Presentations and Authors

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Plenary Lecture

PL: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for designing resilient buildings and infrastructure against extreme loads
Tuan Ngo

MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods

Transformed Newton’s method with a fixed-point iteration for highly nonlinear problems in structural mechanics
Ngoc M. La, Cuong T. Nguyen, Minh N. Dinh

MS-020 Particle-based methods and applications to geomechanics

Influence of material properties on the mechanical responses of an underwater soil mixing process
Jian Chen, Daisuke Nishiura, Mikito Furuichi

MS-028 Computational Acoustics and Elastodynamics in Materials and Structures

The finite element method for inverse wave scattering in rods
Bang X. Trinh, Cuong T. Nguyen

MS-041 Computational Particle Dynamics

Numerical methods for biofilm life cycle modeling at different time scales: from space-time finite element to SPH
Dianlei Feng, Insa Neuweiler, Moubin Liu

MS-047 Computational design, optimization and manufacturing advanced materials and structures

Estimation of the welding current in Gas Tungsten Arc welded (GTAW) process with a specified width penetration
Quan Nguyen, Son Nguyen_Hoai, Long Nguyen_Nhut_Phi, Thuan Lam_Phat

Publication at the conference Proceedings

A kinematic yield design of materials using computational homogenization analysis and stabilized radial point interpolation method
Canh Le, Phuc Ho, Phuong Nguyen
An improvement of linear polyhedral finite element method using consecutive interpolation scheme
Hau Ngoc Nguyen, Hung Xuan Nguyen, Wahab Abdel Magd

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