ICCM Conferences, The 12th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2021)

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Comparative study to analyze deformation/fracture behavior under high-velocity impact using different dynamic transient operators
Yogeshwar Jasra, Pardeep kumar, Nikesh Ojha, Ravindra Kumar Saxena

Last modified: 2021-06-22


Impact and dynamic fracture behavior studies in the structures always hold importance in many areas of science and everyday phenomenon. A process of fracture phenomenon and mechanics of blunt-shaped projectile moving at a high impact velocity will result in fragmentation due to dynamic stress loading also known as the classical Taylor rod impact problem. The present investigation demonstrates the deformation/fracture behavior of the flat-faced Taylor rod using different direct integration schemes (Single/Multi step Houbolt, Newmark beta, Generalized Alpha) under implicit transient dynamic operator. The study also represents the effect of variation of constant parameters in the different direct integration schemes. The finite element analysis is performed using MSC Marc Mentat™. It is further added the damage model is incorporated as a Fortran routine in MSC Marc. It is found that instability in the algorithm and irregular deformation can occur using the Newmark Beta scheme. It is also found that the results can be overpredicted using a single/multi-step Houbolt operator due to high numerical dissipation and the Generalized-alpha method has been presented as an unconditionally stable that allows controllable numerical dissipation and the deformation consistent with experimental results.



Computational Mechanics, Finite Element Analysis, Dynamic transient operators, Taylor Rod, Newmark Beta, Houbolt, Generalized Alpha.

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