ICCM Conferences, The 14th International Conference of Computational Methods (ICCM2023)

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A mean value nSFEM for polygonal elements to solve particle-laden flow using discrete phase model
Guo Zhou, Tiantian Wang, Chen Jiang, Zhiyang Song

Last modified: 2023-07-14


In this work, an n-sided polygonal smoothed finite element method (nSFEM) using mean value shape function for concave polygonal element coupled with the discrete phase model (DPM) is developed to solve particle-laden flow. The fluid phase is solved using nSFEM stabilized by the well-developed characteristic-based split (CBS) algorithm. The concave polygonal element is successfully achieved via the intrinsic characteristic of mean value shape function and a new smoothing domain (SD) construction with more physical meaning; thus, addressing the severely distorted local mesh, as well as retaining good geometric adaptability. In the meantime, the coupling between the fluid and the particle is achieved by reusing the mean value interpolation to obtain the fluidic drag force acting on the particle. The accurate capture of fluid velocities at particle positions within arbitrary polygonal elements via mean value interpolation ensures fluidic drag with high-fidelity. Several classical numerical examples, including particle-laden flow around a circular cylinder, are presented to demonstrate the high accuracy and good robustness, and the capability of the proposed method for predicting particle motion in the analysis of complex particle-laden flows.


numerical methods, numerical methods

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