Presentations and Authors

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Plenary Lecture

Seismic SSI of a rectangular underground structure through SPH-FEM coupled simulation
Zhiyi Chen

MS-000 General Papers

Incompatible unsymmetric plane elements with high distorted mesh immunity for geometric nonlinear analysis
Yuanfan Yang, Yingqing Huang, Haibo Chen

MS-006 Crash safety and structural optimization

The crush behavior of glass fiber reinforced polymer composite pipe fabricated by pullwinding process
Zhangxing Chen, Jia Li, Zhiqiang Cao, Haibin Tang

MS-014 Progresses of Computational Marine Hydrodynamics

Numerical investigation on hydrodynamic and thermal wake of an underwater vehicle
Gang Gao, Liushuai Cao, Decheng Wan

MS-015 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques

Motor magnetic field analysis using the alpha finite element method (αFEM)
MD Peng, G.B. Chang, Z.C. He, Eric Li

MS-026 Computational Acoustics and Elastodynamics in Materials and Structures

Coupled vibration of laminated dielectric elastomer circular plates
Weiqiu Chen
Precise control of Lamb wave bandgaps for piezoelectric metamaterial plate enabled by tunable electric circuits
Yanzheng Wang, Weiqiu Chen, Chuanzeng Zhang

MS-027 Computational modeling of geological hazards and related cascading processes

A DEM numerical sandbox for investigating thrust formation
Jian Chen, Yanfang Qin, Daisuke Nishiura, Mikito Furuichi

MS-033 Computational Biomechanics

Estimation of thermal cumulative equivalent minutes for pulse heated tissue
Kuo-Chi Liu, Zheng-Jie Chen

MS-039 Computational Particle Dynamics

Pore-Scale Modeling of the MICP Process by Using a Coupled FEM-LBM-CA Model: 2D and 3D Simulations
Dianlei Feng, Yajie Chu

Publication Only

An Effective Out-of-core Automated Multi-Level Substructuring Method for Dynamic Analysis of Large-scale Structures
Guidong Wang, XiangYang Cui, Xin Hu

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