Plenary Lecture
SPL: Selective laser sintering of polymer composites: modelling, design, and applications | |
Kun Zhou |
MS-002 Particle Based Methods
Atom-based molecular mechanics method for predicting the mechanical property of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) | |
Hongfei Ye, Dong Li, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen |
Mixed-mode delamination analysis of interface cracks in peridynamics | |
Heng Zhang |
An efficient parallel framework for smoothed molecular dynamics method | |
LeiYang Zhao, Shuai Wang, Yan Liu |
MS-006 Energy Absorption and crashworthiness of Structures and Materials
Box test and numerical simulation on settlement and energy dissipation characteristics of ballast under cyclic load | |
Tianqi ZHANG |
MS-008 Modeling and Simulation of Complex Flow and Transport Phenomena
Numerical simulation of continuous extraction of Li+ from high Mg2+/Li+ ratio brines based on free flow ion concentration polarization | |
Dongxiang zhang |
MS-010 Data-driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Inverse and Other Related Problems
DADOS: A Cloud-based Data-driven Design Optimization System | |
Shuo Wang, Yonggang Zhao, Xueguan Song |
Bregman-iterative greedy coordinate descent for sparse polynomial chaos expansion in structural uncertainty analysis | |
Jian Zhang, Xinxin Yue, Jiajia Qiu |
MS-011 Damage and Failure Modelling in Composite Materials
Analysis of failure process of bonded pipe joints under tension loads | |
Hong Yuan, Jun Han, Lan Zeng, Ziyong Mo |
MS-015 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques
Modes and modal analysis of three-dimensional (3D) structures based on the smoothed finite element methods (S-FEMs) using automatically generatable tetrahedral meshes | |
Jingui Zhao |
MS-018 Data, Uncertainty, Machine Learning and Digital Twin
Smoothed-Jump Q-Learning Algorithm for Optimal Robot Agent Path Planning | |
Lin Xin Zhang, Shu Yong Duan, Xu Han |
MS-032 Acoustic metamaterials and phononic crystals: from fundamental theory to potential applications
A material parameter estimation method based on ultrasonic echo measurement and neural network | |
jialin zhang, Heng Ouyang, shuyong Duan |
MS-041 Computational Particle Dynamics
Application of Riemann solver on FPM for solving weakly incompressible flows | |
Fan Zhang, Moubin Liu |
Modelling of two-layer sloshing based on Consistent Particle Method | |
Xiujia Su, Xizeng Zhao, Min Luo |
Numerical investigations on penetration of target plates by shaped charge jet using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method | |
Jiahao Liu, Zhilang Zhang, Moubin Liu |
Modeling and simulation of gas and solid particle two-phase flow in the abrasive air-jet machining | |
Guangpei Zhu, Moubin Liu |
MS-043 Multiscale multiphysical damage and fracture simulation of cementitious composites
Micro CT image-based reconstruction of random fields and mesoscale fracture modelling of concrete | |
Yu-jie Huang, Hui Zhang, Zhen-jun Yang, Jian-ying Wu |
Two-dimensional meso-scale simulation of hydraulic fracture in concrete | |
kelai Yu, Zhenjun Yang, Xin Zhang, Guohua Liu |
Mesoscale modelling of interfacial failure between FRP sheet and concrete | |
Zihua Zhang, Jialong Guo, Xuan Wang |
MS-044 Uncertainty quantification and analysis for structures
An efficient reliability-based design optimization approach using PDF-based performance shift strategy | |
Zhe Zhang, Chao Jiang |
MS-046 Micro-/Nano-mechanics for Novel Materials
Thermal Transport Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites with Ultrathin Carbon Nanothreads | |
Haifei Zhan |
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