ICCM Conferences, The 15th International Conference of Computational Methods (ICCM2024)

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An immersed boundary method for moving boundary problem by integrating ghost cell and level set methods
Jiang Yiyang

Last modified: 2024-05-15


This study introduces the implementation of a novel Immersed Boundary Method within OpenFOAM, a widely utilized open-source Computational Fluid Dynamics software framework based on the finite volume method. The Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) is a specialized technique that integrates a force term into the governing equations, effectively simulating the influence of solid bodies within the computational domain. Among these, the Ghost Cell Method (GCM) employs an implicit formula wherein image points are introduced as mirrored representations of ghost cells. Image points are introduced as mirror image of ghost cell, helping to implement the boundary condition with sharp interfaces, contrasting with another type of Immersed Boundary Method characterized by diffuse boundaries. The Ghost Cell Method (GCM) exhibits superior accuracy in recognizing complex geometries, and it enables the implementation of boundary conditions with higher order, thereby significantly improving the accuracy of calculations.

However, addressing moving bodies poses a challenge for the Ghost Cell Method (GCM), as the transformation between solid and fluid cells often leads to nonphysical oscillations. In order to deal with this, a novel ghost-cell method (GCM) is developed in this article. The implementation employs a level set method (LSM) to classify different cells and provide a normal direction of the solid surface, facilitating the extrapolation of the fluid field into the solid field. Both the novel GCM and LSM are compared in a single numerical framework. The method is applied to simulate several test cases to validate the numerical results, demonstrating a favorable agreement with findings from other numerical studies and laboratory experiments.

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