ICCM2015: Invitation Letter for Visa Application

Dear All,


Only those corresponding authors (the first person in the author list), whose country of affiliation (institute/university) requires them a visa to visit New Zealand (including China), will be sent an electronic invitation letter (pdf copy) by next Tuesday 14 April by email.


If you are a national of a different country than where your institute/university is and you need a visa. please contact the chairman Dr Raj Das, r.das@auckland.ac.nz


If you are not the corresponding author, but intend to attend the conference, please send an email to the chairman Dr Raj Das, r.das@auckland.ac.nz, indicating the information below.


Usually we discourage use of paper-copy letters because of environmental consideration. However, we will issue a paper-copy by post only for the case if NZ embassy in your country specifically needs a paper-copy. Please indicate such a case by contacting the chairman. Note: participants from China will be sent paper-copy because of such a regulation.


When requesting an invitation letter paper-copy, please send an email to the chairman Dr Raj Das,r.das@auckland.ac.nz, include following information:


Title (Professor/Dr/etc)

Full name



Passport no  (if they wish to be included)

Paper title:

Paper ID:

Please also indicate if you need a letter in PDF version or by post.


Kind regards

Dr Raj Das

Chairman, ICCM