Last modified: 2023-07-12
A thermo-mechanical coupling topology optimization problem considering structural properties (stiffness, strength) and additive manufacturing (AM) requirements (overhang feature, minimum structure size) is studied in this work. Based on the solid isotropic material with penalization method, a topology optimization model is formulated to minimize the structural compliance under stress and overhang angle constraints. In order to realize the overhang angle constraint of the self-supporting function in AM, the relationship is established by the element density value between the printed element and the corresponding supporting elements in the lower layer. Then, a novel adaptive normalized global stress constraint method is proposed to alleviate the contradiction between structural performance and AM requirements and improve the robustness of the optimization process. In order to employ a gradient-based optimization approach, sensitivities of the objective function compliance and constraint functions subjected to the design variables are derived. Moreover, a robust scheme based on density projection to control the length scale of the structural topology considering manufacturing limitations. Several numerical examples are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.