Presentations and Authors

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MS-004 Boundary Element Methods and Mesh Reduction Methods

Boundary element of B-spline wavelet on the interval
Qi Wei, Jiawei Xiang

MS-006 Energy Absorption and crashworthiness of Structures and Materials

A Novel Method for Jittering Mitigation at the Arm-tip of Robots over Working Trajectory
Chunlu Li, Fang Wang, Shuyong Duan

MS-007 Fire Simulation

Localisation of fire source in a warehouse using plume-tracing method
Zeqi Li, Zhao Feng Tian, Tien-fu Lu, Houzhi Wang

MS-010 Data-driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Inverse and Other Related Problems

Quantitative inverse method via two-way TubeNets for joint stiffnesses of robot arms
Li Wang, Fang Wang
An Improved Nested Sampling Method for Path Parameter Inference of Variable Stiffness Composite
Xin Wang, Hu Wang, Yong Cai, Guangyao Li
Two-way TubeNets Uncertain Inverse methods for improving Positioning Accuracy of robots Based on Interval
Lutong Shi, Fang Wang, Shuyong Duan, Guirong Liu

MS-013 Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics

A novel stabilized finite element method for solving the three-dimensional Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations in ion channel simulations
Qin Wang

MS-015 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques

An edge-based smoothed finite element method for the assessment of human exposure under extremely low frequency electric fields
Gang Wang, Zhibin Guo

MS-018 Data, Uncertainty, Machine Learning and Digital Twin

An improved A-star algorithm for safety corner turns
Qifan Wang

MS-025 Meshfree and Other Advanced Numerical Methods for Engineering and Applied Mathematical Problems

A meshfree collocation method based on moving Taylor polynomial approximation
Xiaodong Wang, Ying Liu

MS-035 Computational Biomechanics

A Selective S-FEM with Visco-hyperelastic Model for Analysis of Biomechanical Responses of Brain Tissues
Shaowei Wu, Chen Jiang, Chao Jiang, Guirong Liu

Publication at eProceedings

Intelligent Robust Control based on Reinforcement Learning for a kind of Continuum Manipulator
Da Jiang, Zhiqin Cai, Xiaolu Qiu, Haijun Peng, Zhigang Wu
An edge-based smoothed finite element method with TBC for elastic wave scattering by an obstacle
ze wu, jun hong yue, ming li, rui ping niu, yu fei zhang

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