, Xiangwei Dong, Yu Zhang |
Numerical Simulation of Complex Fluid Flows Using Neural Networks | |
Jianying Zhang |
Least-squares stabilized collocation method for the boundary condition identification in the inverse heat conduction problem | |
Ruoyu Jiang, Lihua Wang |
Free Vibration Analysis of Welded Curved Beams using modified variational method | |
Runxin Zhang |
Stabilized Lagrange Interpolation Collocation Method: a meshfree method incorporating the advantages of finite element method | |
Lihua Wang |
MS-026 Computational Acoustics and Elastodynamics in Materials and Structures
Coupled vibration of laminated dielectric elastomer circular plates | |
Weiqiu Chen |
Precise control of Lamb wave bandgaps for piezoelectric metamaterial plate enabled by tunable electric circuits | |
Yanzheng Wang, Weiqiu Chen, Chuanzeng Zhang |
Elastic Metasurfaces Based on Data-Driven Machine Learning | |
Weijian Zhou |
MS-027 Computational modeling of geological hazards and related cascading processes
A DEM numerical sandbox for investigating thrust formation | |
Jian Chen, Yanfang Qin, Daisuke Nishiura, Mikito Furuichi |
MS-028 Kernel and machine learning based solutions of PDEs
A radial point interpolation method enhanced with neural network solvers for nonlinear mechanics | |
Jinshuai Bai, Xi-Qiao Feng, YuanTong Gu |
Encoder-decoder ConvLSTM neural network for parameter identification in PDE | |
Qi Guo, en Hong Jia, ping Rui Niu, bin Hong Wang |
G-CSRBN: Graph-based Approach With Compactly Supported Radial Basis Function Neural Networks | |
jin Hong Ren, ping Rui Niu, en Hong Jia, wen Jian Zhang |
Inverse design of elastic wave metamaterials based on hybrid reinforcement learning and particle swarm optimization approach | |
Wenzhi Xu, Zhuojia Fu, Xiaoying Zhuang |
MS-031 Design optimization of structures and metamaterials
Topology optimization for underwater pressure hull considering buoyancy-weight ratios minimization | |
Jiang Yuanteng, Zhao Min, He Tengwu |
MS-033 Computational Biomechanics
Estimation of thermal cumulative equivalent minutes for pulse heated tissue | |
Kuo-Chi Liu, Zheng-Jie Chen |
A mechanical approach to modeling implant osseointegration | |
Jean-Louis Tailhan, Boumediene Nedjar, Ebretche R.V.I. Amoakon, Fernando L.B. Ribeiro, Manon Sterba, Elouan Tronchon |
MS-034 Recent Advances and Developments for Damage and Failure of Engineering Materials and Structures
Gradient damage modeling in shell structures | |
Boumediene Nedjar |
MS-036 Mechanics of soft materials
Tensile Characterization of Modern and Ancient Egyptian Yarns: Insights from X-ray Microtomography and Finite-Element Analysis | |
Bacterial multiphysical interactions with hard and soft materials interfaces: towards computational design of engineered living materials | |
Jingjie Yeo |
Reconstruction of unloaded configurations of soft tissues: Application to pathological arteries | |
Zeinab AWADA |
MS-037 Computational Biomechanics
Mathematical model of musculo-tendinous system for design of fish-inspired soft robot | |
Monte Carlo simulation of effects of thermal fluctuation and membrane mechanics on dynamics of cellular uptake of nanoparticle under volume constraint | |
Xu Huang |
MS-039 Computational Particle Dynamics
An improved multi-material interface treatment method for modeling soil-water problems | |
Can Yi, Dianlei Feng |
Pore-Scale Modeling of the MICP Process by Using a Coupled FEM-LBM-CA Model: 2D and 3D Simulations | |
Dianlei Feng, Yajie Chu |
DEM modelling of the debris-baffle interaction problem | |
Multi-phase Simulation of Selective Laser Melting with Ray Tracing by Using Adaptive Resolution SPH Method | |
Yibo Ma, Lingxiao Ma, Xu Zhou, Moubin Liu |
GPU-Accelerated WC-ISPH Multiphase Flow Model | |
Chaoyang Guo |
Effects of solid particle on the properties of turbulent/non-turbulent interface in a spatially developing flat-plate boundary layer | |
Ping Wang |
Simulation of the effect of uniform magnetic field on bubble rising in ferrofluid by the ISPH-FVM coupling method | |
Xu Yi Xiang, Gang Yang, An De Hu, Yulin Xing, Hao Yang |
MS-041 Multiscale multiphysical damage and fracture simulation of cementitious composites
3D multi-physics simulation of high temperature induced thermo-hygral fracture of concrete | |
Elia Nicolin, Maddegedara Lalith, Kohei Fujita, Tsuyoshi Ichimura |
MS-042 Structural Reliability Analysis and Design Optimization
An interval analysis method for chatter stability of cutting systems with uncertainty | |
Jiachang Tang, Taolin Zhang |
Integrating Dimensionality Reduction Integration and Active Learning for High-Dimensional Reliability Analysis with Cross-Terms | |
Mengchen Yu, Xiangyun Long |
A reliability-based design optimization method by instance-based transfer learning and the application of nuclear fuel element design | |
Haibo Liu, Zhe Zhang |
MS-047 Dynamic deformation and failure of advanced materials and structures
SPH modeling for the detonation driven under different charge lengths | |
Yuan Li |
MS-050 Trans-scale Mechanics of Advanced Materials
Detaching a rigid sphere from an ultrathin elastic sheet: Experiments and multiscale theories | |
Zhaohe Dai |
Multiscale study of friction and wear due to asperity plowing | |
Jianqiao Hu |
Mechanical behavior and fracture mechanism of nacre brick-mortar structure | |
Lihong Liang |
Publication Only
Mesoscale damage and fracture simulation of lightweight aggregate concrete under compression based on Voronoi-random walk algorithm | |
Binhui Wang, Xiaogang Song, Zihua Zhang |
An Effective Out-of-core Automated Multi-Level Substructuring Method for Dynamic Analysis of Large-scale Structures | |
Guidong Wang, XiangYang Cui, Xin Hu |
Multi-direct forcing immersed boundary method for complex flows with a hovering dragonfly | |
Dongli Han |
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