Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

MS-011 Damage and Failure Modelling in Composite Materials

Analysis of failure process of bonded pipe joints under tension loads
Hong Yuan, Jun Han, Lan Zeng, Ziyong Mo

MS-012 Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture of Advanced Materials

Phase transition in Polymer Derived Ceramics (PDCs) and its effect on mechanical response
Yan Li, Chi Ma

MS-013 Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics

Timber traceability with CNN Based Image Recognition Technology
Zheng Hongjie, Asano Miyoko, Asano Yoshiharu

MS-016 Computational Mechanics for Composite Plates and Shells

Structural optimization of laminate composite structures using equivalent static loads
yijae choi, Jinhwan Park, Kyunghun Jeon, Jaemin Moon, Donghyeon Yoo, Chang-Wan Kim

MS-027 Modeling and Simulation for Additive Manufacturing

Predictive study on mechanical behavior of additively manufactured Nylon products with holes considering a probable occurrence of geometrical imperfection
Mizuki Maruno

MS-028 Computational Acoustics and Elastodynamics in Materials and Structures

Spectral finite element method combined with bi-potential approach for efficient simulation of contact acoustic nonlinearity
Huijian Chen, Hongchen Miao, Ling Tao, Zhiqiang Feng

MS-033 Design optimization of structures and metamaterials

Simultaneous Size and Shape Steel Structural Optimization using Enhanced Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimization
Soviphou Muong

MS-035 Computational Biomechanics

Second Harmonic Generation Image-based Strain Analysis of an Osteon in Peri-Implant Jaw Bone
Noemie Jeannin, Naoki Takano, Kento Odaka, Satoru Matsunaga
Multiscale modeling for pulmonary airflow simulation
Fei Jiang, Xian Chen, Tsunahiko Hirano, Junji Ohgi, Kazuto Matsunaga

Publication at the conference Proceedings

An improvement of linear polyhedral finite element method using consecutive interpolation scheme
Hau Ngoc Nguyen, Hung Xuan Nguyen, Wahab Abdel Magd

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