August 6, 2018 – August 10, 2018
The ICCM is an international conference providing an international forum for exchanging ideas on recent advances in areas related to computational methods, numerical modelling & simulation, as well as their applications in engineering and science. It will accommodate presentations on a wide range of topics to facilitate inter-disciplinary exchange of ideas in science, engineering and related disciplines, and foster various types of academic collaborations.
The ICCM conference series were originated in Singapore in 2004, followed by ICCM2007 in Hiroshima, Japan,ICCM2010 in Zhangjiajie, China, ICCM2012 in Gold Coast, Australia, ICCM2014 at Cambridge, England, ICCM2015 at Auckland, New Zealand, ICCM2016 at Berkeley, CA, USA, and ICCM2017, at Guilin, China. We are looking forward to seeing you at ICCM2018 at Rome, Italy.
ICCM2018 is under the auspices of Sapienza University of Rome, Italy,,
and Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (AIMETA),
The conference venue is Auditorium Antonianum, located at 1 Viale Manzoni, 00185, Rome, Italy. Website:
The conference Social Dinner (Banquet) will be held at Palazzo Brancaccio, located at Viale del Monte Oppio 7, 00184, Roma, RM, Italy. Website:
Conference Chairman:
Professor Patrizia Trovalusci (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Honorary Chairman:
Professor G. R. Liu (University of Cincinnati, USA)
The ICCM Proceedings (papers only) will be published online permanently with an International Standard Serial Number of ISSN 2374-3948 at our website. All Presentations (abstracts and papers) will be published online at our website as well. All submissions will be given a peer review. All accepted submissions will be scheduled for an oral presentation at the conference, except being requested for publication only. We will post the Presentation Schedule online two weeks before the conference.
After the conference, all presented papers will be invited to be developed into a full journal paper for publication in special issues of one of the following international journals.
1) International Journal of Computational Methods (IJCM)
2) Curved and Layered Structures
Other thematic Special Issues below, dedicated to specific minisymposia (MS), will be edited by direct invitation, on:
3) International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering (IJMCE)
4) Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (JOTA)
5) Meccanica
6) Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity)
7) Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer Nature
Authors will be selected and invited to contribute to these issues by the Chair or MS organizers.