Presentations and Authors

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MS-000 General Papers

A stable node-based smoothed finite element method with transparent boundary conditions for the elastic wave scattering by obstacles
Shiyao Wang
A Reliability Analysis Method for Bearing Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication under Stochastic load
Miaojie Wu

MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods

On the spatial symmetry of high-resolution simulation for compressible flow
Hiro Wakimura

MS-002 Particle Based Methods

An efficient parallel framework for smoothed molecular dynamics method
LeiYang Zhao, Shuai Wang, Yan Liu

MS-009 Computational Methods in Fluid Engineering

Numerical study of flapping foil energy harvester based on an adaptive immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann flux solver
Li Weizhong

MS-010 Data-driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Inverse and Other Related Problems

A novel surrogate model based multi-objective optimization method towards high IGD quality
Puyi Wang, Chengxiang Huang, Yingchun Bai
DADOS: A Cloud-based Data-driven Design Optimization System
Shuo Wang, Yonggang Zhao, Xueguan Song

MS-011 Damage and Failure Modelling in Composite Materials

An experimental and numerical study of additively manufactured Alsi10Mg shell structures with lattice infill
Chengxiang Huang, Puyi Wang, Yingchun Bai

MS-015 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques

Analysis of transcranial stimulation problems based on the smoothed finite element method
Gang Wang, Zhonghu Wang

MS-022 Multiscale modelling of engineering materials

A robust and efficient micromechanical tool in studying Hygro-Thermo-Electro-Elastic composites
Guannan Wang

MS-025 Meshfree and Other Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineering and Applied Mathematical Problems

A meshfree stabilized collocation method and its applications in fluid-structure interactions
Lihua Wang, Zhihao Qian

MS-035 Computational Biomechanics

A novel parameters identification procedure for aortic walls based on hybrid artificial intelligence approaches
Jianbing Sang, Yang Li, Xinyu Wei, Zhengjia Shi, Kexin Shao

MS-040 Computational methods for advanced soft matter and soft robotics

A Review of Theoretical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Process
Stanley Jian Liang Wong, Hua Li

MS-041 Computational Particle Dynamics

A new Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin scheme on moving unstructured triangular mesh
wenbin wu, Moubin Liu, Na Liu, Chao Huang

MS-043 Multiscale multiphysical damage and fracture simulation of cementitious composites

Micro CT image-based reconstruction of random fields and mesoscale fracture modelling of concrete
Yu-jie Huang, Hui Zhang, Zhen-jun Yang, Jian-ying Wu
Mesoscale modelling of interfacial failure between FRP sheet and concrete
Zihua Zhang, Jialong Guo, Xuan Wang
Meso-scale modelling of ceramic ball aggregated ultra-high performance geopolymer concrete under projectile impact
Kefo Qu, Jian Liu, Chengqing Wu

MS-046 Micro-/Nano-mechanics for Novel Materials

Dynamic Analysis of Non-contact Atomic Force Microscope by Vibration Characterization
Tang LianChen, Xiao WenLei

Publication at the conference Proceedings

Application of boundary face method in cathodic protection problems
Sanshan Tu, Yanjie Wei, Shengzhong Feng, Zhongyang Dai

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