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Han, Jun, MOE Key Laboratory of Disaster Forecast and Control in Engineering, School of Mechanics and Construction Engineering, Jinan University, Guangzhou, 510632, China
Han, Xu
Han, Xu, Hebei University of Technology
Han, Xu, Hebei University of Technology
Hirano, Tsunahiko, Department of Respiratory Medicine and Infectious Disease, Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, JAPAN
Hirose, Sohichi
Ho, Phuc, IU - VNU HCMC
Hong, Zhong
Hongjie, Zheng, Toyo University
Hou, Yuan Hang, Dalian Maritime University
Hou, Zhiping, Hebei University of Technology
Hu, Yabin, School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710072, China
HU, YUE, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
Huang, Chao
Huang, Chengxiang, National Engineering Laboratory for Electric Vehicles, School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
Huang, Pengfei, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, TongjiUniversity, Shanghai, 200092, China
Huang, Yu-jie, Wuhan University
Huynh, Thu Van, Applied Mechanics and Structures Research Unit, Department of Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, 10330 Bangkok, Thailand
Huynh, Thu Van, Applied Mechanics and Structures Research Unit, Department of Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, 10330 Bangkok, Thailand (Viet Nam)

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