ICCM2023, August 6th-10th, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Completed

The scope of ICCM covers theory, algorithm, programming, coding, numerical simulation, machine learning techniques, high performance computing techniques, error and uncertainty analysis and/or novel applications of computational techniques to problems in engineering, science, and other disciplines related to computations. Topics include but not limited to:

• Computational mechanics for solids and structures

• Computational material science and engineering

• Computational Fluid dynamics

• Computational heat transfer

• Computational mathematics

• Computational biology

• Computational meso/micro/nano Mechanics

• Computational uncertainties

• Computational physics

• Meshless/Meshfree/Particle methods

• Advanced finite element/difference/volume methods

• Boundary element methods

• Molecular and quantum methods

• Computational Rheology

• Multi-scale methods

• Inverse problem and Optimization

• Machine learning and AI

• Deep learning and Augmented learning

• Health monitoring

• Uncertainty analysis

• Validation and verification

• Development of software for numerical simulation

• Computational techniques for applications in engineering, science, and other disciplines

• High-performance computing techniques

• Big-Data and Data intensive computing techniques

• Integrated experimental and computational techniques

• Computation and communication

• Others

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