Presentations and Authors

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MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods

YL Li, SY Duan
Transformed Newton’s method with a fixed-point iteration for highly nonlinear problems in structural mechanics
Ngoc M. La, Cuong T. Nguyen, Minh N. Dinh

MS-009 Computational Methods in Fluid Engineering

Improved smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model for simulation of abrasive water-jet (AWJ)
Ran Yu, Xiangwei Dong, Mingchao Du, Zengliang Li, Long Feng

MS-017 Computational methods in Hydraulic engineering

Numerical modelling investigation of wave overtopping on stepped-type seawall structures
Loi Bao Dang

MS-018 Data, Uncertainty, Machine Learning and Digital Twin

Improved Strategies for YOLOv2 + OC Object Detection System
Yijun Lu, Ningning Lu, Heng Ouyang, Shuyong Duan
Smoothed-Jump Q-Learning Algorithm for Optimal Robot Agent Path Planning
Lin Xin Zhang, Shu Yong Duan, Xu Han

MS-032 Acoustic metamaterials and phononic crystals: from fundamental theory to potential applications

A material parameter estimation method based on ultrasonic echo measurement and neural network
jialin zhang, Heng Ouyang, shuyong Duan

MS-044 Uncertainty quantification and analysis for structures

A Novel Dimensionality Reduction Method for Inverse Problem
Zhiping Hou, Shuyong Duan, Xu Han, Guirong Liu

Publication at the conference Proceedings

Dynamic analysis of a rotating functionally graded rectangular plate based on radial point interpolation method
Chaofan Du
Application of boundary face method in cathodic protection problems
Sanshan Tu, Yanjie Wei, Shengzhong Feng, Zhongyang Dai

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