Identification of a Heterogeneous Orthotropic Conductivity in a Rectangular Domain

  • Mohammed Sabah Hussein University of Leeds
  • Daniel Lesnic University of Leeds
  • M.I. Ivanchov Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Differential Equations, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


This paper investigates the problem of identifying a heterogeneous transient orthotropic thermal conductivity in a two-dimensional rectangular domain using initial and Dirichlet boundary conditions and fluxes as overdetermination conditions. The measurement data represented by the heat fluxes are shown to ensure the unique solvability of the inverse problem solution. The finite-difference method is employed as the direct solver which is fed iteratively in a nonlinear minimization routine. Exact and noisy input data are inverted numerically. Numerical results indicate that accurate and stable solutions are obtained.
How to Cite
HUSSEIN, Mohammed Sabah; LESNIC, Daniel; IVANCHOV, M.I.. Identification of a Heterogeneous Orthotropic Conductivity in a Rectangular Domain. International Journal of Novel Ideas: Mathematics (No more publication since 2019), [S.l.], v. 1, p. 1-11, apr. 2017. ISSN 2331-5210. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.


Heat equation; Orthotropic material; Inverse problem