Presentations and Authors

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Plenary Lecture

High-pressure gas bubble dynamics and its applications
Aman Zhang
Topological insulating mechanics and generic design of metamaterials
Xiaoying Zhuang

MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods

Influence of time-step-size sensitivity on the performance of the direct integration method for nonviscously damped structural systems
Taufeeq Ur Rehman Abbasi, Hui Zheng

MS-003 Mechanics of surface/interface and bionics

Debonding analysis of adhesively bonded pipe joints subjected to combined thermal and mechanical loadings
Jun Han, Huanliang Zhang, Lan Zeng, Hong Yuan

MS-013 Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics

Model reduction-based initialization methods for solving the Poisson-Nernst-Plank equations in three-dimensional ion channel simulations
Qianru Zhang

MS-015 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques

Nonlinear vibration investigation of magneto-electro-elastic structures with the cell-based smoothed finite element method
Liming Zhou, Ming Li

MS-018 Data, Uncertainty, Machine Learning and Digital Twin

Structural damage detection by FEM and CNN
Fangsen Cui, Shuai Teng, Kefeng Zhong, Yue Hu, Gen Liu, Zhiqiang Teng, Gongfa Chen

MS-025 Meshfree and Other Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineering and Applied Mathematical Problems

Dynamic analysis of a FGM beam with the point interpolation method
Chaofan Du, Xiang Gao, Dingguo Zhang, Xiaoting Zhou

MS-034 Local and nonlocal modeling approaches in dynamics

Modified wave dispersion properties in 2-D bond-based Peridynamics
Reza Alebrahim, Pawel Packo, Mirco Zaccariotto, Ugo Galvanetto

MS-035 Computational Biomechanics

Theoretical analysis of the balaenid whale’s hydrodynamic filtering system
Dean Hu, Yawei Zhu, Gang Yang

Publication at eProceedings

An edge-based smoothed finite element method with TBC for elastic wave scattering by an obstacle
ze wu, jun hong yue, ming li, rui ping niu, yu fei zhang

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