Plenary Lecture
Wavelet-Based Unified Method for Solving Nonlinear Problems and its Progress in Applications | |
Youhe Zhou |
Auxetic structures for lightweight high-performance protective solutions | |
Tuan Ngo |
An immersed multi-material finite volume-material point method for structural damage under blast loading | |
Ruichen Ni, Xiong Zhang |
Waves and vibrations in dielectric elastomer plates and shells | |
Weiqiu Chen |
High performance computing based on HDDM and AI applications | |
Ryuji Shioya |
Computational biomechanics of red blood cells: From a cell membrane deformation to blood flow with multiple cells | |
Ken-ichi Tsubota |
Efficient CFD Solver for Coupled Aero-Hydro Dynamic Flows around Floating Offshore Wind Turbine | |
Decheng Wan |
Superconvergent Recursive Gradient Meshfree Collocation Methods with Particular Reference to Accuracy Measuring | |
Dongdong Wang |
CFD Modeling of Wind Driven Rain Impacts in Singapore | |
George XU, Kendrick TAN, Zhengwei GE, Venugopala Raghavan, Harish GOPALAN, Hee Joo POH, Yong ENG, Hwee Sien Tan, Irene LEE |
MS-000 General Papers
Filtering spurious eigenmodes in electromagnetic cavities discretized by energy-orthogonal finite elements | |
Francisco Brito |
Sensitivity analysis of plasticity correction procedure in hole-drilling uniform residual stress measurement | |
Tomas Navrat, David Halabuk |
Experimental and numerical studies on Penetrating Granular Packings | |
Jian Chen, Mika Tei, Ettore Barbieri, Daisuke Nishiura, Mikito Furuichi |
Study of drawing process of hexagonal stainless steel bars | |
Yeong-Maw Hwang, Yang-Ching Hung |
Boundary-volume formulation and FFT solver for numerical homogenization of conductive composites with arbitrary contrasts and imperfect interface | |
Quy-Dong TO |
A spherical harmonic-random field coupled method for efficient reconstruction of CT-image based 3D aggregates with controllable multiscale morphology | |
Fuqiang Guo, Zhenjun Yang |
Estimating elastic constants of orthotropic laminates using guided waves actuated and sensed from only one side of sample | |
Fangsen Cui, Faeez Masurkar, Saurabh Agarwal |
MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods
Smoothed finite element method for contact elastoplastic analysis using area regularization techinque | |
Chao Sun, Zirui Li |
High-order line, triangular and tetrahedral elements for zonal free element method | |
Xiao-Wei Gao |
The 𝑪𝟑 parametric eighth-degree interpolation spline function | |
Xiaoyan Liu, Jin Xie, Lei Zhu, Yuqing Ma, Ke Zhang |
Accuracy adaptive multigrid solutions of compressible flows with discontinuous Galerkin methods | |
Shu-Jie LI |
Highly Accurate Wavelet Solution for Nonlinear Bending of Irregular Plates | |
Yonggu Feng, Jizeng Wang, Xiaojing Liu, Youhe Zhou |
MS-002 Particle Based Methods
Studying Transient Responses of Metamaterials with Both MPM and MD | |
Zhen Chen |
Quantitative assessment of disaster risk for the whole process of soil landslide based on stochastic material point method | |
Zheng Sun, Rui Wu, Xiaomin Zhou |
An Algorithm to Integrate MPM and SPH with Nonlocal Constitutive Modeling for softening problem | |
Lisha He, Zhicheng Lan, Zhen Chen |
A novel strategy to impose nonconforming Neumann boundary condition in the material point method | |
yong liang |
MS-003 Mechanics of surface/interface and bionics
A perturbation force based approach to creasing instability in soft materials under general loading conditions | |
Bin LIU |
How to achieve robust adhesion of micro-pillar arrayed surfaces: A theoretical model | |
Zhilong Peng |
Strengthening and strain delocalization mechanism of nanolayered metallic composites with interfacial composition gradient | |
Jianjun Li, Yaodong Wang, Shaohua Chen |
The microcosmic interfacial interactions of rock/brine/oil and its effects on the transport of unconventional oil and gas | |
XiangYu Hong, Qiaoyu Guo, HengAn Wu, FengChao Wang |
Beyond Knudsen theory: atomic-scale insights into gas-wall interactions and an improved model for the free molecular flow | |
Jianhao Qian, Hengan Wu, Fengchao Wang |
New insights into methane gas flow behavior in moist shale nanopores from molecular simulations | |
Hengyu Xu, HengAn Wu |
Directional transport and fixed-point transfer of droplets on functionalized surfaces | |
Shaohua Chen, Ming Liu, Yazheng Yang |
Temperature-dependent interface properties of polypropylene/silicon oxide | |
Lihong Liang, Linhui Hu |
Interfacial behavior of functional films bonded to inhomogeneous substrates | |
Peijian Chen |
Material Design and Applications of Nano-Carbon Based Composites | |
Zhong ZHANG |
MS-004 Boundary Element Methods and Mesh Reduction Methods
Inverse scattering technique using deep learning for 3-D scalar wave propagation | |
Takahiro SAITOH, Sohichi HIROSE |
MS-009 Computational Methods in Fluid Engineering
Numerical calculation of three dimensional MHD natural convection based on spectral collocation method and artificial compressibility method | |
Jia Peng Chang, Jingkui Zhang, Qifen Li, Yi Fan, Jiakai Zhang |
Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of nonuniform beams with a new method based on perturbation method | |
Zhen WANG |
MS-010 Data-driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Inverse and Other Related Problems
Accelerating the distance-minimizing method for data-driven elasticity with adaptive hyperparameters | |
Khiem Nguyen |
Non-iterative topology optimization by using generative and adversarial neural network | |
Jicheng Li, Hongling Ye |
MS-011 Damage and Failure Modelling in Composite Materials
Failure prediction of adhesively repaired composite laminates after hygrothermal aging | |
feng wei, xu fei |
Computational modelling of repetitive rain drop impact and resulting fatigue damage in wind turbine blades | |
Puneet Mahajan, Nikesh Girdhari Kuthe |
MS-012 Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture of Advanced Materials
On two-dimensional linear elastic fracture mechanics analysis using S-version Isogeometric Analysis with Singular Patch Method | |
Yusuke Sunaoka |
MS-013 Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics
Large-scale magnetostatic field analysis using physics-informed neural networks | |
Masao Ogino |
Extracting Accurate Human Body Structures from Anime Characters with Deep Learning and DiscoGAN | |
Sihan Liu, Ryuji Shioya, Yasushi Nakabayashi |
Development of Automatic Generating System of Motion-Pictograms from Still-Pictograms | |
Natsumi Okatani, Ryuji Shioya, Yasushi Nakabayashi, Terutoshi Tada |
Large-scale deep learning molecular dynamics simulations with ab initio accuracy on supercomputer Fugaku | |
Lijun Liu, Zhouqiang Guo, Weile Jia |
Multistep prediction for dissolved gas analysis under imbalanced dataset | |
Hongjie Zheng, Ryuji Shioya, Yasushi Nakabayashi, Masato Masuda, Hiroshi Matoba, Keiichi Nakajima, Hideyuki Okakura, Hiroki Nakamura |
Large scale vibration analysis of Stradivari’s violin | |
Misora Kojima, Ryuji Shioya, Masao Yokoyama, Amane Takei, Genki Yagawa |
MS-014 Progresses of Computational Marine Hydrodynamics
Dynamic mode decomposition analysis of turbulent flow around a surface-piercing finite circular cylinder | |
Songtao Chen, Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan |
Effect of generic submarine appendages on free surface hydrophysical signatures in the stratified fluid | |
Fenglai Huang, Liushuai Cao, Decheng Wan |
Flow transition and noise analysis of axisymmetric body based on LES model | |
Zhiqiang Liu, Yabo Wei, Jianhua Wang, Decheng Wan |
Numerical study of pressure fluctuation and DMD analysis for SUBOFF model | |
Lianjie Yu, Yuan Zhuang, Decheng Wan |
MS-015 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques
Analysis of dynamic contact behavior for biological structures based on the smoothed finite element methods (S-FEMs) | |
Jingui Zhao, Gang Wang, Chao Sun, Zirui Li |
Application of edge-based smoothed finite element method to electrodeposition simulation aiming for super-linear mesh convergence in film thickness accuracy | |
Yuki Onishi |
Analysis of transcranial magneto-acoustic electrical stimulation coupled the smoothed finite element method and Rayleigh integral | |
Nan Wang, Hu Zhong Wang, Gang Wang |
Fast computation of thermal response based on the smoothed finite element methods for thermal ablation therapy | |
xia cai shi, ping rui Niu, wei shao wu, qing si li |
Adaptive quadtree refinement in gradient-smoothing approach for gradient elasticity | |
Changkye Lee, Sundararajan Natarajan, Jurng-Jae Yee |
A fully cell-based immersed smoothed finite element method with the mean value coordinate projection using quadrilateral elements for fluid-structure interaction | |
Shuhao Huo, Chen Jiang, G.R. Liu |
A mean value nSFEM for polygonal elements to solve particle-laden flow using discrete phase model | |
Guo Zhou, Tiantian Wang, Chen Jiang, Zhiyang Song |
Numerical Simulation on Convection and Heat Transfer Problems using Smoothed Finite Element Method | |
Chen Jiang, Chen Hong, Guo Zhou |
A sharp interface immersed edge-based smoothed finite element method with extended fictitious domain scheme for fluid-structure interaction | |
Gang Wang, Yin Hong, Chicheng Ma, Chengjiao Yu, Xu Han |
High accuracy ES/ONS-FEM method based on ES-FEM and optimized NS-FEM for thermo-elastic coupling problems | |
Qiuxia Fan |
Smoothed finite element method for multibody contact dynamics with large deformation | |
Yan Li |
MS-016 Computational Mechanics for Composite Plates and Shells
Breathing Vibration of Double-Walled Nanoshell via a Mesh-free Moving Kriging Interpolation Method | |
Dongchang Hou, Lifeng Wang |
MS-017 Computational methods in Hydraulic engineering
An Application of Inset Grid Technique in Salinity Transport Modeling The Little Dauphin Island Study | |
Phu Vinh Luong, Yan Ding, Sung-Chan Kim, Elizabeth Godsey |
MS-018 Data, Uncertainty, Machine Learning and Digital Twin
Damage identification in space frame structures using convolutional neural networks and modal strain energy | |
Duy-Vu Dinh, Khac-Duy Nguyen, Tan-Phu Vo, Duc-Duy Ho |
Interval uncertainty analysis of wave propagation constants in piezoelectric shunting acoustic metamaterials | |
xinpeng zhang |
Physics-informed neural networks for inverse wave scattering in rods | |
Cuong Nguyen, Anh Nguyen |
Sobolev-PINNs for static analysis of rod and beam problems | |
Cuong Nguyen, Anh Nguyen |
Prediction of the nonlinear transversal compression behavior of high performance fibers using machine learning | |
Cuong HA-MINH |
MS-019 Methods for Multi-Phase Flows
Towards a less dissipative computation of detonation problems based on reduced chemical kinetics models | |
Yi-Jhen Wu, Yang-Yao Niu |
Drag model of finite-sized particle in turbulent wall-bound flow based on a fully resolved simulation and a hybrid parallel approach | |
Ping Wang |
Numerical simulation of the collection efficiency for dust deposition devices in atmospheric boundary layer | |
Kang Gong, Jie Zhang, Hongchao Dun, guang Li, Ning Huang |
MS-021 Multiscale modelling of engineering materials
Elastic analysis for porous microstructure using Virtual Element Method (VEM) | |
Nguyen Hoang Phuong, Le Van Canh, Ho Le Huy Phuc, Jurng-Jae Yee |
MS-024 Meshfree and Other Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineering and Applied Mathematical Problems
A Physics-Informed Neural Network Framework for Computational Structural Dynamics | |
Shusheng Xiao, Jinshuai Bai, Laith Alzubaidi, Yuantong Gu |
Dynamic analysis of 2D linear elastic solids with the overlapping finite element method | |
Zhilong Jiang, Wei Li, Qiang Gui, Yingbin Chai |
A coupled overlapping finite element method for computing underwater acoustic scattering | |
bin Jiang, Wei Li, Qiang Gui |
Improved artificial neural network algorithms and its applications for solving the mechanical problems | |
Lihua Wang |
Wavelet Multiresolution Solution for Bending with Extreme Large Deflection of Circular Plates Subjected to Concentrated Loads | |
Xiaojing Liu, Jizeng Wang, Youhe Zhou |
MS-025 Limit state analysis of structures and materials
A bubble-enriched smoothed finite element method for shakedown analysis of structures | |
Phuc L.H. Ho, Changkye Lee, Canh V. Le, Phuong H. Nguyen, Jurng-Jae Yee |
MS-026 Modeling and Simulation for Additive Manufacturing
Comparison of Metal Additive Manufacturing analysis using a large-scale finite element method and experimental data | |
Taku Murakami |
A robust thermoelastic topology optimization method considering both stress and manufacturing constraints | |
Gongteng Zhang, Jing Zheng, Bo Ma |
MS-027 Computational Acoustics and Elastodynamics in Materials and Structures
Semi-analytical isogeometric analysis of waves propagation in elastic and poroelastic waveguides | |
Fakhraddin Seyfaddini, Hung Nguyen-Xuan, Vu-Hieu NGUYEN |
An enhanced finite element method for the vibration analysis of linear elastics | |
Lei Sun, Qiang Gui, Wei Li |
Magnetic tunable metamaterials | |
Liang SI, Ronghao BAO |
A finite element approach for nonlinear coupling analysis of magnetostrictive materials Terfenol-D | |
Weiming Tao |
Radial vibration analysis of composite piezoelectric transducers resting on elastic supports | |
Huiming Wang |
MS-028 Kernel and machine learning based solutions of PDEs
Physics-informed radial basis network (PIRBN) for solving nonlinear partial differential equations | |
Jinshuai Bai, Gui-Rong Liu, Laith Alzubaidi, Xi-Qiao Feng, YuanTong Gu |
Adaptive neural network with an effective activation function for solving time fractional diffusion equations | |
Ziqing Yang, Ruiping Niu, Hongen Jia, Junhong Yue |
Novel deep learning approaches for learning scientific simulations | |
Saurabh Deshpande, Raúl Ian Sosa, Stéphane Bordas, Jakub Lengiewicz |
Physics informed neural networks for solving boundary integral equations | |
Elena Atroshchenko, Han Zhang, Cosmin Anitescu, Stephane Bordas, Timon Rabczuk |
Machine learning method for structural vibration induced underwater acoustic propagation | |
Zhuojia Fu, Qiang Xi, Wenzhi Xu |
Physics informed neural learning of wavefields using Gabor basis functions | |
Tariq Alkhalifah, Xinquan Huang |
MS-030 Acoustic metamaterials and phononic crystals: from fundamental theory to potential applications
Application of metaclusters of point scatterers to control structural vibration | |
Pawel Packo, Jacek Filar |
Design of acoustic logic gates based on the multiple scattering theory and optimization | |
Jacek Mieczysław Filar, Pawel Packo |
MS-032 Local and nonlocal modeling approaches in dynamics
Dynamic crack propagation analysis by coupling the boundary element method and the bond-based peridynamics | |
Yang Yang, Yijun Liu |
MS-033 Computational Biomechanics
Mechanical modeling of cell membrane including interactions between plasma membrane and actomyosin cortex | |
Kohsuke Tsukui, Hiromi Miyoshi, Naoya Sakamoto, Satoshi Ii |
Development of a novel numerical scheme for largely-moving boundary flow problems based on the mesh-constrained discrete point approach | |
Takeharu Matsuda, Satoshi Ii |
Computer simulation of red and white thrombi formation determined by blood flow velocity | |
Ken-ichi Tsubota, Wataru Tokuno |
Cell Mechanic based on a centroidal void cylindrical Tensegrity Model to evaluate the Vibration of a Cellular Cytoskeleton | |
Eiji Nouchi, Tomoteru Oka, Noriyuki Kataoka, Yoshihisa Kawano, Buntara Sthenly Gan |
Development and application of a biophysical approach to study dynamic mechanical interaction between actin and cell nucleus | |
Chiharu Nakahara, Yugo Nagamine, Hiromi Miyoshi |
MS-034 Recent Advances and Developments for Damage and Failure of Engineering Materials and Structures
Small punch and three-point bending test failure predictions by an element deletion technique | |
František Šebek, Petr Kubík |
Contribution to Griffith theory of fracture for predicting fracture toughness | |
Thuy NGUYEN, Daniel Bonamy |
Modeling quasi-static crack propagation using preconditioned numerical manifold method | |
Yao Jiang, Yongliang Wang, Yimin Zhang, Fanke Wu, Zhijun Liu |
MS-036 Mechanics of soft materials
Mechanical modeling of hydrogel composites with different fiber volume fractions in multiple orientations | |
Xiangchuan Nian, Qingsheng Yang |
Effect of concentration of ion in the solution on the deformation behavior of DN gel under simple tension | |
Isamu Riku |
Damped Vibration Analysis of Graphene Nanoplatelet Reinforced Dielectric Membrane Using Taylor Series Expansion and Differential Quadrature Methods | |
Chuang Feng |
MS-037 Computational Biomechanics
Weight initialization in physics-informed neural networks to enhance consistency of mass-loss predictions for a plant cell during drying | |
Chanaka Prabuddha Batuwatta Gamage, C.M. Rathnayaka, H.C.P. Karunasena, M.A. Karim, Y.T. Gu |
MS-039 Computational Particle Dynamics
Particle Finite Element Method for 2D/3D Fluid-Structure Interactions, including Contact Interactions | |
Jean-Philippe Ponthot |
MPI massive parallelization of smoothed particle hydrodynamics for strong fluid-structure interaction | |
Jiahao Liu |
Numerical simulation of three-dimensional SLM based on SPH method | |
Zhiwei Zhao, Ting Long |
High Fidelity Numerical Simulation of Selective Laser Melting based on GPU-accelerated SPH Method | |
Yibo Ma, Xu Zhou, Nianzhi Hang, Moubin Liu |
Recent development of SPH applications in G.B.I. (Geo- Bio- & Impact) Engineering | |
Dianlei Feng |
SPH simulation of shoal of fish | |
XueJian Wang, can HUANG |
Numerical Modeling of Multi-phase Water Entry with a GPU-accelerated SPH method | |
Chaoyang Guo |
Numerical investigation of Particle Deposition on Substrates in Cold Spraying by SPH Method | |
Zhen Dai, Fei Xu, Jiayi Wang, Qiuzu Yang, Yazhou Guo |
A Normal Flux-based SPH-FEM Coupling Method for Simulating Fluid-Shell Interactions | |
Weibin Yan, Fei Xu, Xianmin Chen |
Total Lagrangian Material Point Method under high strain-rate deformation | |
Saurabh Singh, Harpreet Singh, Puneet Mahajan |
Simulation of non-cohesive soil turning based on an SPH model | |
Can Yi, Dianlei Feng, Man Hu, Yu Huang |
Numerical simulation on debris bed formation behavior using improved MPS method | |
Xiaoxing Liu |
Whole process modeling of selective laser melting with a DEM-FVM-FEM coupled framework | |
Xu Zhou, Moubin Liu |
A data-driven dimensional analysis framework to predict the track size and porosity evolution in selective laser melting | |
Nianzhi Hang, Zekun Wang, Moubin Liu |
Numerical simulation of damped free liquid sloshing inside a spherical tank | |
Congyi Huang, Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan |
A Research of Water Dropping of Fire-fighting Aircraft Based on VOF to DPM Method | |
meng yu Shi |
MS-042 Structural Reliability Analysis and Design Optimization
Calibration of Expert Opinions for Reliability Assessment of Multi-State Systems: A Consensus Reaching Model | |
Tangfan Xiahou |
The first order time-variant reliability expansion method | |
Weiwei Chen, Bingyu Ni, Wanyi Tian, Chao Jiang |
A fail-safe topology optimization based on multiscale structures | |
Jianghong Yang, Yingjun Wang |
Transfer learning enforced structural reliability-based design optimization | |
Zhe Zhang, Li Chen, Gang Yang, Chao Jiang |
MS-043 Data-driven modeling and design approaches
Machine Learning Based Approaches for Ultimate Compression Capacity Prediction of Concrete Filled Double Skin Steel Tube Columns. | |
Piyawat Boonlertnirun |
MS-044 Micro-/Nano-mechanics for Novel Materials
Multiscale Mechanics and Design of Nanocellulose Materials | |
YuanZhen Hou, XiaYun Ni, YinBo Zhu, HengAn Wu |
MS-045 Computational design, optimization and manufacturing advanced materials and structures
Topology optimization via Physics-Informed neural network | |
Hyogu Jeong, YuanTong Gu |
Topology Optimization and Experimental Investigation of 3D Printing Planar X-Joint Manufactured by Stainless Steel and High-Strength Steel | |
Xiaowei Deng |
Nitsche-type isogeometric analysis-based topology optimization | |
Mian Zhou |
MS-046 Seismic performance and resilience analysis of underground space and tunnelling
Research on seismic performance indicator of coupled vehicle-track-tunnel system | |
Shengqi Xia, Zhiyi Chen, Liqun Li |
Coupling Simulation of Rupture and Seismic Analysis in Cross-Fault Mountain Tunnel | |
Liqun Li, Zhiyi Chen |
Integrated Evaluation of Urban Underground Space Resource Capacity Based on 3D geological model and Satellite Images | |
Fei Deng, Tianxiao Cheng, Qingding Han, Yu Huang |
Construction and verification of composite intensity measures for multi-storey subway station structures based on partial least squares regression | |
wei yu, zhiyi chen |
Stochastic seismic response analysis of subway station structure based on optimization point selection strategy | |
Yifan Fan, Zhiyi Chen, Zhiqian Liu |
Non-linear stochastic seismic analyses of an underground structure under multi-source uncertainty conditions based on PDEM | |
Zhiqian Liu, Zhiyi Chen, Yu Huang, Yifan Fan |
From Seismic Resilience of Underground Structures to Resilience of Regional Subway Networks | |
Min Xiong |
MS-047 Computational modeling of geological hazards and related cascading processes
Resilience assessment of impact effect of flow-like landslide | |
Xiaoyan Jin |
Seismic Resilience Evaluation of Mountain Roadbed Systems Considering Spatial Effects of Ground Motion | |
Cuizhu Zhao, Yu Huang, Min Xiong |
Multi-field Evolution and Slope Failure Mechanism during Rainfall Infiltration | |
Taosheng HUANG, Ping Shen |
Publication at the conference Proceedings
Mathematical model of flow in a one-dimensional open channel with the vertical velocity at the channel bed | |
Hung The Nguyen, Hau Phuc Huynh |
Low-Order Triangular Elements for Thick Shell Analysis | |
Joe Petrolito, Daniela Ionescu |
Design and load-bearing capacity analysis of bone-inspired lightweight microstructures | |
Shuxiang Zhang, Jia Li, Cong Bi, Zehao Wang, Dana Tang, Haibin Tang |
The static behaviors study of 2D structures with cell-based smoothed isogeometric analysis | |
Liming Zhou, Jinwen Geng, Pengxu Chen, He Zhu, Zhiqiang Gao |
Bilinear constitutive model based theoretical study on interfacial properties of pipeline joints coupling tension and temperature | |
Hong Yuan, Jun Han, Yaojie Huang, Lan Zeng |

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