ICCM Conferences, The 12th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2021)

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A meshfree stabilized collocation method and its applications in fluid-structure interactions
Lihua Wang, Zhihao Qian

Last modified: 2021-06-15


Galerkin-type meshfree methods have the advantages of high accuracy and good stability, but the process of achieving high-order accurate integration is complicated, which results in the low efficiency of such methods. The collocation-type meshfree methods have high computational efficiency, but they often suffer the poor accuracy and stability when solving the complex problems. Therefore, this paper introduces a new meshfree method-meshfree stabilized collocation method. In this method, the reproducing kernel function is utilized as the approximation function. Regular subdomains are established to achieve the high-order accurate integration. This method not only possesses the high efficiency as the direct collocation method, but also has the high accuracy and good stability as the Galerkin-type meshfree methods. Besides, it is also characterized by satisfying the conservation of local discrete equations as the finite volume method. Several fluid and fluid-structure interaction problems are presented to verify the superiority of the proposed method.

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