ICCM Conferences, The 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017)

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Tensile Mechanical Properties and Its Failure Modes of the Basalt Fiber/Epoxy Resin Composite Material
jingjing he, junping shi, xiaoshan cao, tielin han

Last modified: 2017-05-14


The uniaxial tensile tests of 16 types of basalt fiber / epoxy (BF/EP) composite material, formed by 4 different fiber orientation and 4 different fiber volume fraction, are carried out, with the tensile mechanical properties and its failure modes of the BF/EP composite material analyzed. The results show that the tensile strength, elastic modulus and limit strain of epoxy resin composite material increased significantly after being mixed with basalt fiber. With increasing fiber orientation angle, the tensile strength, elastic modulus and limit strain of BF/EP composite material decreased with the addition of a certain amount of fiber. However, with increasing fiber volume fraction, the tensile strength, elastic modulus and limit strain of BF/EP composite material increased for certain fiber orientation angle. There is a certain degree of agglomeration phenomenon in epoxy resin when mixed with basalt fiber with more than 1.2% of volume fraction.


Basalt fiber; Epoxy resin; Composite material; Failure mode

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