Plenary Lecture
SPL: Efficient data-collection strategy and hyperparameter tuning for machine learning using Bayesian optimization | |
Jaehong Lee |
MS-000 General Papers
Bi-potential method applied for multiple collisions problems of discrete element system and multi-body system | |
Ling Tao, ZhiQiang Feng, Yan Li, Huijian Chen |
Structured grids based method with reformed boundary basis functions for solid and structure | |
Yanan Liu, Fangxiong Tang, Guansi Liu |
Influence of random soil parameters on seismic reliability of underground structure | |
Yifan Fan, Zhiyi Chen, Zhiqian Liu |
MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods
Nonlinear analysis of steel frames under thermal loading | |
Joe Petrolito, Daniela Ionescu, Ashley Sim, Timothy Lougoon |
YL Li, SY Duan |
Transformed Newton’s method with a fixed-point iteration for highly nonlinear problems in structural mechanics | |
Ngoc M. La, Cuong T. Nguyen, Minh N. Dinh |
MS-002 Particle Based Methods
Atom-based molecular mechanics method for predicting the mechanical property of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) | |
Hongfei Ye, Dong Li, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen |
An efficient parallel framework for smoothed molecular dynamics method | |
LeiYang Zhao, Shuai Wang, Yan Liu |
MS-004 Boundary Element Methods and Mesh Reduction Methods
Electromagnetic scattering simulation based on element differential method | |
Gao Lanfang |
MS-009 Computational Methods in Fluid Engineering
Application of a 2D adaptive mesh refinement method to the flow over wall-mounted plate | |
Zhenquan Li |
Improved smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model for simulation of abrasive water-jet (AWJ) | |
Ran Yu, Xiangwei Dong, Mingchao Du, Zengliang Li, Long Feng |
MS-012 Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture of Advanced Materials
Phase transition in Polymer Derived Ceramics (PDCs) and its effect on mechanical response | |
Yan Li, Chi Ma |
MS-015 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques
A full smoothed high order cell based finite element method for analysis of axisymmetric problems | |
Xin Cui, Zirui Li |
Introduction to the strain-smoothed element method | |
Hoontae Jung, Chaemin Lee, Phill-Seung Lee |
MS-018 Data, Uncertainty, Machine Learning and Digital Twin
Improved Strategies for YOLOv2 + OC Object Detection System | |
Yijun Lu, Ningning Lu, Heng Ouyang, Shuyong Duan |
MS-025 Meshfree and Other Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineering and Applied Mathematical Problems
An adaptive smoothed particle hydrodynamics for metal cutting simulation | |
Yijin Cheng, Yan Li, Zhiqiang Feng |
MS-027 Modeling and Simulation for Additive Manufacturing
Quantifying the discrepancies in the geometric and mechanical properties of the theoretically designed and additively manufactured scaffolds | |
Yongtao Lyu |
MS-033 Design optimization of structures and metamaterials
Optimization analysis of stiffened composite plate using iJaya algorithm | |
MS-035 Computational Biomechanics
Blood Flow in Right Coronary Arteries with Multiple Stenoses | |
Biyue Liu |
A novel parameters identification procedure for aortic walls based on hybrid artificial intelligence approaches | |
Jianbing Sang, Yang Li, Xinyu Wei, Zhengjia Shi, Kexin Shao |
MS-040 Computational methods for advanced soft matter and soft robotics
A Review of Theoretical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Process | |
Stanley Jian Liang Wong, Hua Li |
MS-041 Computational Particle Dynamics
Application of Riemann solver on FPM for solving weakly incompressible flows | |
Fan Zhang, Moubin Liu |
Modelling of two-layer sloshing based on Consistent Particle Method | |
Xiujia Su, Xizeng Zhao, Min Luo |
Numerical investigations on penetration of target plates by shaped charge jet using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method | |
Jiahao Liu, Zhilang Zhang, Moubin Liu |
A new Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin scheme on moving unstructured triangular mesh | |
wenbin wu, Moubin Liu, Na Liu, Chao Huang |
Numerical methods for biofilm life cycle modeling at different time scales: from space-time finite element to SPH | |
Dianlei Feng, Insa Neuweiler, Moubin Liu |
Modeling and simulation of gas and solid particle two-phase flow in the abrasive air-jet machining | |
Guangpei Zhu, Moubin Liu |
MS-043 Multiscale multiphysical damage and fracture simulation of cementitious composites
Two-dimensional meso-scale simulation of hydraulic fracture in concrete | |
kelai Yu, Zhenjun Yang, Xin Zhang, Guohua Liu |
A hydro-damage-mechanical coupled numerical method for fracking in poroelastic media based on a phase-field regularized cohesive zone model | |
Hui Li, Zhenjun Yang |
Meso-scale modelling of ceramic ball aggregated ultra-high performance geopolymer concrete under projectile impact | |
Kefo Qu, Jian Liu, Chengqing Wu |
MS-044 Uncertainty quantification and analysis for structures
Sensitivity analysis of artillery external ballistic based on the approximate high dimensional model representation | |
Nichen Tong, Qiming Liu, Xu Han |
A Novel Dimensionality Reduction Method for Inverse Problem | |
Zhiping Hou, Shuyong Duan, Xu Han, Guirong Liu |
Optimal Inspection Period for Structures Subjected to Fatigue | |
Feng Li |
Generalized probability and interval hybrid reliability analysis based on a two-stage active learning Kriging model | |
Mengchen Yu, Xiangyun Long |
MS-046 Micro-/Nano-mechanics for Novel Materials
Dynamic Analysis of Non-contact Atomic Force Microscope by Vibration Characterization | |
Tang LianChen, Xiao WenLei |
Effective Enhancement of Carbon Nanothread on the Mechanical Properties of Polyethylene Nanocomposite | |
Chengkai Li |
MS-047 Computational design, optimization and manufacturing advanced materials and structures
Additively manufactured meta-lattice sandwich plates for broadband low-frequency vibration suppression | |
hao li, Jianlin Chen, Bing Li |
Broadband elastic metasurface for extraordinary wavefront manipulations | |
Yabin Hu, Bing Li |
Compact elastic metamaterial structures for vibration and elastic-wave control | |
Bing Li, Eric Li, Yongquan Liu |
Estimation of the welding current in Gas Tungsten Arc welded (GTAW) process with a specified width penetration | |
Quan Nguyen, Son Nguyen_Hoai, Long Nguyen_Nhut_Phi, Thuan Lam_Phat |
Publication at the conference Proceedings
A kinematic yield design of materials using computational homogenization analysis and stabilized radial point interpolation method | |
Canh Le, Phuc Ho, Phuong Nguyen |
A parameter-free methodology for boundary identification of topology optimization results | |
Yang Liu |
A method for Helmholtz operator and application to free vibration problem of thin plate on Pasternak foundation | |
Shanqing Li, Hong Yuan, Jiarong Gan |
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