Track Policies

Plenary Lecture & Thematic Plenary Lecture (by invitation only)

  • Fangsen Cui, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
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MS-000 Gereral Papers

If you do not have a prefered MS or could not find a proper one at this moment, you may simply submit your abastract/paper here. The conference Chairmen will assign your submission to a MS or a Session for presentation later.

  • Fangsen Cui, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
  • GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
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MS-001 Theory and Formulation for Novel Computational Methods

  • GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
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MS-002 Advances in polygonal and polyhedral finite elements

Polyhedrons occur extensively in nature. Polygonal and polyhedral finite elements (PFEM) have increasingly been known in both academic and industrial research. They offer highly computational efficiency and are more flexibility in mesh design for arbitrary geometries. This mini-symposium aims at highlighting both theoretical and applicable aspects of advanced polygonal and polyhedral finite elements. Especially, recent developments of topology optimization using PFEM integrated with additive manufacturing through 3D printing will be highly recommended

  • Nguyen-Xuan Hung, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH)
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MS-003 Computational Damage and Fracture Modeling in Solids and Structures

The accurate and realistic modeling and simulation of damage and fracture processes of engineering materials and structures have been extensively studied in the literature. Many theoretical and computational models have been introduced and developed in an accurate and effective manner to characterize material behavior with softening regimes. Their efficiency has been demonstrated in different levels of applications in a wide range of engineering fields. Although the recent noteworthy contributions, mathematically well-posed models, physically sound, and appropriate methods for the entire description of softening regimes and failure process in solids and structures still need to be developed. The aim of this particular MS is bring together researchers/scientists working on the formulation and/or numerical analysis of methods in computational damage and fracture mechanics, including but not limited to the following strategies: continuum damage models; isogeometric analysis; extended/generalized finite element methods; boundary element method, meshfree particle methods; peridynamics; phase-field approaches to fracture; discontinuous Galerkin methods; and cohesive fracture models.

  • Tinh Quoc Bui, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Sohichi Hirose, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Satoyuki Tanaka, Hiroshima University
  • Cheng-Tang Wu, Livermore Software Technology Corporation
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MS-004 Multiscale Approaches Bridging Atomistic and Continuum Domains

Traditionally, on macroscales continuum mechanics and its numerical implementations such as the finite element method (FEM) have proven to be a very useful tool for studying the macroscopic properties and responses of various engineering systems and found many practical applications from the design of automobiles and airplanes to the analysis of turbulent flows. However, as nanotechnology advances, the size of devices continues to shrink to sub-micrometer levels, where the basic assumptions of continuum mechanics eventually break down. Thus, to go beyond the phenomenology of engineering constitutive relations and properly model micro/nanoscale systems, it is necessary to discard the continuum approximation and to model the system as a collection of discrete particles, i.e., atoms. In recent decades, atomistic simulations have made significant contributions to modeling materials and have been indispensable in developing and testing predictive models for material properties based on the fundamental understanding of atomic-level processes. However, even with the rapid advances in computer performance and numerical methodologies there still exists a disparity of many orders of magnitude in length and time scales between macroscopic systems and atomistic models that can be simulated. Thus, there are very urgent needs for developing multiscale methodology that can span both atomic and macroscopic scales. In recent years, a large number of atomistic-continuum coupling methods have been developed with the goal of reproducing the results of the fully-atomistic model at lower computational cost. The aims of this mini-symposium are to present the state-of-the-art techniques in this field and to discuss recent advances and key open challenges. Examples include, but are not limited to, temperature effects, non-equilibrium systems, thermal coupling at the interface of atomistic and continuum domains, and temporal acceleration in dynamics simulations.

  • Woo Kyun Kim, University of Cincinnati
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MS-005 Methods for Multi-Phase Flows

  • Dia Zeidan, German Jordanian University
  • Lucy Zhang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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MS-006 Optimization of structures and materials

  • Zhan Kang, Dalian University of Technology
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MS-007 Particle Based Methods

  • Zhen Chen, University of Missouri
  • Yan Liu, Tsinghua University
  • Xiong Zhang, Tsinghua University
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MS-008 Multiscale Design, Optimization and Simulation of Novel Materials and Structures

  • Quan Bing Eric Li, Teesside University
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MS-009 Computational methods and applications in solar energy

  • Zhao Tian, University of Adelaide
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MS-010 Solid state processing and additive manufacturing

  • Zhao Zhang, Dalian University of Technology
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MS-011 Advanced computational modelling of materials with microstructures

  • Erick Saavedra Flores, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
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MS-012 Computational Nanomechanics and Nanoscale Thermal Transport

  • Yuantong Gu, Queensland University of Technology
  • Haifei Zhan, Zhejiang University
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MS-013 Structural uncertainty modelling and analysis

  • Chao Jiang, Hunan University
  • Xiangyun Long, Hunan University
  • Bingyu Ni, Hunan University
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MS-014 Modeling on composite failures

  • Zheng-Ming Huang, Tongji University
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MS-015 Computational Acoustics and Elastodynamics in Solids and Structures

Special interests of the Mini-Symposium:

  • Finite element method in acoustics and elastodynamics
  • Boundary element method in acoustics and elastodynamics
  • Finite difference method in acoustics and elastodynamics
  • Mesh-free methods in acoustics and elastodynamics
  • Numerical methods for wave analysis in periodic materials and structures
  • Numerical methods for wave analysis in random materials and structures
  • Numerical methods for wave analysis in multi-field coupled materials and structures
  • Numerical methods for wave analysis in soft materials and structures
  • Analytical and semi-analytical methods for waves in advanced materials and structures

  • Weiqiu Chen, Zhejiang University
  • Yue-Sheng Wang, Tianjin University/ Beijing Jiaotong University
  • Bin Wu, Politecnico di Torino
  • Chuanzeng Zhang, Universitat Siegen
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MS-016 Numerical methods for multiphase fluid flow and heat transfer

  • Hongying Li, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
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MS-017 Advanced Computational Methods for Soft Matter and Machine

  • Hua Li, Nanyang Technological University
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MS-018 Progresses of Computational Marine Hydrodynamics

  • Wang c_Jianhua, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Cheng Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Decheng Wan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Lu Zou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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MS-019 Large Scale Coupled Problems and Related Topics

  • Hiroshi Kanayama, Japan Women's University
  • Lijun Liu, Osaka University
  • Masao Ogino, Daido University
  • Ryuji Shioya, Toyo University
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MS-020 Limit state analysis of heterogeneous and composite materials

  • Canh Le, International University - VNU
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MS-021 Computational methods in fluid engineering

  • Songying Chen, Shandong University
  • Guichao Wang, Shandong University
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MS-022 Progress in Transcatheter heart valve

  • Hwa Liang Leo, National University of Singapore
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MS-023 Acoutic metamaterials and phononic crystals: from fundamental theory to potential applications

  • Feng Jin, Xi'an Jiaotong University
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MS-024 Lattice Boltzmann method on multiphase flow and fluid-Structure Interaction

  • Xiaodong Niu, Shantou University
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MS-025 Applications of Computational Methods in Structural Engineering

  • Feng a_Liu, Guangdong University of Technology
  • Xin b_Wang, Guangdong University of Techonology
  • Gongfa c_Chen, Guangdong University of Technology
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MS-026 Novel Methods for Structural Damage Modeling, Detection and Identification

This MS aims to bring together academic scientists and industrial researchers working on novel efficient structural damage modeling, detection and identification methods. Structural health monitoring and damage identification, together with advanced method of signal processing and the structural mechanics modeling method has become an active filed in recent years. More and more industrial and academic researchers have recognized the need for the development of robust platforms able to i) detect damage, preferably during operation of an engineering structure, ii) identify the type and size of the detected damage and quantify its criticality through estimating the remaining operational time of the structure. Focal point of these objectives is the accurate representation of damaged structures via data and/ or physics driven approaches and to develop efficient detection and identification methods.

The MS will focus on, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Multi-scale damage modeling methods
  • Wave-damage interaction modeling
  • Damage detection methods and application
  • Damage identification methods and application
  • Bayesian and AI identification methods
  • Uncertainty quantification in structural damage detection and identification

  • Shancheng Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Fei Du, Northwestern Polytechnical University
  • Nguyen-Thoi Trung, Ton Duc Thang University
  • Chao Xu, Northwestern Polytechnical University
  • Cong Zhou, University of Canterbury
  • Yunlai Zhou, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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MS-027 Recent Advances in Meshfree and Particle Methods

  • Seiichi Koshizuka, University of Tokyo
  • Moubin Liu, Peking University
  • Aman Zhang, Harbin Engineering University
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MS-028 Computational studies of skeletal structures and metamaterials

  • Heow-Pueh LEE, National University of Singapore
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MS-029 Data Analysis Based and Simulation Based Multidiscipline Optimization Methods and Their Applications

  • Data analysis based optimization algorithms
  • Simulation based optimization algorithms
  • Modeling and simulation uncertainty in multidisciplinary design optimization
  • Applications in various industry designs and optimizations

  • Xiuqing Xing, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
  • George XU, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
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MS-030 Reduced order models for structures and fluids

  • Jianyao Yao, Chongqing University
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MS-031 Data-driven Surrogate Modeling Techniques for Computational Inverse Problems

  • Surrogate modeling techniques;
  • Surrogate-assisted meta-heuristic algorithms;
  • Data-driven design and optimization with big data and data analytics;
  • Adaptive sampling using machine learning and/or statistical techniques;
  • Other efficient algorithms for large scale and/or multi-objective inverse problems.

  • Hu Wang, Hunan University
  • Jian Zhang, Jiangsu University
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MS-032 Concurrent multiscale modeling from electrons to finite elements

The state-of-art super computers can explicitly deal with atoms in order of billions, which are about the atoms within one micron cube. It is unlikely in near future that the brutal force atomistic modeling can solve engineering material systems that involve physical phenomena across 10 orders of magnitude in length scale, such as fracture. Finite element modeling cannot reach the accuracy, but the atomistic modeling cannot fit the size requirements. Multiple length scale modeling is required to perform atomics (as well as quantum) simulations over macro scales. It requires the coupling between finite elements to the atoms and electrons side-by-side (hands-shaking). Such concurrent multi-length scalemodeling is very challenging. Talks are solicited for both the development of algorithms and applications of concurrent multi-length scale modeling in computational mechanics, such as Quasi-Continuum method, coupled atomistic and discrete dislocation method, concurrent atomistic-continuum method, multiscale coarse-graining method, super-atom method, dissipative particle dynamics, coarse-grained molecular dynamics, micromorphic theory, and atomistic field theory. This minisymposium (numbered as MS-032) is dedicated to concurrent multi-length scale modeling. Some of the topics of interest are:

  • Multiscale modeling from Finite elements (All FEMs, including XFEM and meshfree) to atomistic;
  • Quantum mechanics – molecular mechanics couplings;
  • Full spectrum multiscale couplings (FEM/MM/QM and more);
  • All the methodologies and applications are welcome.
Contributions that integrate experimental and computational approaches in mechanics and materials are particularly encouraged.

  • Qiang Cao, Wuhan University
  • Sheng Liu, Wuhan University
  • Qing Peng, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Yan Zhao, Wuhan University of Technology
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MS-033 Methods of approximate calculations in static analyses

  • Janusz Rębielak, Cracow University of Technology
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MS-034 Modelling Heterogeneous Media: Fracture, Localisation and Multiphase Flow

  • Daniel Dias da Costa, University of Sydney
  • Yixiang Gan, University of Sydney
  • Leong Hien Poh, National University of Singapore
  • Luming Shen, The University of Sydney
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MS-035 Modelling & Simulation for Urban and Built Environment

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been increasingly adopted in performance-based urban planning and building design for the sake of green, safe, comfortable and sustainable living conditions. In this mini symposium, relevant CFD efforts in the following areas are welcomed to be presented:

  • Solar modeling
  • Thermal comforts (TC)
  • Urban heat island (UHI)
  • Wind-driven rain (WDR)
  • Indoor air quality
  • Noise control
  • Ventilation design for equipment’s life expectancy
  • Pollution control
  • Fire and smoke modeling

  • Hee Joo Poh, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*Star
  • George XU, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
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MS-036 Experimental and modelling analysis of Residual Stresses in Additive Manufacturing

Due to the high thermal gradients and property changes in the powder, melt and solidified material in additive manufacturing, large residual stresses arise in the build. This can lead to undesired distortions, as well as the formation of defects, crack initiation, propagation and ultimate reduction in the mechanical strength and structural integrity. The main aim of this Mini-symposium is to provide a platform for academic scientists and industrial researchers to exchange ideas and recent findings in optimizing the additive manufacturing processes by experimental observation andnumerical simulation to minimize residual stress and distortions. The MS will focus on, but will not  be limited to, the following topics:

  • Design for AM utilizing topology optimization and lattice structures
  • Design validation and optimization through simulation and experiment
  • Improvement of AM build setup with additional design features for part manufacturing
  • Printing process simulation and residual stress measurement
  • Exploration and greater understanding of material behaviour in AM through advanced simulation and characterization

  • Alexander Korsunsky, University of Oxford
  • Xu Song, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology
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MS-037 Novel Mesh-Reduction Methods for Engineering & Sciences

  • Leiting Dong, Beihang University
  • Chia-Ming Fan, National Taiwan Ocean University
  • Zhuojia Fu, Hohai university
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MS-038 Novel Algorithms Artificial Intelligence

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MS-039 Semi-analytical methods: Recent advances and applications

Among the large number of methods in Computational Mechanics, a particular subclass of approaches can be classified as being 'semi-analytical' or 'semi-discrete' in nature. In general, such methods rely on a numerical discretization of only one or two of the spatial coordinates thus requiring some sort of analytical expansion to express the approximate solution to a partial differential equation in three dimensions.

Examples for typical semi-analytical concepts include (but are not limited to) the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method (SBFEM), Thin Layer Method (TLM), Semi-Analytical Finite Elements (SAFE), Trefftz method, boundary element method and Spectral Elements.

This minisymposium aims to discuss recent advances and applications of such methods, to bring together researchers who apply similar semi-analytical concepts in different fields of study

  • Carolin Birk, Universitat Duisburg-Essen
  • Hauke Gravenkamp, University of Duisburg-Essen
  • Sundararajan Natarajan, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras
  • Ean Tat Ooi, Federation University Australia
  • Chongmin Song, University of New South Wales
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MS-040 Smoothed Finite Element Methods and Related Techniques

  • Chen Jiang, Hunan University
  • Yuki Onishi, Institute of Science Tokyo
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MS-041 Machine learning based computational mechanics modeling and simulation

  • Zhanli Liu, Tsinghua University
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MS-042 Computational Methods in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences

  • Yu Huang, Tongji University
  • Bin Ye, Tongji University
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MS-043 Computational Fluid Structure Interaction and Application

  • Wenquan Wang, Kunming University of Science and Technology
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MS-044 Advances in damage and failure mechanics

This mini-symposium is to provide a forum to discuss recent advances and address the future prospects in the area of damage and failure mechanics. Interested researchers are invited to present on topics which include, but are not limited to:

  • Micromechanical damage analysis of materials;
  • Multiscale and homogenization methods for damage mechanics;
  • Nonlocal / Gradient / Phase-field approaches to brittle and ductile fracture;
  • Regularizations and approximations of crack discontinuities;
  • Experimental characterization and validation of damage and failure mechanics.

  • Phu Nguyen, Monash University
  • Leong Hien Poh, National University of Singapore
  • Jianying Wu, South China University of Technology
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MS-045 Modeling and Simulation of Sensor and Actuator

  • Minglong a_Xu, Xi'an Jiaotong University
  • Tongqing b_Lu, Xi'an Jiaotong University
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MS-046 Numerical modelling of damage and fracture in quasi-brittle materials

  • Zhenjun Yang, Wuhan University
  • Rena C. Yu, University of Castilla-La Mancha
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MS-047 Microfluidics and nanofluidics

  • Zirui Li, Wenzhou University
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MS-048 High Performance Computing on Simulations

The objective of this mini symposium is to encourage innovation in high performance computing and communication technologies so as to promote synergistic advances in modeling methodologies and simulation. 
Topics of interest include but are not limited to: 
  • High performance computing issues in Big Data analytics
  • High performance/large scale application case studies
  • Exascale challenges
  • Cloud, distributed, and grid computing
  • Asynchronous numerical methods and programming
  • Hybrid system modeling and simulation
  • Hybrid parallel or distributed algorithms
  • Large scale visualization and data management
  • Tools and environments for coupling parallel codes
  • Parallel algorithms and architectures
  • High performance software tools and techniques

  • George XU, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR
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MS-049 Novel methods for more efficient structural dynamic analysis

  • Aram Soroushian, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
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MS-050 Advances in computational methods for large deformation problems in geo-mechanics

This mini-symposium aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to share recent advances in computational methods for large deformation problems in geo-mechanics. Selected papers from the special session will be considered for publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Computational Methods. Contributions addressing the following problems are encouraged:

  • soil liquefaction  and debris flow
  • internal erosion, piping and scouring
  • stability of water-retaining structures
  • landslides, avalanches and rock falls
  • wastewater and nuclear waste sludge modelling
  • antropogenic and natural sinkholes

  • GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
  • Domenico Lombardi, The University of Manchester
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Publication at eProceedings

  • GR Liu, ICCM Conference Chairman
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