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Sladek, Jan, Institute of Construction and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Sladek, Vladimir
Sladek, Vladimir, Institute of Construction and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Slak, Jure, Jožef Stefan Institute
Smarra, Francesco
Smith, Colin
Smith, Colin C., Department of civil and structural engineering, University of Sheffield, UK
Sokołowski, Damian, Department of Structural Mechanics, Łódź University of Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering Al. Politechniki 6, 90-924 Łódź, Poland
Solov'ev, Artem, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russia
Solov'eva, Yuliya
Somogyi Molnar, Judit, University of Miskolc
Son, Gihun, Sogang University
Song, Shide, School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China
Song, Shide, School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology
Songge, Zhang, Dalian University of Technology
Spacone, Enrico, University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara
Spagnuolo, Gandolfo Alessandro, Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology (INR) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Spanos, Pol D., Rice University
Spina, Daniele, Department of Civil Protection, via Vitorchiano 2, 00189 Rome
Starenchenko, Vladimir, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russia
Stefanou, George, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Civil Engineering
Stefanski, Andrzej, Lodz University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Division of Dynamics
Stefańska, Anna Klara, Warsaw university of Technology, Faculty of Architecture Koszykowa 55 00-659 Warsaw
Su, Feng, Dalian University of Technology
Su, Penghui, China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics
Sugimoto, Shin-ichiro, Hachinohe Institute of Technology
Suhr, Hanbum, <p>Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute</p>
Sui, Yunkang, Beijing University of Technology
Sun, Liyan, Zhejiang University
Sun, Rui, Department of Geotechnical Engineering,Tongji University
Sun, WaiChing, Columbia University
Szmit, Zofia, Department of Applied Mechanics, Lublin University of Technology, Poland


Tadano, Yuichi, Saga University
Takahashi, Akiyuki, <span lang="EN-US">Tokyo University of Science</span>
Takei, Amane, University of Miyazaki
Takeyama, Tomohide, Department of Civil Engineering, Kobe University
Talo, Michela, Sapienza University of Rome
Tam, Hou Kuan, <p>Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, Macau SAR, China.</p>
Tam, Lap Mou, <p>Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, Macau SAR, China.</p>
Tamura, Kotaro, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Tan, Lin, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Tang, Dalin, Southeast University / Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tang, Yulong, Huazhong University of Science &amp; Technology
Tanweer, Omar, New York University
Tasora, Alessandro, Università degli Studi di Parma


teng, zihao, Huazhong University of Science &amp; Technology


Tian, Kuo, Dalian University of Technology
Tirillò, Jacopo, Sapienza-Università di Roma
Tomei, Valentina, Department of Engineering. University Niccolò Cusano, Roma
Tomei, Valentina
Tommaselli, Giovanni, Department of Engineering - University Rome Tre
Tornabene, Francesco, University of Bologna
Tralli, Antonio, University of Ferrara
Tran-Duc, Thien, National University of Singapore
Trentadue, Francesco, <p>Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Technical University of Bari, Italy</p>
Trovalusci, Patrizia, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Structural Engineering and Geotechnics
Trovalusci, Patrizia, Sapienza University of Rome
Trovalusci, Patrizia, Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
Trymorush, Iryna, Technical University of Kosice
Tsukiji, Tetsuhiro, Sophia University
Turchan, Lukasz, <span>Institute of Computational Mechanics and Engineering</span>, Silesian University of Technology
Tyas, Andy, University of Sheffield


Uehara, Takuya, Yamagata University
Urgorri, Fernando R., CIEMAT
Usov, Alexander Leonidovich, <a class="secondaryLink" title="Показать сведения об организации" href=""><span class="anchorText">Dorodnicyn Computing Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences</span></a>, Mosc


Vailati, Marco, Sapienza University of Rome
Vairo, Giuseppe, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Valencia-Cardenas, Maria Catalina, Assistant Professor at School of Engineering at Universidad de Antioquia
Valente, Claudio, Department of Engineering and Geology, University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara
Valentino, John, University of Sheffield
Vallory, Joelle, <p>Fusion for Energy (F4E)</p>
Vasta, Marcello, University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara
Vélez, wilber, University of Brasilía, Faculty of Technology, Department of Civil Engeniering. Brasilía - DF, 70910 - 900, Brazil
Venini, Paolo, <span lang="EN-US">University of Pavia</span>
Viskovic, Alberto, Department of Engineering and Geology, University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy<div id="SL_balloon_obj" style="display: block;"><div id="SL_shadow_translator" style="display: none;"><div id="SL_planshet"><div id="SL_Bproviders"><div id="SL_P0" class="SL_BL_LAB


Wada, Yoshitaka, Kindai University
Wang, Bo, Dalian University of Technology
Wang, Chao, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Wang, Chunqiao, Taiyuan University of Technology,taiyuan,China
Wang, Jian
Wang, Jianhua
Wang, Shuai, State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P. R. China
Wang, Shuailin, Dalian University of Technology
Wang, Wenxin, College of Life Science and Bio-engineering, Beijing University of Technology; No.100 Pingleyuan, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100124, P.R.China;
Wang, Xiaona, School of Physics and Optoelectronic Technology, Dalian University of Technology, China
Wang, Xiaona, School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology
Wang, Yanfei, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, P. R. China.
Wang, Yuefang, Dalian University of Technology
Wang, Yun
WANG, ZHEN, Dalian University of Technology
Wang, Zhiqiang
Wangenheim, Matthias, Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research, Leibniz University Hannover
Warminski, Jerzy, Lublin University of Technology
Wen, Xiao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Wijerathne, Maddegedara Lalith Lakshman, Earthquake Research Institute,The University of Tokyo.
Wong, S. M., <span>The Open University of Hong Kong</span>
Wong, S. M., The Open University of Hong Kong
Wriggers, Peter, <div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>Leibniz Universitat Hannover</span></p></div></div></div>
Wu, Ching-Sen, National Ilan University
Wu, Chuan-Yu Charley, University of Surrey
Wu, FengChao, Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China
Wu, Hao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
Wu, HengAn
WU, TAO, <p>Huazhong University of Science &amp; Technology</p>


Xia, Jun, Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China
Xia, Qi, School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Xiao, Dunhui, <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;"><span style="font-family: Times\ New\ Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">Department of Earth Science and Engineering,Imperial College London</span></span></p>
Xiao, Feng, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Xiao, Zhihua, Department of Mechanical Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Xie, Pengpeng, <p><em>Joint International Research Laboratory of Key Technology for Rail Traffic Safety</em></p><p><em><em>National &amp; Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Safety Technology for Rail Vehicle</em><br /></em></p>
Xin, Shanchao, Tianjin University, China
Xiong, Min, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, China
Xotta, Giovanna, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padova
Xu, Di, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University
XU, George Xiangguo, Institute of High Performance Computing A*STAR Singapore
Xu, Pengfei, <p class="Default">School of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China</p>
Xu, Yuandi, College of Mechnical Engineering and applied Electrical Technology, Beijing University of Technology
Xuan, Xuancheng, Southwest Jiaotong University


Yamada, Tomonori, The University of Tokyo
Yang, Chun, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Yang, Chun, China United Network Communications Co., Ltd.
Yang, Fuling, National Taiwan University
Yanov, Dmitri, Tomsk Scientific Centre SB RAS
Yao, Guangming, Clarkson University
Yao, Jing, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University
Yao, Yin, Beijing Institute of Technology
Ye, Bin, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University
Ye, Hongling, Beijing University of Technology
Ye, Wenjing, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Yi, Shengen, The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University
Yoon, Tae Ho, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Yoon, Young June, College of Engineering and Center for Integrated Genera Education, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Yoshimura, Shinobu, The University of Tokyo
You, Xiangyu, Department of Naval architecture and Ocean Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Yu, Hao, Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China
Yu, Rena C., University of Castilla-La Mancha
Yu, YanZi, Department of Modern Mechanics, Mechanics Building I, Room 420, West Campus University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230027, China
Yu, Zongbing, <html />
Yuan, MingWu, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Peking University
Yue, Junhong, <span class="fontstyle0">Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China</span>
Yue, Junhong, Taiyuan University of Technology,taiyuan,China (China)
Yuefang, Wang, Dalian University of Technology


Zanino, Roberto, Politecnico di Torino
Zanino, Roberto, NEMO group, Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino
Zanino, Roberto, <span lang="IT">NEMO Group, Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino, Torino.</span>
Zappatore, Andrea, <span lang="IT">NEMO Group, Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino, Torino.</span>
Zavarise, Giorgio, <div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>Politecnico di Torino</span></p></div></div></div>
Zavarise, Giorgio, <span>Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Edile e Geotecnica, POLITO, Torino, Italy.</span>
Zeidan, Dia, German Jordanian University
Zelepugin, Alexey S., Tomsk State University
Zelepugin, Sergey A., Tomsk State University
Zhang, Bu, Tongji University
Zhang, Chuanzeng, <p>University of Siegen</p><p>Chair of Structural Mechanics</p>
Zhang, Chuanzeng, <p><span>University of Siegen, Germany</span></p>
Zhang, Chuanzeng
Zhang, Feng, <span lang="EN-US">Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology</span>
Zhang, Liang, China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics
Zhang, Ling
Zhang, Wen Kai
Zhang, Xiong, Tsinghua University
Zhang, Ya-ni
Zhang, Yufei, Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan, China
Zhang, Yujie, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Zhang, Zhanming, School of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China
Zhang, Zheng, Northwestern Polytechnical University


zhao, Demin, China University of Petroleum (East China)


Zhao, Jidong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Zhao, Leiyang, Tsinghua University
Zhao, Pei, Zhejiang University
Zhao, Qian, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
Zheng, Hongjie, Toyo University
Zheng, Jie, <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 100%;"><span style="font-family: Times\ New\ Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences</span></span></p>
Zheng, Jie, Washington University (United States)
Zheng, Jing, The University of Technology, Sydney
Zhiquan, Yang, Dalian University of Technology


zhong, Xixiang, College of Mechnical Engineering and applied Electrical Technology, Beijing University of Technology
zhong, yi, Tongji University


Zhou, Changcong, Northwestern Polytechnical University
Zhou, YinBo
Zhu, Jian, <span lang="EN-US">Southeast University</span>
Zhu, Shengyang, Southwest Jiaotong University
Zhu, YinBo, Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China
Ziemianski, Leonard, Rzeszow University of Technology
Zingales, Massimiliano, <p>Bio/NanoMechanics for Medical Sciences Laboratory, ATeN-Center, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18, Palermo 90128, Italy.</p><p>Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospace, Materials Engineering, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Sc
Zinoviev, Aleksandr, Airbus endowed Chair for Integrative Simulation and Engineering of Materials and Processes, University of Bremen
Zinovieva, Olga, Airbus endowed Chair for Integrative Simulation and Engineering of Materials and Processes, University of Bremen
Zmitko, Milan, <p>Fusion for Energy (F4E)</p>
Zou, Aihong, Queensland University of Technology
Zou, Li, <html />
Zulli, Daniele, University of L'Aquila

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