Presentations and Authors

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Plenary Lecture

Recent Advances in Evaluating Failure Evolution with the MPM
Zhen Chen

MS-010 Data-driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Inverse and Other Related Problems

An Improved Nested Sampling Method for Path Parameter Inference of Variable Stiffness Composite
Xin Wang, Hu Wang, Yong Cai, Guangyao Li
U-Net-based Surrogate Model for Evaluation of Microfluidic Channels
Quang Tuyen Le, Pao-Hsiung Chiu, Chin Chun Ooi

MS-012 Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture of Advanced Materials

Crystal plasticity simulation of the indentation behavior of Ni-based single crystal superalloy considering the crystal orientation effect
Qinan Han, Wenhui Qiu, Haitao Cui, Huiji Shi

MS-015 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques

An edge based smoothed finite element method for analysis of axisymmetric problems
Xin Cui, Guirong Liu
Contact analysis within the bi-potential framework using cell-based smoothed finite element method
Qianwei Chen, Yan Li, Zhiqiang Feng, Huijian Chen

MS-018 Data, Uncertainty, Machine Learning and Digital Twin

Structural damage detection by FEM and CNN
Fangsen Cui, Shuai Teng, Kefeng Zhong, Yue Hu, Gen Liu, Zhiqiang Teng, Gongfa Chen

MS-020 Particle-based methods and applications to geomechanics

A parametric study of a soil mixing process under water based on discrete element simulations: geometric and operational factors
Jian Chen, Mikito Furuichi, Daisuke Nishiura, Azusa Kitamura

MS-022 Multiscale modelling of engineering materials

Homogenization approach for representative laminate plate using Hsieh-Clough-Tocher element
Nguyen Hoang Phuong, Le Van Canh, Ho Le Huy Phuc

MS-027 Modeling and Simulation for Additive Manufacturing

A physics-informed data-driven model for uncertainty quantification and reduction in metal additive manufacturing
Lei Chen

Publication at eProceedings

Intelligent Robust Control based on Reinforcement Learning for a kind of Continuum Manipulator
Da Jiang, Zhiqin Cai, Xiaolu Qiu, Haijun Peng, Zhigang Wu

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