Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

MS-000 General Papers

Rapid seismic damage evaluation of subway stations using machine learning techniques
Pengfei Huang, Zhiyi Chen

MS-010 Data-driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Inverse and Other Related Problems

A novel surrogate model based multi-objective optimization method towards high IGD quality
Puyi Wang, Chengxiang Huang, Yingchun Bai

MS-011 Damage and Failure Modelling in Composite Materials

Analysis of failure process of bonded pipe joints under tension loads
Hong Yuan, Jun Han, Lan Zeng, Ziyong Mo
An experimental and numerical study of additively manufactured Alsi10Mg shell structures with lattice infill
Chengxiang Huang, Puyi Wang, Yingchun Bai

MS-013 Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics

Timber traceability with CNN Based Image Recognition Technology
Zheng Hongjie, Asano Miyoko, Asano Yoshiharu

MS-018 Data, Uncertainty, Machine Learning and Digital Twin

Economic Parametric Optimization and Uncertainty Analysis in Ship Design using Monte Carlo Simulations
Yuan Hang Hou, Chong Fu, Ye Ping Xiong
Smoothed-Jump Q-Learning Algorithm for Optimal Robot Agent Path Planning
Lin Xin Zhang, Shu Yong Duan, Xu Han

MS-027 Modeling and Simulation for Additive Manufacturing

BESO Approach for the Optimal Retrofitting Design of Steel Hollow-Section Columns Supporting Industry Cranes
Rut Su, Thu Van Huynh, Sawekchai Tangaramvong

MS-028 Computational Acoustics and Elastodynamics in Materials and Structures

Analysis of transient elastic wave scattering by cavity in micropolar elastic solids using 2-D M-EFIT
Yusuke Suzuki, Takahiro Saitoh, Sohichi Hirose
Detection and sizing of surface cracks on tubular components by ultrasonic phased array with surface acoustic waves

MS-035 Computational Biomechanics

Multiscale modeling for pulmonary airflow simulation
Fei Jiang, Xian Chen, Tsunahiko Hirano, Junji Ohgi, Kazuto Matsunaga

MS-036 Recent Advances and Developments for Damage and Failure of Engineering Materials and Structures

Dynamic fracture modelling of impact test specimens by the polygon scaled boundary finite element method
Jiang Xinxin, Zhong Hong

MS-041 Computational Particle Dynamics

A new Lagrangian discontinuous Galerkin scheme on moving unstructured triangular mesh
wenbin wu, Moubin Liu, Na Liu, Chao Huang

MS-043 Multiscale multiphysical damage and fracture simulation of cementitious composites

Micro CT image-based reconstruction of random fields and mesoscale fracture modelling of concrete
Yu-jie Huang, Hui Zhang, Zhen-jun Yang, Jian-ying Wu

MS-044 Uncertainty quantification and analysis for structures

Sensitivity analysis of artillery external ballistic based on the approximate high dimensional model representation
Nichen Tong, Qiming Liu, Xu Han
A Novel Dimensionality Reduction Method for Inverse Problem
Zhiping Hou, Shuyong Duan, Xu Han, Guirong Liu
Combined Gaussian process regression model and comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization for reliability-based structural design
Thu Van Huynh

MS-047 Computational design, optimization and manufacturing advanced materials and structures

Broadband elastic metasurface for extraordinary wavefront manipulations
Yabin Hu, Bing Li

Publication at the conference Proceedings

A kinematic yield design of materials using computational homogenization analysis and stabilized radial point interpolation method
Canh Le, Phuc Ho, Phuong Nguyen

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